Saturday, June 27, 2009
Fear Of Failure
The Lord just will not let me get away from this miniseries on fear lol We have discussed that it represented one of the four kings that came against abrahams family. We talked about the fact that its manifested typically in three different areas. We have seen that it will contaminate our faith, and worry is the signal of fear. In the last blog we talked about the most dominant fears. The Lord has placed and out upon my heart a fear that causes many believers to be stopped or at the very least stunted. paul said one time to the church at Thesslonians Satan HINDERED US(1 Thess 2:18) If satan cannot stop, he'll attempt to stunt! The bible declares the JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH, if any man draws back, my soul shall have NO PLEASURE(Heb 10:38) What is one of the biggest things that causes people to draw back? FEAR OF FAILURE! In this blog were going to talk about two people that were nearly stopped from completing the mission and mandate of the lord for their lives by it and also how to overcome it! The first person that dealt with nthe fear of failure was Moses. He was the man that called was calling to go into pharoahs court telling him LET MMY PEOPLE GO! When called spoke to him from the burning bush, he began to say Im a studderer. What was really going on? Moses was being riddled with the fear of failure. remember what the lord said? Tell him, IAM SENT YA! Well he finally stepped out in faith and it mentions that very fact in the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews! The second man was Gideon. He was a man that God himself called great valor and FEARLESS courage! He was chosen to overcome a vicious pegan group of individuals. lets examine Gideons response and reply to God saying that he was a mighty man of valor. Iam the least in my Fathers house and come from the poorest in all families in Mannasah(Judges 6:14) He had a fear of failure based upon where he was and where he had come from. Gods words frame things dontf they? God completely turned it around by the power of his declaration and it produced a powerful image in Gideon and it was the cataylst that empowered and endued him defeating the enemies of God. Now overcoming the fear of failure. Number one, Revelation. We must recieve revelation that Gods for us and his power is in us and in that might we can do all things! Revelation speaks to having our eyes opened to a thing. This happened to Elijahs servant when there was this famine in the land. There was no cloud in the sky, yet the man of god told his servant get the chariots ready its going to rain for three and a half years! the servant did;nt believe, he had looked and there was not a cloud in the sky. Elijah simply said TAKE ANOTHER LOOK and it was on the seventh time that he saw the cloud the size of a mans hand. Elisha and his men were outnumbered in the natual by the assyrian army. The servant began to freak out and Elisha simply prayed lord open his eyes that he may see that those that be fore us are MORE than those vthat be against us. It was than that the servants eyes were open and he SAW the angels with flaming swords and the chariots of fire. The pont behind this is revelation will overcome the fear of failure. Its when our eyes are opened to the fact that Hes for us and his power will produce the annointing that will break every yoke and remove every burden. We must step out in that revelation. Theres a saying that "When God sends us fishing for moby dick BRING THE TARDER SAUCE!" In other words we will not fail!!!! Number two, Realizing rights. We have been given privledges in Christ Jesus that belong to us right here and NOW. The Lord said it this way in and through the mouth of David Bless the lord all my soul, FORGET NOT ALL THINE BENEFITS(Psalm 103:2) It overcomes the fear of failure when we realize what belongs to us. Many reasons why people have that fear is because they dont KNOW that they have. Jesus said We SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH and the truth shall make us free(John 8:32) Notice its not the truth that makes us free, its KNOWING THE TRUTH that makes us FREE! God said through the mouth of Hosea My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) God said through the mouth of Peter grace and peace be multiplied to you through the KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ that HATH GIVEN US ALL THINGS that pertain to life and Godliness(2 Peter 1:3,4) Blessings and benefits cannot be partaken of until the're known and understood! Faith exists where the wwill of god is known! What does faith do to fear? It completely destroys and decimates it! When fear knocks and we send faith to answer, NOBODY WILL BE THERE! Finally number three, Recieving ID. This sociey is really suffering from and an Crisis. people simply dont know who they are and as a result fear failure because of that uncertainty. The enemy wants people identified with their past, expierences, peers, words that were negatively spoken, some actor or muscician. the only place to find our id comes from the very source of our creation GOD! Were created in his own image and likeness. The book of Hebrews declares that Jesus was tempted in all points as a man to identify with every single thing that we would ever be in the midst of. satan will attempt to infiltrate our identity. He did it to Adam and Eve when he said You'll be like God, they already WERE! and than he did it to Jesus in the wilderness If you be the son of God? He had already known the he was the son of God, there wascvthe thundering voice of the Father saying this is my son in whom im well pleased! Jesus answered with the WORD! god said and through the mouth of James that when we look away from the word, we'll FORGET WHAT MANNER OF PERSON WE ARE(Jms 1:23) In other words, when we quit looking into the word of God for our ID, we'll begin to take on the id of other things! This will produce the fear of failure because it cannot and will never bring forth confidence and courage. God states a profound and powerful phrase predominately throughout the Epistles IN HIM, IN CHRISt and IN WHOM. This is where we are to find ourselves! WE ARE IN CHRIST! Recieve it in Jesus name it will crucify and image of failure and will grant the boldness to do whatever hes requiring
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Overcoming Dominate Fears
