Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Pollutants To Peace
Peace is one of the most important things that we have in this life. Peace is a byproduct of the prince of peace. Peace cannot be duplicated or imitated! satan has many conterfeits, but he does not have one for it. Today we are going to discuss the pollutants to peace. Why would the enemy desire are peace to be polluted? Because through it comes power confidence assurance and boldness! Here are the pollutants. Number one, Possessions. Jesus said that life does not persist in the abundance of things that they posses. Now this does not mean that God dont want us to to prosper and have things. He dont care how many things we have as long as those things dont have us. They will not satisfy and fulfill us. Leo Tolstoy wrote a short story entited How much land does a man need? In it there was a wealthy man that owned alot of land. Another man came up one day and really was interested in it. The owner said I'll give you all the land that you can run in a day. The other guy was quite confident that he was going to be able to do it. He took off running and by the time he got to the end of the land he launched out to the very final pieace of it and fell over dead. The owner of the land stood over him with a shovel in hand and said This is how much land a man needs six feet from head to feet. Think about the men that neglect their family in the their pursuit for just a bit more. The bible declares that those who LOVE silver shall not be satisfied with the abundance thereof(Ecc 5:10) The bible says that the eyes of man are never satisfied(Prov 27:20) God warns us in and through the mouth of Paul about the dangers of coveteousnes. He said IT IS IDOLOTRY(Eph 5:3, Col 3:5) We have to understand that its the LOVE of money thats the root of all evil(1 Tim 6:10) It pollutes peace. I mean think about the amount of people that have many possessions but their miserable and many suicidal. Its because it can and never will bring peace. Number two, Pleasure. The bible says that In the last days men shall be lovers of PLEASURES more than LOVERS OF GOD(2 Tim 3:4) Now again God wants us to have true pleasures that are at his right hand forevermore(Psalm 16:11) God knows exactly what will satisfy. However pleasures that are of the flesh and rooted in selfishness will pollute peace. The bible says that the pleasures of sin are for a season(Heb 11:25) Sampson was warned by his parents about decisions that he was beginning to make. Pleasure was leading and not the powerful almighty. It lead to pain that the human tounge would'nt have the ability to be put into descriptive detail. Number three, Pressure. In an earlier blog we talked about the "privledge of pressure" Pressure is an opportunity to give God pleasure. Pressure can be a pollutant to peace. Jesus said Let not your heart be troubled the peace that I give is not as the world gives(John 14:27) Perhaps there is pressure spritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, or in family. The enemy intends for that pressure to rob you of your peace. Gods intention is that it be used to convert us from sphegetti to solid steal. God doesent create or cause the pressure. We live in the world where Satan is God(2 Cor 4:4) and were straight up on enemy territory and we have to have grit and guts and refuse to let go of peace but use peace as a weapon in the face of the devil. Number four, People. We live on a planet filled with them. They are at the home, work church, stores shopping malls. People are at differnt places of development and growth. Because of this very fact, withoyt even alot of times them realizing it can cause a pollution to our peace. The bible declares We wrestle not against FLESH AND BLOOD(Eph 6:12) We must not let how people respond or react to inflence or impact our peace. there can be various reasons why people act the way they do. Everyone of us is involved in a warfare daily of thoughts popping into their minds like popcorn in a popper. When we dont know how to take authority and bring our thoughts into captivity, they're effect emotion and than ultimately reaction. We have to give people grace for their race! God commands us through the mouth of Paul to make allowances for peoples failures, He than again tells us to forbear one another(Col 3:13) Number five, Princialities and powers. These are the host of evil spirits that are under the command of satan. They will attempt to pollute our peace. We have to excercise our authority in Christ Jesus over them. Jesus said that every demon is subject to us in the name of Jesus(Luke 10:17) Jesus said Whatever we bind and loose SHALL be bound in Heaven(Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18) When depression or sadness comes regognize its time to rise up and speak to it with the weapons of warfare that is not carnal but mighty through God! Number six, Patternized sin. The Lord said through the mouth of Hevrews If we sin WILLFULLY after having recieved the knowledge of the truth(Heb 10:26) This is talking about a pattern of sin without any conviction of going the other direction. Sin will pollute our peace. The Lord said through the mouth of Isiah its like the troubled restless sea(Isiah 48:22, Isiah 57:21) We cannot have peace like a river when were in the troubled sea! None of us must be decieved! God is not mocked, we'll reap what we sow(Gal 6:7) Jesus said BLESSED is the pure in heart for they SHALL SEE GOD(Matt 5:8) Now religion has taught we'll see God in Heaven. No, its talking about when were blind by sin we cannot see what hes attempting to show us. Iam telling its good!!! Its how Jesus lived his life and hes commanded us to live the same way. It is the ABUNDANT LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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