Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Satan's Strategy "Strategy Of Offense"
Offense is a majior strategy of the devil. Its very hidden and when exposed can bring people into captivity. Its been used to seperate and sever the bestrelationships. Husbands and wives, Fathers and sons, Mothers and daughters and Shepherds from sheep. Jesus said very clearly that it would be prevelant in the last days. In the last days many would be offended betray and hate one another(Matt 24:10) Its very important each blood bought born again believer have an awareness of this strategy. Why? Because Jesus said Its impossible not have the opportunity to be offended(Luke 17:1) The word offended comes from the Grk word SCANDALON. It refers to the part of a trap baited to catch an animal. Think of it like a hidden landmind. If you have watched a war picture, there are times soldiers would be walking and all the sudden one would step on landmind that they didnt see and got blew up. This is exactly what the enemy endeavors to do with the landmind of offense. It produces the root of bitterness and this in turn produces the fruit of envy jealousy division resentment hostility and a harvest of many other things. David dealt with offense He laments Its not an enemy that reproaches than my soul could bear but it was a man MINE EQUAL(Psalm 55:12-14) Mine equal simply meant that the person that had wronged him was very close to him. The closer the association the greater the potential of offense. We must be very careful where we place expectation. When we give to someone expecting a return than we havent given them anything, we have loaned it. Giving is not loaning. God said through the mouth of Paul people taken captive at satans will(2 Tim 2:26) However the good news right before it says that God will grant us the gift of repentence at the ACKNOWLEDGING OF THE TRUTH! Simply admit than quit in Jesus name! Finally feedom from Offense. Number one, Love the word not your feelings. The bible declares Great peace to those that love my law and nonething shall offend them. so many of us deal with offense because we are dominated and dictated to by our feelings. Remember this phrase and never forget it Do what produces good, not what feels good! You might be tempted to hold onto to an offense but Jesus said it would better for a milestone to be tied around our neck and drowned in the sea. There are two pains in life discipline and regret. The pain of discipline weighs ounces , the pain of regret weighs tons! Paul said I put my body under subjection(1 Cor 9:27) I was the real Paul. We have an outward man and an inward man. Its that inward man that delights in the law of God and we must submit our unregenerated flesh to it. The process is not always comfortable because through it our motives our exposed through the fire of affliction test and trials. Its the reason some seem to be moving rigtht along but when the wind and fire comes persecution arises for the words sake many become offended even through they endured for a season(Mark 4:17) Jesus tells us why? They had NO ROOT IN THEMSELVES! What are we to be rooted in the love of God! ye may be ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN LOVE!Eph 3:16) Love never fails and has been shed abroad in our hearts by the HolyGhost(Rom 5:5) However it has not been shed abroad to our outward man. We have to allow the love of God within us be worked out of us. Its in that process that our feelings are being submitted to faith and that perfect love will cast out all fear in our lives. Why? Because we will loose the sense of self preservation and our life will be hid in Christ Jesus! Jesus said Whosoever loses his life SHALL gain it!!! Number two, Law of Love. God said through the mouth of Paul Whatever a man soweth that SHALL they also REAP, WHOSOEVER SOWS to the SPIRIT SHALL of the spirit REAP(Gal 6:7,8) Now notice this is for WHOSOEVER! This will work for anyone. We must put faith in the law of love and realize that even through you may not reap from the field in which you have sown or reap as quickly as you would like you WILL REAP! ITS A LAW!!!!! When our minds are renewed to that it will enable us to love people even more! Glory to God! God is not a man that he should lie! Trust the law of love!!!!!!!!! The natural laws were brought into existence by the spiritual laws. We often trust them more than the ones we cannot see. We would never think of violating the natural laws like gravity for a nanosecond, how much more SPIRITUAL LAWS! Third Refuse to think or talk about the offense anymore! We must actively engage our thought life and make ourselves think on things that are honest just lovely and of a good report(Phil 4:8) We choose our thoughts! If you are allowing yourself to think about the offense, your choosing too. No ones making you! Our lives will move in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. When we let our minds think about the offense its like building a riverbed that can only flow in one direction and impacts and influences the stram of life flowing through us. The awesome news is we can build a BRAND NEW RIVERbed! People say I cant, again change the the cant to wont and you have atleast faced the truth. Our flesh likes to holdon to an offense and feel sorry for ourselves. Lets tell the Flesh your