We have embarked on a miniseries on fear. In this one as promised were going to talk about the most dominant fears. In review we have seen where it manifest usually in three areas. The mind, our associations and our words through self fulfilling prophecy. We have seen that worry is "fears signal' Anytime time that its happening we must realize and recognize that fear is at work and its objective is that we act on it thus becoming the very substance of things NOT hoped for! I mean think about it faith is the substance of things hoped for right? Well fear is faith in reverse. It operates the same way only in the opposite direction!!! When acted upon it gives satan who is the "spirit of fear" a legal right to come in to steal kill and destroy. This is exactly what Job did. Examine his statemenht closely. The thing I GREATLY FEARED has come upon me(Job 3:25) Now overcoming dominant fears. The bible declares that God has delivered us from EVERY FEAR(Psalm 34:4) This is saying very clearly that there is to be zero fear in our lives as believers! Dominant fear number one, Unknown. There are contless people that attempt to find the future in a crystal or card. Many search for answers and guidance through the stars without consulting the shepherd of the stars. Jesus said that the spirit of truth shall guide and govern us in all truth and WILL SHOW US THE THINGS TO COME(John 16:13) We can be confident that he will reveal the future to us and most of it it has already been brought forth in the word and its a majior reason why we must be in it daily not just sundays! Dominant fear number two, Death. In the event the lord tarries a half day his time(500 yrs) We are all going to go by way of the ground./ Glory to God theres a whole generation that will go by way of the AIR! We could be numbered among that posse. However Jesus said that no man knows the hour of his return(Matt 24:36) So in the event the rapture does not occur while were on earth, we'll die. God said through the mouth of Paul Its appointed unto man once to die and than the judgement(Heb 9:27) The bible declares that the fear of death has many subject to bondage(Heb 2:14,15) It is the motherload and mackdaddy of all other fears. Think about all the phobias people struggle with today. The fear of heights is actually the fear of falling and dying. The fear of flying is actually the fear of crashing burning and dying. The fear of being in a tight place is actually the fear of smothering and than dying. You see what Im saying? In order for us to really recieve the healing power of God into us freely and forcefully, we must remove the fear of death far away from us. God said through the mouth of Paul Oh death where is thine sting, Oh grave where is your victory(1 Cor 15:55) Jesus took the sting out of death by the death burial and ressurrection of Jesus Christ! This is why the Lord says through the mouth of Paul If there wasent any ressurrection than our faith is in vain and were like men most miserable. God said through the mouth of David that its a harmless shadow! Through I walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil(Psalm 23:4) Death here is referred as "the valley of a shadow" Have you ever heard of it kicking anyones butt? I dont think so! Our last blink here is our first blink there! Jesus said in his Fathers house are MANY MANSIONS if it were not so he would have told us and he goes to prepare a place for us and will come and RECIEVE US TO HIMSELF(John 14:2,3) Dominant fear number three, People. So many are hindered and halted because of people. Whet they may think or feel ect.... We briefly discussed this with David. God put in him the desire to defeat Goliath. However on his way toward doing it, he confronted intimidation straight through people. The bible declares in the book of Proverbs The FEAR OF MAN brings a snare(Prov 29:25) The greatest wepon to intimidation is BOLDNESS! Its refusing to be moved by the opinions of others. You may feel as if peoole all around you are against you and your attempted to fear. Remember the words of God through the mouth of david Through a host be encamped around about in this shall you be confident that he'll elevate you over the heads of your enemies and hide you in the secret place of his tabernacle and pavillion(Psalm 27:3-5) God said through the mouth of Paul He will never leave us or forsake us, that WE MAY BOLDLY SAY THE LORD IS MY HELPER WHAT CAN MEN DO UNTO ME(Heb 13:5,6) Number four, Rejection. There are many that refuse to step out because it. God said through the mouth of Paul that we are ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED(Eph 1:6) In other words we overcome rejection through acceptance. Its not neccessarily from people. however bthe more our confidence grows in the fact that we've been accepted from God, it cause acceptance with others. Because we wont be withdrawn and suck our thumbs like a lone ranging pitty pot sitter singing the song nobody loves me everybody hates me i guess I'll go eat warms! If you have expierenced it, you are IN GOOD COMPANY! Jesus did! The bible declares in the gospel of John He came into his own and his own RECIEVED HIM NOT(John 1:11) What was his reponse? He continued doing exactly what the Father said and was not moved by it! We see this clearly in the sixth chapter of John when He began teaching unless you eat my fleah and drink my blood you have no life in you. the bible declares that many were offended and followed NO MORE(John 6:66) Jesus oly replied to Peter Will you go away also? In other words Jesus was not shaken by the sand of rejection. Neither can we be. David was rejected by Asoloam, Paul was rejected by Demas. There are children that have had this happen because of their parents. Remember the words of God through the mouth of David Even when your mother and Father forsake thee, THE LORD WILL TAKE YOU UP(Psalm 27:10) allow the Heavenly Father turn rejection into rejoicing knowing that he sings over us and recognizes each hair on our head! Dominant fear number five, Lack. Especially with the reports happenning in this nation over the economy, people are tempted to fear lack and shortage. We talked about this earlier what we give heed to is very important, we must not allow ourselves to be divided by two opinions. We have the word and we have the world. Jesus said were in the world... so that means that we cant always be isolated from every report, however he does onto say were not OF IT(John 17:16) Believing IS A CHOICE! God said through the mouth of David I have never seen the righteous forsaken, neither seed begging for bread(Psalm 37:25) God than says through the mouth of Paul If he that spared not his own son, would he not freely give us ALL OTHER THINGS?(Rom 8:32) When God gave us Jesus, He gave us EVERYTHING! The BEST of THE BEST! Anything else is totally secondary. Our God ius supernatural! Hes the one that rained mannd for forty years on the COI, Hes the one that sent ravens to feed Elijah, Hes the one that multiplied a little boys sack lunch. God has abundant supply and surpluss and its his very pleasure that his servants prosper!(Psalm 35:27) If your on a job and your fearing being layed off STOP IT!!!!!!!!! Our fears will come upon us. Or in the event you have been, Gods Johovah Jireh not JOB jireh Amen! In the days weeks months and perhaps years to come say to yourself NO FEAR HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Jesus name!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Worry "Fears Signal"
