Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Revival Of R'S
This past week the Lord had me in the midst of Revival that began on Sunday night and has lasted throughout the entire week. Eachday He quickened to me a word that began with the letter R. The first day was Repentence. Jesus while on this earth preached repentence and the Kingdom of God. The word RE-PENT is a mixture of the prefix re which means to return and the suffix PENT that means highest position. When Adam & Eve were in the garden they walked with God in the coolness of the day in perfect fellowship with the Father. However when sin entered in and closeness was broken and immediately they hid from God. God killed an animal covering them in the skin. This was the first shadowing of the blood sacrifice. Atonement is an old testement word that meant to cover, we under the New Covenant are not covered but cleansed completely from all unrighteousness. Once we repent and ask to be cleansed by his blood we return to the highest position with him! Repentence can come to a nation, when the people that are called by his name humble themselves pray seek and turn from their wicked ways(aka repent) He promises to do three things HEAR, ANSWER, & HEAL!(2 Chron 7:14) Repentence came to Ninevah, after Jonah Gods preacher got there preaching the power of the word. The next word was Renewal. The only way that renewal can come into our lives is by us being tranformed by the renewing of our mind(Rom 12:2) Right thinking leads to right believing thus producing right living. Tuesdays word was Reinforcement. We must re establish our purpose for being on this earth. In my life the two primmary purposes for me sucking air on this planet is intercession & exaltation. God has founded each of us before the foundations of the world(Eph 1:4) There is a divine plan & purpose for each of us. We must find it and walk ye in it by reinforcing it to ourselves each day without fear or favor, with great intensity and zero apology! Yestedays word was Resilience. A great picture of this is found in Davids mighty man named Eleazar. He fought so resiliently that the sword cleaved to his hand(2 Sam 23:10) Jesus speaks to this when he says He that puts their hand to the plough and looks back is unfit for the kingdom(Luke 9:62) There are lazorbeams that cut through solid steel! God is looking for lazerbeam christians in the name of Jesus! We must adopt the attitude of the three Hebrews, we WILL NOT BEND, BOW, OR BURN! My friend thats RESILIENCE! Todays word is Rememberence. God after blessing the children of Israel would say Remember after you have been filled with plenty that you FORGET NOT the Lord your God that brought you out from the land of bondage. Psalm 77:11 says Surely I will remember thy works of old. When people in the old testement would get into situations that in the natural looked insurmountable, they would simply lift up their eyes to the hills and bring back to rememberence the wonderous works of his past delivering power. He is the same Yesterday, Today & Forever!(Heb 13:8) Allow these spirit inspired words that begin with the letter R bring revival to your lives in the name of Jesus!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Power Of Thanksgiving pt 2 "The Enemy Of Thanksgiving"
In the last blog we talked about the power of thanksgiving. In this one were going to discuss the enemy of thanksgiving. We have already talked about the fact that thanksgiving is a crucial and intregal element in keeping our request before the throne of God. The enemy Iam talking about is called compaining. The bible commands us to do all things without murmuring or disputing(Phil 2:14) The old testement was written for our admonition and example. It tells us that the children of Israel became unthankful and thus adopting an attitude of ingratitude. The book of Deut says that it was to be an eleven day journey into the promiseland, but it turned into forty years. Why? Its because they had mastered the wine line. They allowed their surroundings to fill them with sorrow leading them to griping & growning. Remember thanksgiving is a catalyst of change causing us to stay in the will of God for our lives. Whats in a persons heart will come up out of their mouth. Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth shall speak(Matt 12:34, Luke 6:45) Whats inside us is always revealed in the presence of pressure. Its just like once gold is placed in fire is when we can see the impurities. In talking about these things, I like to use the example of the toothpaste tube. When we squeeze it hard enough tootpaste will ooze out. Our lives are exactly the same way. What are we letting in our hearts? Were commanded to guard or keep our hearts with all diligence for out of it flow the issues(aka forces) of life(Prov 4:23) Because what gets in us will surely come out of us. James puts in the form of a rhetorical question. Can bitter & sweet water flow from the same spring? We must understand that the rudder of our tounge was given to praise & offer up the sacrifice of thanksgiving. We are all going to be tempted to complain. The tounge is a the littlest member that boasts of great things(Jms 3:5) When that temptation comes leaning upon the doorbell of our life, its than and there we must not forget its the enemy of the catalyst that causes & creates. Jesus puts it this way Whosoever shall not doubt in their heart but shall believe what they say shall come to pass they shall have whatever they saith(Mark 11:23) Our hearts and mouths are totally connected. May our hearts be full of thanksgiving running like a a rushing mighty stream of life bringing increase by the fruit of our lips.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Power Of Thanksgiving