FIRED! Finally dont talk about it anymore! Life and death is in the power of our tounge(Prov 18:21) It goes onto say we shall est the fruit thereof. Dont continue to be a sick through speech. Sickness can many times be a direct result of our speech. We keep rehersing and rehashing, its time to do some forgiving and forgetting. Especially if its your ownself. Give yourself a break your not perfect just forgiven right? Maybe you have been used just like me in thyis strategy of satan. If your anything like me you'll want to get in there and attempt to fix it. Look as much as it lieth within you DO IT! However sometimes the best thing to do is let go aned let God, Hes "The Specialist" He can make darkness look like light! Remember what he said through the Psalmist? The darkness and the light to me are the same(Psalm 139) I recommend readers to purchase "The Bait Of Satan" The Lord wrote this thruJohn Bevere. Its one of the greatest books ever written on the subject
"Satan's Strategies"
In the next series of blogs the Lord has quickened me to dive into the enemies strategies. The bible commands us to put on the whole armor of God that we may stand AGAINST WILES of the devil(Eph 6:11) The word wiles is also the word strategy. Iam sure many reading this blog have seen the cartoon Bugs Bunny. In it there were two characters, the roadrunner and coyote. The coyote was always conjuring up a plan to get the roadrunner into his trap. However it ended up backfiring on him and the very thing setup he succumed to. Isint it interesting that the coyotes name was WILe E coyote? This is exactly how the enemy operates. He sets up trapes and often their hidden. The reason for it is so that he can get us ensnared and entraped. He wants very much to steal kill and destroy. God said through the mouth of Peter Hes like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour(1 Peter 5:8) We must know how he operates. God said through the mouth of Paul Be not ignorant of his devices lest satan get an advantage(2 Cor 2:11) So through the next few blogs we are going to dive deep into these devices. Knowledge is power! What we dont know can kill us! God said through the mouth of Hosea My people are destroyed through a lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) Jesus said We shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free(John 8:32) Its not the truth that makes us free its the truth we KNOW! Think about it. This is whats done in the game of sports. Opposing teams watch and examine tapes and different footage so they can "sizeup" their opponents! The bible says in the amplified translation We wrestle not against flesh and blood or physical opponents but against spiritual opponents(Eph 6:12) Finally in this beginning blog lets deal with an awesome phrase at the beginning of Ephesians six verse number eleven. PUT ON! Its our responsibility to put this full armor on and stand against these wiles schemes and devices of the devil. Nobody can do it for us! we can pray for and encourage each other but ultimately its up to us to get into this supernatural battle with Johovah nissi "our banner" in the time of war at our sides guranteeing smashing success! Read the next few blogs in this series with a readiness to avenge the avasary in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tough People Triumph Through Tough Times Pt2 What are we looking at?
In the last blog we began discussing how to be tough in a tough time. God expects us to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, not to pitch a tent and STAY THERE! The Lord Jesus himself said that there would be in this world tribulation, BUT be of GOOD CHEER I have OVERCOME the WORLD(John 16:33) We talked about some of the ways that we stay tough thus turning the tough time into triumph. we must understand that staying tough is the catalyst that caterpolts change. Attitude, Awareness, Attention, Annointing, Association, Agreement. Were going to go on and piggy back off awareness. One of the things that keeps us tough in a tough time is our awareness of Gods amazing and awesome ability in the midst of the circumstance and condition. In order for us to do that we have to be looking UNTO. The lord said through the mouth of Paul that Faith is the EVIDENCE of things not seen(Heb 11:1) We have our evidence not by the natural but by the spiritual. This is what enables us to be in an atmosphere of faith. It maybe a fact that your in a tough time physically, your like just riddled with symptoms. Its than and there that we must look unto the word that declares HIMSELF took our infirmities in his own body on the tree. Or perhaps its a tough time in finances, its than and there that we must look at the word that says My God shall supply all my needs in Christ Jesus, I have never seen the righteous forsaken or seed begging for bread, My God owns the cattle on a thiusand hills, ALL the gold and silver is his, God is able to make ALL GRACE ABOUND TOWARD US CAUSING US TO BE SUFFICIENT IN ALL THINGS ENABLING US TO ABOUND TO EVERY GOOD WORK! Perhaps its relationally. We have to look unto the word that says God gives us favor with God and man(Prov 3:4) and He that hath friends must show themselves friendly. Maybe its in the work place. We have to look to the word that says as I put my hand to the plough and in word or deed