We talked again abour fear in the last blog. Its the enemy of faith and when tolerated will contaminate faith. they cannot coexist. Where fear is there is an absence of faith. The good news is God has placed in our hands the means whereby faith is produced THE WORD OF GOD! Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God(Rom 10:17) In this blog were going to discuss one of fears greatest and most evident signals. WORRY "Worry is like a rocking chair it keeps us busy getting us nowhere" "Worry is interest paid on trouble" "Worry is belief in despair" "Worry is the certainty that disaster is going to happen" "Worry is a polluted stream that drowns all forms of faith" Usually anxiety is connected to it. God says through the mouth of Paul Be careful for nonething(Phil 4:6) The amplified translation says have no fret or anxiety about anything. Now get this phrase WORRY IS MEDITATION. The bible instructs us to meditate on the word day and night(Josua 1:8, Psalm 1:3) Now there have been people that have been like How is that even possible? Just thinking about the word all day and night? Well this is what were doing when were worrying. Remember awhile back the Lord brought forth the fact that mediation = DIGESTION. Worry and fear are hooked, worrying is meditating on a possible outcome being negative. Well that is the spirit of fear at work and we seen earlier that it can and will become a self fulfilling prophecy and come upon us. Three things about worry. Number one, Its sin. God said through the mouth of paul Whatsoever is not of faith is SIN(Rom 14:23) He than again said through the mouth of James Whosoever knows to do good and doeth not to him it is sin(Jms 4:17) We as believers are called to be believers not worriers! You see we know better and the more we know the more accountability we have. Jesus said to much is given, much shall be required(Luke 12:48) So with the knowing factor comes responsibility. The wages of sin is death and it happens ten times out of ten. The litteral definition there of death is loss of life. Jesus said that he came that we might have life and life more abundantly, the amplified says life to the full until it OVERFLOWS! This life will be lost through the sin of worry. It severs joy and sacrifices peace on the alter of idle thoughts that are attempting to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Number two, Worry is a killer. Jesus said the thief comes not but to steak KILL and destroy(John 10:10) Medical science is now determing what the SCRIPTURES have been declaring and decreeing for thousands of years. Worry releases chemicals in the body that shut down its ability to defend against disease. God has placed in us an awesome immune systen with cells called the "THE KILLER TS. They are like natural antibodies. Havent you like ever heard someone say "Your worrying yourself SICK" There is like a ton of truth in that! Jesus said the thief doesent just want to bother us, he wants to KILL US! Can we believe and trust in red letters? Oh yeah they are the words of the one that cannot lie! God said through the mouth of Paul Neither give place to the devil(Eph 4:27) Is worrying giving the devil a place to kill? ABSOLUTELY! Matterofact one of the negative chemicals released in such a state it chortesol. Its objective is to breakdown the system causing and creating suseptability to heart disease diabeties cancer ect... Number three, Worry is utterly useless. Jesus asks a question How can we by TAKING THOUGHT(aka WORRYING) add a cubit to our stature?(Matt 6:27) the answer, ABSOLUTELY NONETHING! worry has never dried a tear, answered a question, solved a problem lifted a burden or moved a mountain. How to be put an end to worry? Number one, Change. change is a choice. Choose this day, I have set before you life and death CHOOSE LIFE(Deut 30:19) We have to change our way of thinking. Its just like using the remote to change the television channels. Number two, Correct. Be quick to make the neccessary corrections. Consider the areas that you've worried about the most and have correction through instruction by the word of God. Number three, Creed. In other words make a creed before the Lord that you from this day forth will refuse to worry by quickly taking every thought into captivity. Get some commnion elements and take them before the Lord sealingthe deal. We dont have to wait until were in church, were already a royal priesthood unto God(1 Peter 2:9) Now dont misinterpret or misunderstand what Im saying. Its good to take communion to take communion cooperately. its just that we dont have to wait to take it. We are priest unto God(Rev 1:6) Number four Concern. The reason I mention this final one is because there many that cloak worry under the label of concern. We all have to be caustious and careful about that. Its easy to do! Concern is like natural, however it can be quickly turned into worry in a nanosecond. So lets conclude by saying Worry is fears signal. We mustrealize that when were doing it, fear is AT WORK. Its objective is to create substance of the negative we dont hope for to happen.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
"Fear Tolerated, Is Faith Contaminated"
The above is a powerful quote regarding fear. In a prior blog we talked a little about the dangers of it. Fear was the open door of attack in the life of Job. We must be caustious and careful to resist it at every corner! Satan is the "spirit of fear" and God tells us in and through the mouth of James RESIST the devil and HE SHALL FLEE FROM YOU(Jms 4:7) Notice the word YOU! This word is the very understood subject of the whole verse. We must all understand that no one can resist fear for anyonelse except ourselves. We can pray and exort with the word, however ultimately the choice is ours whether we dig in our spiritual kleets and pull up are spiritual bootstraps and DO IT! Fear has the capability to contaminate our faith. The book of Mark gives us a powerful illustration. Jarius was a ruler in the synogogue. His daughter was very near death, ane he heard of Jesus and bid him to go to his house and heal her. At that time the woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowd touching the hem of his garment. Jesus turned around and said WHO TOUCHED ME? now let me pause to ask a question and make a statement. Are delays denials? Could've Jarius been bothered by getting into fear? The answer is ASOLUTELY! However Jesus tells Jarius a most profound word in season FEAR NOT, BUT BELIEVE ONLY(Mark 5:36) Just because theres a delay doesent mean theres a denial. Danial found this out in praying for twenty one days in a row resisting the prince of persia withstanding him. Will there be attempted obstacles that come to try to twart the answer? YES! We have to be bold and brave and fling the sword of the spirit under the unction of annointed prayer until theres breakthrough. The angel came to Danial telling him for the first day you chastened your heart before God He heard and answered, but the prince of persia was withstanding(Dan 10:12-14) Even through Danial was dealyed, HE WAS NOT DENIED! When jesus told Jarius this it became a steadfast anchor of hope to his soul. Would this word from Jesus be a walkway that Jarius needed to stay free from the contamination of faith? Yes! We see it as the story unfolds. Two of his helpers come saying Trouble not the master, thy daughter is not sleeping but DEAD. Than they get into his house and people were there and Jesus says that the girl is not dead, but sleeping. The people there began to mock and JESUS PUT THEM OUT(Mark 5:40) We stated earlier that fear is TRANSFERABLE. We must resist and be willing to seperate ourselves from that atmosphere ASAP! Gurad the gates and dont allow reports of fear to come into your ears. The Lord said to me one time Brian "Theres one thing better than resisting and thats never having to resist."