We are very rapidly approaching the Thanksgiving holiday. It is by far my favorite one of the entire year. Its the only time that my family comes together in its fullness. Everytime were gathered together on that sacred day there is an annointing released that cannot be acurately articulated. Its something that ought be celebrated each day of our lives. The fact is thanksgiving is a catalyst that keeps us in his perfect will. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us(1 Thess 5:18) The more thankful we become the more we'll recieve the miracle of multiplication. Remember when Jesus multiplied the fish & loaves feeding five thousand people? The very fist thing he did was take them into his hands and GAVE THANKS. Being thankful for what we already have becomes a gateway of much more being multipled into our lives. Were practicing the power of contentment. People are often unthankful. The focus is on what they dont have and not on what they do. The bible says in the book of Romans when we fail to give thanks are understanding becomes darkened. We'll be the like the boy named Jimmie that will take whatever you'll gimmie! Thanksgiving is the key to a successful prayerlife. In everything by prayer & supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God(Phil 4:6) I have heard it said that "Thanksgiving is like the lid on the jar of our faith". It is pivotal in keeping our prayer request before the throne of God rolling like streams of sweet smelling savor in the nostrils of the Heavenly Father. On that day while your enjoying the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pies. Please take the time to be thankful to the God that has given ytou the appetite to eat it. Please be thankful unto God for the precious monumental moments that we've been given on this side of the Jordan river to be with family and friends. Lets live each day as if its our lastday cause one day if the Lord tarries his coming it will be!
Monday, October 6, 2008
"The Comback"
I've always been into comebacks. God is all about our comeback. He has destined us to come out on top and be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Maybe some today are plaqued by past failures. Some of them could have been as recently as this morning! We must realize that grace is greater than all our sins, slips & shortcomings. In the last blog we talked about the life of Sampson. We focused on the "pain of price" that he paid through stinking thinking & stupid decisions. We must never make any mistake about it, there is a high price to low living! However there is another side to the story. In the midst of shame, He beseeched the Lord to give him strength to shake himself one last time. God granted it to him enabling the pillars to come upon the philistines. It goes onto say one of the most amazing & astounding things "So the dead that he slew in his death were more than they which he slew in his life." Simply stating the best is yet to come! Lets get back into the game, the final score has yet to be posted on the scoreboard! Things are about to turn around in your favor! Think like it, speak like it & act like it in Jesus name! Take heed to the words of admonition the Lord spoke through the apostle Paul... Forgetting those things that are behind, pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high-calling of God in Christ Jesus(Phil 3:13,14) Never forget this powerful& profound phrase, "God never consults are past to determine our future." Thou hast kept the best wine until NOW."(John 2:10) Now is the appointed time!(2 Cor 6:2) Refuse to be bound to the torment of yesterday. Its long gone! Do not go back to the barnyard of bitter memory. Renew your mind to the fact that its never too late with God! Remember the story of Lazarus. A man that was very near to the point of death. Mary & Martha beseeched Jesus to come and heal him. Jesusnot come instantly, He tarried there two more days. Once he arrived, the two sisters were completely bent. "If you would have come, he might not died" He wept with them & said LAZARUS COME FORTH! Remember God always has the last word in a situation, if we obey Him. A dead man proceeded to come up out of the tomb of death as the graveclothes fell straight to the ground. Its a new day,with new DIRECTION!!! Awesome quote that the Lord birthed & breeded from an annointed instrument named Pastor Tony. Allow the "graveclothes" of disappointment over the past fall stragight to the ground thus granting a new and living way in your life. It indeed is time for "The Comeback"!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Passing Pleasure, Permanent Pain
We live in a society that thinks that there can be pleasure without pain. There is a definition that goes.. "Sin is the deceptive offer of pleasure without penalty" This can range anywhere from people living together without being under the blessing of the marriage covet, a person involved in a crooked deal seeking personal profit, a lie told in the attempt to cover the truth, the defimation of anothers character with the intension of getting ahead or making oneself look good, an assasination of anothers reputation by a toxic tounge. The list can be a mile long. Why? The bible says that in the last days people will love pleasures more than they love God(2 Tim 3:4) This means that individuals will be so engulfed in the deception of their pleasures that they will forget the power of principle. This is what happened to Sampson. The strongest man in the bible with an incredible annointing upon his life. He defeated a whole host that encamped round about by the single jawbone of a donkey. His pleasure lead him astray. Despite the warnings of his parents, he had forgotten the power of principle. It was in his consecration as a Nazarite, that a razor was never to touch his head thus granting him his strength. Principle finally caught up with Sampson while sharing the secret of his strength with devilous Delia. He was quickly captured and exposed publically. It was pain on display! This is the enemies darkest desire, to make us a spectacle of shame. We cannot run fast enough to hide from the radar of principle. Surely are sins shall find us out(Num 32:23) The bible says that there is pleasure in sin for a season(Heb 11:25) The Lord spoke to me almost two years ago with this phrase "Practicing Principles Produces Power." When were people of principle, we'll people of his power!