doing it all in the name of Jesus heartily as unto the Lord my blessing shall be bountiful. This is the thing we have to be looking. Its our choice 24/7 what we'll be looking at. Remember what God said to Abraham All the LAND you SEE(Gen 13:14) SHALL BE YOURS, Jesus said If thy EYE be single thine whole body shall be full of light! Have you ever noticed that you can have two people one is positive and always on the up and the other one is like a Debbie Downer. Sometimes from the outside looking in it could look like Gods better to some people than others. Its like some poeople are always in victory and others althrough love Jesus and are on their way to Heaven seem to have half of Hell on their case. The bible says there is NO TEMPTATION SUCH IS AS COMMON TO MAN(1 Cor 10:13) The Lord said out of the mouth of Peter These same afflictions are accomplished in thy brethern that is in the world(1 Peter 5:9) Its just some look at the wrong thing and others look at the right thing. There is a poem that goes "Two men LOOKED through prison bars one SAW mud and the other SAW stars" Jesus said ANNOINT thine eyes with eye sav(Rev 3:18) We need to have annointed vision that exrays right through the natual into the promise and provision of almighty God! Its the reason that God instructed Paul to pray for the church of Ephesus that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened! The bible says LET NOT THE WORD DEPART FROM THINE EYES(Prov 4:21) Several blogs ago we talked about these things and one thing mentioned was the fact that Job made a covenant with his eyes(Job 31:1) We have to commit to looking at the right things! god said through the mouth of Paul the things seen in the natual are temporal(2 Cor 4:18) This totally means its SUBJECT TO CHANGE! The bible says LOOKING UNTO JESUS(Heb 12:2) In order to look unyo, we have to FIRST LOOK AWAY from somethingelse. Why is that important? If we dont we'll eventually get into doublemindedness! Iam telling ya friends this one of the biggest reasons why people are unable to recieve! Iam talking about bible believing tounge talking christians! The word double comes from the word duo meaning two. Remember in the book of First Kings Elijah was up against the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal? He made this profound statement HOW LONG SHALL YOU BE BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS?(1 Kings 18:21) Its what we look at that causes us to be between two opinions thus getting us into a double minded state. God said in and through the mouth of James that if wee in that condition WE CANNOT RECIEVE FROM GOD, A DOUBLE MINDED MAN IS UNSTABLE IN ALL THY WAYS(Jms 1:6-8) Ok three things that will empower us to keep our eyes in and on the right thing. Number one Turn. We simply turn our focus on the promise not the problem. Number two, Thanks. Thanksgiving will keep us looking at the right thing. God said through the mouth of Paul In everything give thanks for this is the WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS(1 Thess 5:18) Thanksgiving keeps us in the will of God and in doing d=so enables us to enter into the perfect will of God(Rom 12:2) in our lives! Number three, Teach. The HolySpirit is the teacher and he'll teach us how to look at the right things. We have that witness within ourselves. He taught Paul contentment. He said Ive LEARNED to be content(Phil 4:12) we are able to learn somethings. One of the greatest things he'll teach us is learning how to look at the right things and Jesus said when we do our whole body will be full of light! We'll be so full of faith and it will bring us into the power of his plan and purpose in Jesus name!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tough People Triumph Through Tough Times
The bible says in the last days there would be perilous times(2 Tim 3:1) We see these things unfolding over the face of the Earth. Its attempting to infiltrate families marriages and finances. Jesus said in the last times there would be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes pesilences offenses and betrayel. in these days its time to take a tough stand and fight the good fight of faith. Its the time to penetrate and piearce through enemy lines until we touch the hem of his garment in victory! We are not called to whine but to shine for the glory of God! Were not wimps but warriors in the army of the living God! Hes given us the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal but mighty through God, hes fashioned each element of the full armor of God that we must PUT ON. When Jesus hung on that cross in his last breath said IT IS FINISHED(John 19:30) It meant that everything has been bought and paid for but it must be applied and appropriated. This comes by us having a spine of steel not of sphegetti. How do we be tough and triumph in tough times? Number one, Attitude. Our attitude is an advance man of our true self. Its roots are hidden but the fruit is always revealed. Its an attraction or its a repelent. Our attitude is our choice. Jesus said that no man can take our joy, and elaenor rossevelt said that "no one can make us feel inferior without our consent" Whether were bitter or better, pitiful or poweful is all a result of our attitude. Attitude changes atmospheres. we can be in the midst of the toughest time and