! Isint it true that we so can make things harder on ourselves. Jesus said that his yoke is easy and burden light(Matt 11:30), however its what we allow ourselves to be subject to that makes things hard. Why did Jesus act in these two circumstances in that way to protect Jarius faith? Its because it was dependant upon his faith whether the miracles was going to happen. This girl had not yet gotten to the place where faith was developed enough to recieve on her own. While children are at that level, parents can use their faith for them. However the season in which that can be done varies. It depends on how much word that child gets taught and understands. Once light comes, were responsible to walk in it. So Jarius faith had to be preserved against the assualt of fear. Fear is not just outright panic. There are different shades and when its operative will be dangerous. "Torment is the dashboard confessional of fear" when theres something knawing and crawling with ya, like some sort of fear, ITS AT WORK! The enemies obejective at that point is to get us to ACT ON IT! We can feel fear without yielding to it! Well Jarius resisted and RECIEVED! We will too! in closing lets the answr the question is A little fear ok? There are many that think the answer is a resounding YES! The bible provides a list in the book of Revelation The fearful and unbelieving and the abominable, murderers, whoremongerers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire(Rev 21:8) Notice what tops the list. FEAR. So saying that a little fear is ok is like saying that a little whoremongering is ok. now were talking here about the spirit of fear here,not the fear of the Lord. They are completely different. This is so important because you'll here people say that everyone gets afraid NOT TRUE! feelings of fear dont equal actions of fear! we can feel alot of things and refuse to act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the next blog by Gods grace and direction, we'll discuss some of the biggest deadly fears.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Determing The Will Of God Pt. 5 Fighting For The Family Pt 4 "The Channel Called Communication"
In this final blog pertaining to determing the will of God concerning family were going to discuss the channel of communication. Our families are precious and important in the plan of God. He began it with adam and eve and continued it through Abraham and through him all familes of the earth would be blessed. However we seen through the mouth of Nehemiah that we were going to have to put on the whole armor of God and FIGHT FOR THE FAMILY(Neh 4:14) The other blogs in the series we dived into detail on why we have too and how to do that. In one of them we touched on communication. We are going to pick up and piggy back off that point. Listen to this statement "communication begins where there is understanding" When it doesent exist, communication has not yet begun. The Lord said to me one time Brian, its not about communication, its all about how you communicate" He went onto say "always communicate affectionally and effectively" There are two majior types of communication VERBAL & NON VERRBAL. We are going to talk about both. First Verbal. There are four things that the bible instructs us about words. Before we touch on that, we must answer the question.. Why are words so powerful? The reason is because we've been made in the image and likeness of God, and when he created the heaven and earth HE SAID and HE SAW WHAT HE SAID! We are also creating things with our words too. Words build or break, heal or hurt, purify or pollute, and edify or crucify. There is creative supernatual substance behind them. Its one of the reasons Jesus tells us that we will give an account on the day of judgement for every IDLE word(Matt 12:36) What is an idle word? Its a word that we did'nt have control of. God said through the mouth of James that we are able to bridle and steer our words just like a horse or ship(Jms 3:2-4) God talks about this in and through the mouth of Paul in the book of Ephesians Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth except that which is good for the use of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearer(Eph 4:29) Its one of the biggest things that seperates us from all species, WE ARE SPEAKING SPIRITS!!! We must ask ourselves the question What kind of substance am I releasing through my words? Ok four things about our words in communication. Number one, "What we say". The bible talks about the perfect word FITLY spoken being like apples of gold in pictures of silver(Prov 25:11) We live in a world that people are swift to speak instead of being SLOW to SPEAK as were admonished by the Lord in and through the mouth of James. We let our words get way ahead of our hearts in a hurry. The bible declares in the book of Proverbs In the multitude of words, theres sin(Prov 10:19) The bible declares in the book of Ecclestiasties A fool is known by the multitude of words(Ecc 5:3) The bible goes onto say in the Proverbs Even a fool that HOLDETH HIS PEACE IS CONSIDERED WISE(Prov 17:28) What we say can be the difference in converting a potential mountain into a pleasent moehill that just needs breathed onto to be cast into the depths of the sea! Number two, "If you say". In order to find this out, its gonna take some time LISTENING! Remember when we touched on this, one thing that the lord brought out was our relationship with him needs to be ninety percent listening and ten percent talking. the Lord said to me Brian "Theres SACREDNESS IN SILENCE." God said Be STILL and KNOW that Iam God(Psalm 46:10) Will we find some things out in the secret place? YES! God says that HE LEADS US BESIDE THE STILL WATERS(Psalm 23:2) Number Three, "When we say" When it comes to the time that we have what the Lord wants us to say, its than all about the RELEASE. God in the book of Psalms correlates words with the likeness of an arrow. A arrow once shot cannot be brought back! Our words function exactly the same. Its the reason God says in and througth the book of James our tounge is the littlest member that boasts of great things and is set on fires of Hell Behold how great a little fire KINDLETH(Jms 3:5) Another translation says "a little spark burns down the whole forrest" We must be caustious and careful that we DO NOT get forceful with our words. You know what Im talking about? YOU ARE GOING TO ANSWER ME! LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU! The bible gives us two powerful and profound exaples and illustration about this in the book of Proverbs.Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood, SO THE FORCING OF WRATH BRINGETH FORTH STRIFE(Prov 30:33) The Lord has in prior blogs brought out the fact that Strife IS the very MANIFEST PRESENCE OF THE DEVIL" The enemy will bring suggestions to stir up and notice the phrase three times in this one verse BRINGETH FORTH! When we force & demand this is strife and it will be attatched to EVERY EVIL WORK(Jms 3:16) The second illustration and example in the book of Proverbs He that meddleth with strife not belonging to them, is like grabbing a dog by the ears(Prov 16:27) Now get the picture.. We aint talking to a sweet cuddily puppy, were rferring to a throthing foaming of the mouth PITBULL! Finally, "How we say" The bible declares Sweetness of the LIPS INCREASETH LEARNING(Prov 16:21) Now think about this, the more sweeter our lips the more of a greater opportunity there is that what we said SHALL BE RECIEVED! The bible declares A SOFT ANSWER TURNS AWAY WRATH(Prov 15:1) Now, NON-VERBAL. Our body as a language! Its sending signals everyday to everyone. God said through the mouth of Paul that we are his written epistles and ambassadors(2 Cor 3:2, 2 Cor 5:20) our body language is like a mirror reflecting an image. What image are we made in? The IMAGE OF GOD! Lets REFLECT it in the name of JESUS!!!!!!!!!!! Lets continue thank God for the victory that comes by FIGHTING FOR THE FAMILY!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Determing The will Of God pt 4 Fighting For The Family Pt 3 "The Three Manifestions Of Fear"