Wisdom Cries In The Streets
The bible says that wisdom cries in the streets(Prov 1:20) Wisdom is the application of knowledge. People perish & are destroyed not by lack of education, talent, might, ability or money, but a lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) We must ponder the areas of our life that seem to be perishing. Is it in our spirit, mind, emotions, families, relationships, friendships or finances? Are you searching for wisdom that is crying out from the streets to be heard? Years ago there was a bracelet that was very popular with the letters WWJD. I think it would have been cool for one to say WDWS(What Does Word Say?) Jesus would do exactly what his word says because he is the same yesterday, today & forever! In the the glove compartment of an automobile lies an instruction manual. In there provides the answers to anything pertaining to the vehicle. The bible is the manual of life. It has does & will provide the answers to life. There is a statement that goes, Those that have a bible falling apart:have a life thats not! We know in the last days perilous(difficult) times will come(2 Tim 3:1) However those that take heed to instruction will thrive and be as the cedars of Lebannon whose root structures shoot down so deep that no wind can blow it over! Jesus talks about two builders, one that built on rock and the other sand. The one that built on the rock stood strong, solid, & secure, the other built upon sand and great was the fall. What happened? Both were believers built upon Jesus. It was the DOER, not the hearer that stood steadfast! We as children of God should be just like Mary the mother of Jesus, whatever He tells us to, DO IT!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Power Of Recovery
Think about the heaviest weight upon you, or the biggest yoke thats around your neck. Most of the things that we've have had come into our lives have been self inflicted. I realize its a big statement, but its permiated with truth. Our decisions determine destinies. Life is about producing good, not feeling good. Whatever has been going on in your life can change right here at this very moment. There was a message titled Want a change? Make a change. How awesome is that! Our consequecnes are often the byproduct of choice. Everyday there is set before us choices. The bible says in Deut 30:19 I have set before you life & death, blessing & cursing, CHOOSE LIFE. As I type out this blog, please realize that Iam speaking to the choir. The God news is that we can recover and be a very new species of being. Many times that verse in 2 Cor 5:17 If any man be in Christ they are a new creature, old things are passed away behold all things become new is often used only and primarily in referring to the new birth. However it can also happen to us even after we've been shipwrecked by stinking thinking leading to stupid choices. 2 Timothy gives us some golden nuggets pertaining to it. God will grant us repentence to the ACKNOWLEDGING OF THE TRUTH. We must simply admit, iam out of faith, i've yeilded to fear, Iam allowing doubt to create double-mindedness, its my temper thats been as a continuous dripping of a faucet, I've entertained imaginations that ought to have been cast down. Once we have went through the acknowledging, the verse goes onto say that were able to recover ourselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by his will. My friend I know the reality of this! I have been the prince of darkness little pet Pinnocio! However there is freedom, and cleansing. The book of First John was written to those that were already born again. We are able to be made new again, formed & fashioned to the person were purposed to be!
The Power of A Good Name
The bible says that a good name is rather chosen than silver or gold(Prov 22:1) Our name represents what we have become to be known by. Its produced by our thoughts, imaginations, words, & ideas. Our character is cultivated in and through it. When we fail to be true to who we really are, we'll find ourselves in a state of double-mindedness. In the midst of this state there is nonething but confusion & chaos. We hurt the very ones that allowed themselves to share the very deep parts of their hearts. I have expierenced this in a very real way. We as Christians are called to be followers of him as dear children. However if there is not a continuous renewing of the mind and restoring of the soul are actions will recipricate the behaviors of an unredeemed condition. This results in the loss of respect in us thus causing our salt to loose its savor being good for nonething but to be trodden under foot. Every thread & shred of influence & impact gives way to reproach & regret. There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. The pain of discipline weighs only ounces compared to the tons of regret. The book of James gives us a great check ourselves before we wreck ourselves kindof admonition. Cleanse ye hearts ye men of double minds. If were double minded about promises, commitments, things we've spoken, we'll be like the wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed. There is no way that we can recieve anything from God or man. God is not calling us to be talkers but walkers, actions speak much louder than words. Faith without corresponding action is dead(Jms 2:20) Remember when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples? Why not hair, back, legs, armpits? The most important area in the sight of family and friends is our walk. Were told in Ephesians six having our FEET shod with the preperation of the gospel of peace. Its our walk that gives life to our words! Love is not something we say, it is something that we DO! Christianity is an action faith. Iam finding this out in this present time more than any other in my existence upon the Earth.
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