attitude will be a catalyst that caterpolts change. Consider Joeseph thrown into a pit and into a prision by his own family. He remained steadfast in his attitude! as a result he went from the prison to the palace in one day. Paul & silas at the midnight hour chose their attitude by praising God so loud the prisoners heard. They were delivered so supernaturally that a jailor fell to his knees asking what he could do to be saved! Habbakukk in the midst of a tremendously tough time said I WILL REJOICE in the God of my salvation and his feet were made like hines feet. Dr victor frankel a jewish doctor captured during the holocost exeplified the true essence of an awesome attitude. After it ended he made this statement. "Everything can be taken from a man but his right to choose his own attitude" Never forget this next phrase, allow the HolySpirit to burn it into your mind from this time forward. Our attitude determines our ALTITUDE! God can only promote us where our character can KEEP US! When the going gets tough the TOUGH GET GOING! This is what reveals to God if were really made for the next level. Our attitude also determines our ATTAINMENT! Thomas was a doubting thumbsucker that would only believe when he saw, Paul was a warrior who walked by faith and was shipwrecked slandered and stoned! The difference? ATTITUDE! When do we choose our attitude? First thing in the morning or beginning of your day. God said througth the mouth of David This is the DAY the LORD HAS MADE I WILL REJOICE and be glad in it(Psalm 118:24) and he also said EARLY WILL I SEEK THEE(Psalm 63:1, Prov 8:17) Number two, Awareness. We must be aware that God has the power to change the darkness into light, the scar into a star and the ashes into beauty. God specializes in taking lemons and making it lemonade. We must look to HIM! God said through the mouth of Paul UNTO HIM that is able to do EXEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK(Eph 3:20) God said through the mouth of Zekeriah NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT MY SPIRIT SAITH THE LORD(Zec 4:6) Every miracle begins with nonething, and miracles come in CANS!!! Remember when Jesus fed the five thousand? This was a tough thing in the natural. There wasent nearly the supply for it to be done. Oh but when JESUS gets involved!!!!!!!!!!! Power permiates and produces! Let Jesus come into your marriage, family, finances! He'll do what you cannot do! We've got to be aware that hes able and than think like it speak like it and act like it in the name of Jesus! Number three, Attention. our full undivided attention must be on the word of the living God. The Lord said through the mouth of Bro Copeland Make no plans on the media or what politicans are saying. He has a plan for us and its good and will lead us to a strong place of victory. We have a choice in this time, Whose report are we going to believe? The words of man or the words of God? The bible says that God is not a man that he should lie(Num 23:19) and God said through the mouth of Paul Let God be true and EVERY MAN A LIAR(Rom 3:4) The bible says My son ATTEND TO MY WORDS(Prov 4:20) The order from headquarter is very clear, only focus on the words of Jesus that are spirit and life(John 6:63) If your born again, you have the HolySpirit abiding and aboding on the inside of you. Jesus said that he would lead us into all truth and show us the things to come(John 16:13) Do we need to listen to every news report to know what to do? A million times no! Jesus said himself we'll not be shocked or suprised. However we must attend to him! This doesent happen overnight. We have to spend time allowing him to lead us by still waters meditating on his word day and night and its than his spirit will bear witness with our spirit(Rom 8:16) We'll KNOW IN OUR KNOWER when and where and what to do! Glory to God! Number four, Association. we must be connected with those that are going to encourage and empower us. We must be surrounded with those that will affirm and not assault the fact that the tough time will turn into tremendous triumph! One of the greatest lessons any of us can learn is the power of disassociation. God told Abraham to seperate from his Fathers house and his kingfolks(Gen 12:1) The bible says that the disciples forsook all to follow him in the gospel of Luke! Jesus throughout the synoptic gospels would seperate himself and spend time with the Father. Why? Its so he could POWER UP! So he could be tough in tough times! The ten spies bringing forth the evil report caused two million to die in the wilderness from ages twenty and up(Num 13,14) God said through the mouth of Paul Bad company corrupts good manners(1 Cor 15:33) If we play with fire, we'll be burned, if we spend to much time at the barbershop we'll eventually end up with a haircut, getting to close to the beehive will get us stung! Number five, Agreement. There is power in twos! Jesus sent the church out two by two(Luke 10:1) The bible says that TWO puts ten thousand to flight!(Deut 32:30) Jesus said that if any two of us agree on touching anything we ask it shall be done by the Father in Heaven(Matt 18:19) In the book of Acts the bible gives us an incredible account of the power of agreement in the midst of a tough time. Peter was in prison and the early church went to war in the power of agreement and he was so supernaturally delivered that they didnt even regognize him when he showed up on the doorstep!