In the last blog we talked about the four Kings that attacked Abrahams family. each one represents a principality and power. Will the enemy attempt to attack our families? YES! However just as Abraham used a sword to defeat these kings, likewise we have a sword, the word of the living God! Now we left off talking about the final king representing fear. Lets begin in this blog talking about Job. As the book opens we find him making sacrifices. Each one of them was on behalf of his family. The thing was that not one of them was made in FAITH. Job said himself that The thing he GREATLY FEARED CAME UPON HIM(Job 3:25) Fear is not just an emotion, its A SPIRITUAL FORCE! It operates just like faith only in the opposite direction. Think about the amount of parents that sit and fear about their children. Is that fear creating an inroad where the devil can gain access to them?? The answer is absolutely! Now remember theres a difference between temptation and sin. I did'nt say that we would not be tempted to fear or worry, but just because were tempted dont mean that we need to yield to it thus giving it a place. i mean there are parents that wont let their kids do anything because of it. Look you can keep them behind closed walls guarded by men with guns and IT WILL NOT KEEP THE DEVIL OUT if fear is there! satan is the spirit of fear! God said through the mouth of paul that We as believers have NOT BEEN GIVEN THE SPIRIT OF FEAR(2 Tim 1:7) Lets start talking about how and where fear manifests. Number one, THE MIND. There was a story of a hobo that slipped into a banana car to steal a ride into the next city. Well, he fell asleep and when he had awoken there was a crawling that began to occurr on his hands and face. He struck a match and found that there was a massive taransala all over him! The match went out and he was consumed with PANIC. The next morning after he was released he was a complete maniac. It wasent because he was hurt or harmed, its because the spirit of fear got into his mind causing him to become MAD! our mind is like the bullseye of satans target. In the last blog we talked about the fact that TORMENT is always attatched to fear. We need to use torment as a dashboard confessional on our souls. Anywhere it exists treat it as a "check engine light" Its like woe, woe, that AINT RIGHT! Immediately we must go into resistence mode. When we allow that thought of fear to stay, more suggestions will come until it develops an imagination. The process is decribed in the book of second Corinthians. Casting down EVERY IMAGINATION bringing EVERY THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY(2 Cor 10:5) Now thoughts turn into imagination. what is an imagination? its a word picture. If I say the word DOG, the letters dont flash on your mind the IMAGE of a dog appears. you see as long as we let certain thoughts dominate our thinking they turn into an imagination and the picture gets more and more into descriptive detail. Can wrong(or vain imaginations) impact and influence? YES! In the book of Genesis were given a port folio of Noahs generation. It declares that every imagination of their hearts were evil continually(Gen 6:5) and than it goes onto say that the WHOLE EARTH WAS FILLED WITH VIOLENCE(Gen 6:11) In other words thoughts turned into actions and the people BECAME whet they imagined! Jesus said out of the heart PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS...(Matt 15:19) Than he dives into a list of other things, but the point is that they all began with a thought. When we think a thought were like well on our way toward doing it! Theres a saying that goes "We cant keep the birds from flying around our heads, but we can keep them from building a nest in our hair!" When thiughts of fear come, dont dwell on them and give it the potential to turn into an imagination. God said through the mouth of Paul Whatever is honest just pure lovewly and of a good report, THINK ON THESE THINGS(Phil 4:8) Well thoights of fear is certainly not thinking on the good report! I so love this because God like litterally gives us a checklist, just like a pilot is given for the plane that hes about to fly. We need to judge each of our thoughts according to the list! Number two, ASSOCIATIONS. fear is transferable!!! A pround illustration of this is found in the book of Numbers. God gave that first generation of believers the land. Moses sent twelve spies into it to get a feel for the terrain. Ten of the twelve brought back and "evil report" now think about what we just saw in the book of Phillipians. What report are we to be thinking upon? The "GOOD REPORT" This was a report of fear! Are there alot of reports of fear going on? Absolutely! We must understand that its our choice which report we'll believe. God said through the mouth of the prophet Isiah Who hath believed the REPORT of the LORD(Isiah 53:1) Does God dig us believing his report? YES YES YES! Because without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE GOD(Heb 11:6) Now as a result of the evil report given by the ten spies, two million died in the wilderness from the ages of twenty and up. was fear transferable? Yes! The lord said to me one time, Brian "GUARD THE GATES" the two biggest our are eyes and ears! its where ALL DATA is prcessed! were Josua and Caleb looking and listening to something different? YES! They looked at god not the giants and they listened to the promise not the pessimism of the ten spies! We must be caustious and careful to get away from fear and the reports that bring them. Dont be fooled into thinking that a little leaven cant leaveneth the WHOLE LUMP! I dont care how strong we think we are, staying away from it is what keeps us strong! Finally, number three-Self fulfilling prophecy. Job said the thing he greatly feared came upon him. We can feel fear withouyt expressing fear! How do we often express? Our words! The bible says in the book of Proverbs thou art snared by the WORDS OF OUR OWN MOUTHS(Prov 6:2) The bible declares in the book of Psalms about people saying Our lips are our own, Who can Lord over us?(Psalm 12:4) Is Jesus the Lord over our lips? The bible says in the book of Hebrews that Christ is the HIGHPRIEST of OUR CONFESSION(Heb 3:1) does are words give him something to work with? YES! Jesus said that by our OWN WORDS we'll be justified and by OUR OWN WORDS, we'll be condemned(Matt 12:37) Its all up to us! The Lord said through the mouth of James that we are the governor of our own words(Jms 3:2,3) Remember what Jesus said in the book of Matthew? Until now, there hasent arisen any greater than John The Baptist, He that is LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OG GOD IS GREATER THAN HE(Matt 11:11) Jesus is saying something simple but SUPER! We are the prophets of our own lives!!!!!!!!!! What are you prophesying? Good or bad, light or darkness? Faith of Fear? Its ALL up to us! Lets learn from Job and understand that fear is a self fulfilling prophecy.
Determining The Will Of God Pt 3 "Fighting For The Family" Pt 2
In the last blog we talked about the will of God regarding family. We began to discuss some of the ways that we can prevent the destroyer from bringing distance, division, and ultimately death and destruction. Today were gonna continue by bringing a powerful and profound illustration of fighting for the family in the book of beginings called Genesis. Abraham was given a promise by god himself that his name was going to be made great and through him every family on the erath would be BLESSED. We find this challenged by the enemy in the fourteenth chapter. His nephew Lot was kidnapped by FOUR KINGS. The reason I have it capitalized is because eacdh one of them represent a principality and power. Lets look at the book of Ephesians, We wrestle NOT against FLESH & BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINIPALITIES AND POWERS, RULERS OF DARKNESS IN THIS WORLD AND SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES(Eph 6:12) Is the devil real? are a third of the angels that became demons real? Its important that we say that at times. There are many that would answer a resounding yes! However when they get into certain situations and scenarios they look to God as if its like Why are you LETTING THIS HAPPEN?!!! Havent you like ever heard somebody talk that way?. We all have, the sad thing is many preachers have preached that way. It was a very real devil that attacked adam and eve in the garden, it was a very real devil that attacked Job, its a very real devil cast into the lake of fire in the book of Revelation! God said through the mouth of peter Hes like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour(1 Peter 5:8) We have in passed blogs talked about how he was able to get the access and authority. Principalities and powers will attempt to attack and assult. Its the reason that we must PUT ON the whole armor of God and know how to use the weapons that are not carnal but mighty through God!!! Abraham defeated each of these four Kings with a physical sword, we use a SPIRITUAL SWORd the word of the LIVING GOD! Jesus himself used this mighty sword in the book of Matthew and Luke when he was attackedf in the wilderness. He SAID IT IS WRITTENJ! Now are we going to have to open up our mouths and SAY some things? god said through the mouth of Joel Let the weak SAY IAM STRONG(Joel 3:10) Theres a time to pray, however theres also a time to stand strong and SAY in the name of Jesus!!! Look Jesus is our exapmle and a servant is not greater than his master, if its the way he operated than we MUST AS WELL! Now these FOUR KINGS!!! The first, ELAM. It represents "BINDING UP" There are family members that are bound up by addiction, depression, wild horse emotions ect..... What is the answer, Jesus said whatever we bind on earth SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN(Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18) when someone is bound up are they going to act all nice and hospitable? NO!!! lol Thats why we must recognize the source is spiritual and we have to keep the war where it can be WON, IN THE SPIRIT! Remember what Jesus said? EVERY DEVIL IS SUBJECT TO US IN THE NAME OF JESUS(Luke 10:17) The book of Ephesians says that all of us have walked according to the coarse of this world fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind and the prince of the power in the air began to control. As it was broken off are lives, it WILL BE BROKEN OFF THERES AS WELL! however we must having done all to stand, STAND THEREFORE in the name of Jesus and refuse to bend or break until the answer comes powerfully and profoundly! when were in that warfare, lets apply and appropriate the excellant spirit of Danial in STANDING TILL THE PROMISE COMES TO PASS! the second King, SHINAR. Shinar represents being blinded by darkness. God said through nthe mouth of Paul The god of this world HATH BLINDED THE MINDS of those that believe not, less the light of the gospel SHINE UNTO THEM(2 Cor 4:3,4)! when someone is blind what do they need? their eyes opened!!! One of the greatest prayers the Lord gave me for those in the midst of this is found in the book of Ephesians. This is a spirit inspired prayer from God in and through the mouth of Paul. The spirit of WISDOM AND REVEALTION BE UPON YOU, THE EYES OF YOUR UNDERSTANDING BE ENLIGHTENED THAT YOU MAY KNOW.....(Eph 1:17,18) OH GLORY TO GOD!!!! You see on;y the spirit can open up blind eyes! remember what Jesus told peter after he recieved the revealtion that he was the Chist the son of the living God? BLESSED are you Simon Barjona, FLESH AND BLOOD HAS NOT REVEALED THIS TO YOU, but the FATHER IN HEAVEN(Matt 16:17) None of us can make someone see anything! put these spirit inspired prayers in the book of Ephesians to work! Put the peoples name in the blanks! i know by the spirit of God that you will see results! The next King, ELASAR. This word litterally means "Lion Like" In other words the enemy attempts to itimidate. He did this in the life of a young man named David. When Goliath "which represented the devil" was out in the field cursing them out forty days in the row morning and night, Davids like IS THERE NOT A CAUSE? His brothers were like who mending the sheep? They did'nt care about the sheep, the devil was trying to use them to intimidate. Know that usually scared people that wont step out themselves because of insecurity and inferiority will attempt to intimidate you so their weakness wont be exposed. this is exactly what Davids bros tried to do! there is a saying that goes "theres only one way through hell and THATS STRAIGHT THROUGH IT"! after than than David had tro face Saul. Now heres an importany point. The way David reponded to Saul was much different than the way that he replied to the brothers. Why? Its because Saul was in a place and position of authority and all have been ordained by God(Rom 13:1) So are approach should be different because of respect. Than finally there was the biggest one of all, GOLIATH! David simply ran right toward him and flung the stone and the annointing of God guuided and governed it straight to the forhead and goliath fell like an apple from a tree! The final King represents FEAR! satan himself is the spirit of fear and always accompanied with it is TORMENT(1 john 4:18) So lets say it this way, "Fear is a tormenting spirit" its no small subject in the word of God. Its mentioned over 600 times. fear works like faith only in the opposite direction. Job found this out when he said "The thing that I greatly feared hath come upon me" "when fear knocks on our door, SEND FAITH and fear will no longer be there!" In this blog we have dealth with what must be done in the spirit, when it comes to FIGHTING FOR OUR FAMILIES! We have great power and authority in the spirit, lets use it in the name of Jesus!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Determining The Will Of God Pt 2 "Fighting For The Family"