(Acts 12) Agreement will assimulate his awesome ability into our tough time! Number six, Annointing. The annointing is the tangible transfer of his power into our present. Jesus said that the spirit of the Lord was upon him to heal the brokenhearted and set at liberty those that are bruised and proclaim the good and acceptable year of the Lord(Luke 4:18) God said through the mouth of Isiah The yoke shall BE DESTROYED BY THE ANNOINTING(Isiah 10:27) God said through the mouth of John that we have the annointing abiding in us!(1 John 2:20,27) Its not a matter of the annoitning being in us, its about it being released! How is it released into our tough times? There are a number of ways that the bible presents. Our words, points of contacts(prayer cloths, communion) sowing seeds into an annointed ground( as in the case of the widow of Zeraphath and the Shunamite Woman) Praying in the HolySpirit for the Lord said through the mouth of Paul that the sprit searches the mind and KNOWS the will of God and doing so causes all things to work together for good(Rom 8:27,28) Number seven, Aggression. Jesus said that the VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE(Matt 11:12) Its not a time to be passive but AGGRESSIVE! In the book of Numbers Josua and Caleb displayed this when they said Lets POSSES the LAND! They did'nt see the size of the giants but GOD! In the book of acts Peter and John displayed this while preaching in the name of jesus which gotr them cast out of the temple, they got wioth their own company and PRAYED THAT THY WOULD SPEAK THE WORD WITH EVEN MORE BOLDNESS!!! This is agression my friend! The best defense is a good offense. Aggression impresses Jesus. In the book of Matthew There is the account of the Syrophenician woman that was not from the lost sheep of the house of Isreal. These at this time were the people that Jesus was called to reach. When she came to him decreeing her plea. Jesus said that its not meet to take the childrens bread and cast it to the dogs. Oh but listen to the response and reply Yet the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters table(Matt 15:25,27) Can someone say agression? Oh Glory to God! Think about if Jesus would've called you a dog lol Would'nt you had been tempted with the thought of oh boy this is useless? This woman was agressive and the lord is calling us to be agressive in this tough time. finally blind Bathameaus a begger on the side of the road. he had heard that Jesus was passing by. He began to cry out with a loud voice and the crowd charged hom to hold his peace, BUT HE CRIED OUT LOUDER! Than get this next verse JESUS STOOD STILL(Mark 10:49) Oh theres something about faith and fortitude that causes Jesus to stop in his tracks! Dont bend or bow to the tough time engage with the blood word and name! Keep going to church and surround yourself with a posse that will pray with authority! TOUGH PEOPLE TRIUMPH THROUGH TOUGH TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An End Of All Strife
This is going to be one of the most important blogs the Lord has brought forth. Strife is a most series subject. Its the devils playground, its the very manifestation of his person. The above title is an exact quote from the word of God. It declares AN END OF ALL STRIFE(Heb 6:16) In this blog were going to discuss the dangers of it and how to get up out of it in the name of Jesus. In the book of beginnings we find an incredible account of Abraham and Lot. God had given them land and there had begun a dispute among the servants. Rather than get into the strife, Abraam took the highroad and let him have the land. Now heres the thing he had the right to the land. It belonged to him by right of inheritance. However he humbled himself and refused to connect with contention. We see later that God rewarded him by giving him all the land he could see north south east and west(Gen 13:14) The intrical part of the puzzle of that provision was not getting into the strife. God said through the mouth of James Where strife is THERE IS EVERY EVIL WORK(Jms 3:16) This means that when we get into strife it gives him the legal right to enter in and do what he does best STEAL KILL AND DESTROY. We find how strife impacted and influenced the Corinthian Church. The Lord had birthed and breeded things into Paul that he was dealing with him about sharing. However he was unable to get oiut what he had put in. The bible said that he told them there are many things I have to say to you but your unable to recieve it. You are in STRIFE & envying and have need of MEAT but cannot take milk(1 Cor 3:3) This church was the bible believing scripture quoting tounge talking group of the day. It was the strife that they LET IN that caused them to become body ruled and need conscience. They had become a people that compared and contrast. The bible says Let NONETHING be done through STRIFE(Phil 2:3) We find powerful illustrations in the New Testement. James and John began to get into strife abouyt who would sit at the right hand of the throne. The Lord simply shut down the strife by saying He that shall be the least shall be the greatest(Mark 10:43) On another occassion James & John wanted to send fire down as Elijah did