In the last blog we began a new series entitled "Determining the will of God". we talked about the fact that its not cloaked and covered. The Lord does not want us to be uncertain and unsure about his will pertaining to areas of our lives. Faith exists where the will of God is known. If were double & divided our faith will be shipwrecked! We talked about the will of God pertaining to salvation healing and prosperity. In this blog were going to talk about the will of God concerning the family. In the book of Beginnings God created Heaven and earth and than made man from the dust of the earth breathed into his nosrils and man became a living soul. He than took a rib from his side calling her a help meet. A man and a woman being together in matrimony having children is A FAMILY! There are many in society today that are attemting to redefine the definition of family. There are individuals that are blinded by the spirit of perversian known as homosexuality. Many of them think that they are a family too having two women together or two men and than adopting kids and calling it a family. Iam sorry but thats not the will of God! Now on the topic its no different than any sin sin is sin and someone thats dealing with lust or fornication and adultry is involved in sexual sin. However the thing about this certain stronghold is that its become a hot button issue in society. Its the reason that there is so much talk about "same sex marriage" It dont make a difference how many courts legalize it, it WILL NEVER BE RECOGNIZED BY GOD! The answer is being born again and recieving the delivering power of God! Why does Satan want to divide and than destroy the family? Its because the church is only as strong as it families. God told Abraham that He was going to bless him until ALL FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED! The qualifications for ministry highly hinges upon ones ability to rule their own house by being a good spouse parent ect... In the recent bloges we've discussed the fact that satan is a strategist, he works to divide and devour. Our families are something that in these final days we must fight for. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD! In the book of Nehemiah, He makes a powerful and profound statement. It was made in the midst of an attack in the attempt to stop the building of jerusalem that the Lord had commanded him to do. He passed bricks to half and the other half swords. He said Dont be afraid and FIGHT FOR YOUR BRETHERN(family) In closing riding this statement lets discuss ways to prevent the enemy from destroying our families. Number one, AGREEMENT. God asked a question through the mouth of Amos How can two walk together except they be agreed?(Amos 3:3) When we fail to enter into agreement areas are created to bring division. Jesus said A HOUSE DIVIDED SHALL NOT STAND(Mark 3:24) The enemy does this often through the device of discord. Strife is litterally the manifest presence of the devil himself!!! Two in agreement ACHIEVE more than two million in discord! Glory to God!!!! One way that the discord begins is in the way that we communicate. David prayed Lord give me a listening heart, and in the book of Revelation Jesus says he that hath an ear let them HEAR what the spirit of the Lord is saying. None of us have learned to communicate without being able to listen. Another thing is our words. Seventy percent of strife in the home is voice town. The Lord said to me one time "Brian its not about communication, its all about how we communicate" In other words communication is vital. It functions just like circulation does in the human body. when communication is cut off than parts in the relationship begin to die just as when the circulation is cutt off in the human body. However it is important HOW we COMMUNICATE. The bible says a soft answer turns away wrath(Prov 15:1) and a righteous man studies to answer(Prov 15:28) How often is our mouth ahead of our heart and God said that its to be the other way around. Number two, AFFIRMATION. encouragement is one of the most intrical elements in the family. We need to be able to build and not break. The bible declares that there is to be no corrupt communication come from our mouth except that which is good to the use of edifying(Eph 4:29) the bible tells us in the book of Hebrews that were to encourage one another even more as we see the day approaching(Heb 10:25) What day? The great and terrible day of the Lord. Especially in the lives of our families. One of the greatest ways that we encourage is through time. People dont care as much for words and gifts. Its in this reason that God tells us through the mouth of John Love not only in words and tounge but deed and truth(1 John 3:18) The time that we invest in the lives of pthers is the proof of our love for them. Think about Mary when she sat at the feet of Jesus. She was litterally investing her time in the one that she loved and Jesus said that she chose the better part and it would not be taken away from her(Luke 10:42) Number three, AFFECTION. This is so important. There are people that treat friends better than family. Look we have been placed by divine design in our families. All of us were formed in our mothers womb. Sometimes we use our families as an excuse to "flesh out" The greatest harvest field created on the face of the people planet to appropriate and apply the law of love is in our family. How many of ya know that its easy to walk in love with someone thats on the otherside of the world. Its a different thing when were around the same individuals day after day. Love has to be tested so that it can grow. One great way to show affection is in importance. Think about the words of Jesus Not one hair in our head shall perish(Luke 21 ) and every hair on our head has been numbered(Matt 10:30) Its imperative that we are displaying the fact that we value are family members. Remember what Jesus goes onto say about our hairs being numbered, we are of MORE VALUE than the sparrows. ask yourself the question... What would my life be like if this person was no longer in my life? I know thats not often something that we like to think about, but WE MUST! We need to live everyday like its our last here on earth because one day IT WILL BE! Jesus said Whatever you would have men do unto you, DO ALSO UNTO THEM(Matt 7:12) I have often heard this referred to as the "golden rule" I never have, ITS THE WORDS OF JESUS! When its called the golden rule to me it can lesson the fact that it came from the lips of the master and is a command not a sweet suggestion. When we constantly remember and remind ourselves that on this side of the jordan river before the rapture our associations are temporary, lets not take them granted. Love is the litmus test of our dedication and devotion to Christ. By this all men shall know that we are his disciples by the LOVE THAT WE HAVE FOR ONE ANOTHER(John 13:35) Finally, ATTENTION. We need to be aware of walls that attempt to build. The bible declares that a brother offended is harder to reach than a city with walls(Prov 18:19) In other words we need to recognize "distances" Did you know that distance is the beginning of division? What satans purpose? Divide and destroy! He wants us at odds and communication to shut down. When it seems that its developing, it needs to have our full attention. It could involve going to the person as Jesus talks abput in Matthew eighteen, or it might involve simply praying passionately for that person with understanding and in the HolyGhost loving them in the spirit(Phil 1:9), or perhaps sending a gift The bible declares a gift given in secret pacifies anger(Prov 21:14) As we practice these principles and precepts they'll produce power to FIGHT FOR OUR FAMILY in Jesus name!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Determining The Will Of God