uponj the people. It was so totally intense that they had been given the nickname "Sons Of Thunder" Jesus just simply said You dont even know what spirit your of(Luke 9:55) The son of man has not come to destroy mens lives but to save them! Lets now discuss how to bring AN END OF ALL STRIFE Number one, Commitment. We must commit ourselves to living a strife free life. When we really commit to do something its than we can really follow through. We have made this statement in past times. We decide or decide not to decide but in either case we have made our decision! A great way of consecrating a commitment to the Lord is through communion. The bible says were to commit our thoughts to him(Prov 16:3) and our ways to him(Psalm 37:3) Number Two, Communication. our words frame form and fashion. Words have the ability to heal or hurt, pollute or purify, create or destroy, build or break. Communication is very important to any association. It functions the same way that circulation does in the human body. Think about if it gets cut off to an area it begins to deeply effect and eventually that part will die. Same way if our communication isint effectionate and effective. The Lord years ago spoke to me and said "Brian Its not about communication, its all about how we communicate" The way we communicate makes all the difference in the world whether or not we keep strife from entering in or if we let it in thus giving the devil a place. The bible says a SOFT answer TURNS AWAY WRATH(Prov 15:1) Proverbs says that the law of kindness be in our tounges. James said that sweet and bitter waters cannot flow from the same spring either does blessing or cursing(Jms 3:10,11). Cursing is far above just using profanity. Paul said Let NO CORRUPT COMMUNICATION procced from our mouth except for the GOOD OF EDIFYING(Eph 4:29) Number three Care. When we care abput people and always have their intertests in mind were be able to stay out of things that gender strife. We can disagree and yet not become disagreeable! God said through the mouth of Paul Let no man think on his own things but the things of others(Phil 2:4) Love is never self centered but other centered! Next, Correct vision. How we see a thing makes all the difference in the people planet. Abraham saw the big picture! God said we see through NOW a glass darkly(1 Cor 13:12) In other words you may not see how taking the high road and humbling yourself is paying off but you have to see it through the "eyes of faith" Abraham undoubtably had no clue that making the decision to avoid strife was going to bring about pay day in his life, either do we! God blesses obedience! look at the overall! Look unto JESUS, the author and finisher of these situations and scenarios!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Ressurrection "Recovery Of Dominion"
In the book of beginnings God created man in is his image and likeness and GAVE US DOMION and commanded us to SUBDUE! Many times throughout the old Covenant the Lord would tell his servants to SOJOURN in the land.What does that mean? It meant to take authority and walk in the domion thats been given to us through the death burial ressurrection and acension of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of Adams transgression were all made sinners, but through one mans obedience many have been made righteouss and given back the power to dominate and dictate to speak to trhe moutain commanding it to depart with even just the mustard seed of faith! Glory to God! Without the ressurrection of Jesus, The Lord said through the mouth of Paul that are preaching and believing would be in vain and we would be like men most miserable(1 Cor 15) However as a result of him arising triumphantly, you and I have been given the keys of the Kingdom and whatever we bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, whatever we loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven(Matt 16:19) We must live in the revelation of the ressurrected life! We were made to SIT withHIM in HEAVENLY PLACES(Eph 2:6) Think like it, Talk like it, and ACT like it in JESUS NAME! Jesus said Behold I give you POWER (AUTHORITY) OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY(Luke 10:19) God said through the mouth of Paul That I may KNOW HIM AND THE POWER OF HIS RESSURRECTION(Phil 3:10) What Adam LOST, We have GAINED THROUGH CHRIST JESUS! The Lord is telling us in this very day SOUJORN in the situation! Do not bow or bend, stand ramrod straight and speak to the mountain until it microwaves in front of your face! If your in Christ Jesus Today your ANNOINTED APPOINTED AND ACCEPTED! He has his righteous right hand cuffed behind his ear waiting for the release of our rhema word!!! God said to David Three tremendous words in Ziklag PURSUE OVERTAKE AND RECOVER ALL(1 Sam. 30:18) Quit being pushed & pulled by what you see and fill the cornerstone of our faith has been accomplished through the unseen. Things are made by things that DONT APPEAR! God said through the mouth of John As He IS SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD!!!(1 John 4:17) ALL BECAUSE OF THE RESSURRECTION! Jesus said IAM THE RESSURRECTION & the life(John 11:25)! Christ Jesus is RESSURRECTION! Happy RESSURRECTION SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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