In this blog were going to begin talking about a most important subject THE WILL OF GOD. Is it something that can be found and known? Many think that its cloaked and covered in a mystery. There are people that believe that everything that happens on the planet is the will of God. In the last few blogs we discussed the wealth transfers. In it we made a statement, "We must settle once and for all if the word says it that settles it, and it must be first and final! The roman centurian got this very clearly. The bible says that he came to Jesus asking him to heal his servant that was sick with a palsy, and he made this powerful declaration, SPEAK THE WORD ONLY FOR IAM A MAN UNDER AUTHORITY and say to one go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh(Matt 8:8,9) What does the word say about the will of God. He tells us himself through the mouth of Paul that were not to be unwise but know what the will of the Lord is(Eph 5:17) In other words he wants us to know what his will is pertaining to salvation, healing, prosperity and baptisim in the HolyGhost. Its not hidden, its been made plain and most americans have access to it on their table or shelf. The bible is made out of an old and new TESTEMENT. When one is making out what they would like to have happen after they go off the earth, its called a last WILL and testement. The word testement is contract. This deal has been sealed in blood thats not corruptible like silver and gold but incorruptible the precious BLOOD of Christ without blemish and spot. This came into effect after the death burial ressurrection and acension of Jesus Christ. God said through the mouth of Paul that in order for a testement to come into effect there must be the death of a testator(Heb 9:16) Lets talk about three areas where the Lord has clearly stated his will once and for all. First salvation. God said through the mouth of Peter Hes not willing that any man perish but that all should come to repentence(2 Peter 3:9) God takes no pleasure in one going to Hell. Some people have been like How can a loving God send somebody to Hell? The answer is he doesent. Jesus said that he that believes in the son hath life and those that believe not are condemned already. All we need to do to have a one way ticket straight to hell is be born! God said through the mouth of Paul By one mans sin ALL HAVE BEEN MADE SINNERS(Rom 5:19) We all have sinned after the simlitude(likeness) of Adam. Adam and eves transgression in the garden caused the stensh of sin to flow through our veins and the only cure is the blood transfusion from the cross! Being a good person doesent cut it, there is none righteous no not one and ALL have SINNED and come short of the glory of God. Good works dont either, Its by grace that were saved through faith NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast(Eph 2:8,9) It dont make any difference how many charitable acts someone does it wont save them. the ONLY THING THAT SAVES US IS THE BLOOD OF JESUS! Without the shedding of BLOOD THERE IS NO REMISSION OF SIN!(Heb 9:22) Second, HEALING. Some think that sometimes Gods will is not to heal. Jesus who was the will of God in action establishes it eternally. There was a leper that asked him Will thou make me clean? Listen to Jesus response I WILL(Matt 8:3, Luke 5:14) Now Iam not saying that everyone unfortunately have expierenced healing. However our expierences do not determine the will of God. We are going to talk about that a bit later. God is no respector of persons and never changes. Healing was in the atonement, WITH HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED, Peter said WERE HEALED(1 Peter 2:24) If we were, WE IS. The third, prosperity. God wills and wishes above all things that we prosper(3 John 2) Now that word has been often reduced down to money. It includes money, but its every area and arena. If you have a guy that has alot of money without Christ, Hes a poor man with it! Jesus said Whats it proft a man to gain the whole world and loose their own soul?(Matt 16:25, Mark 8:36) God is all about enlargement and enhanchment from faith to faith and glory to glory! Lets discuss some things that will war against the will of God in our lives. Number one, Opinion. They are like bellybuttons everybody has ONE! We live in a very opinionated society, but we must understand that if it goes against the written will of God its of zero importance. The bible declares the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God(1 Cor 3:19) We as preachers are called to preach the word NOT OPINION or HOW WE FEEL! God said through the mouth of Paul PREACH THE WORD, instant in and out of season(2 Tim 4:2) The Bereans had a readiness to search the scriptures to see whether things be so. They were not people that lived by opinion but by the dictates of his declarations and Hes telling us to do the same. Number two, Statistics. Faith is greater than facts! Its amazing the amount of even believers that take heed to them. You know what I'm talking about? 7 out of every ten get this, one out of four get that. We must turn our ears from such things and choose to believe the report of the Lord, Jesus said SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, for in them are ETERNAL LIFE(John 5:39) What listen to gets into our heart and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Number four, Teaching. The bible declares in the the last days men shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears(2 Tim 4:3,4) there is a saying that goes "Teacher teacher scratch my ear tell me what I want to hear" Jesus said in the last days men would be decieved by false teaching. God said through the mouth of Peter There shall be false teachers among you who privilyshall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that brought them(2 Peter 2:1) The way to combat this is found with what you spoke through the mouth mof the apostle Paul Study to show OURSELVES approved UNTO GOD(2 Tim 2:15) We must understand that no one can do our studying for us. Isiah talks about the word being line upon line and precept upon precept(Isiah 28:10) We must be that thorough with our meditation of it so that we'll see falseness a million miles away! Finally expierence. I have saved the biggest for last. More people attempt to discern the will of God by expierence than we ever would want to imagine. There are many reasons of why we expierence things that are not the will of God. People have a free will and choose to be mean say wrong things eetc.... However God said through the mouth of the prophet Isiah NO weapon formed against us SHALL PROSPER(Isiah 54:17) When Jesus was in the wilderness, He could have used his expierence of being baptised nin the Jordan river to explain that was the son of God. No He used the word! Men shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God(Matt 4:4 Luke 4:4) Get into the will of God TODAY!
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Great Wealth Transfer "Severing Strongholds"
We are going to continue are blog series on the great wealth transfer. In this one we are going to deal with strongholds. Strongholds are patterns that are setup in the mind. We have said that there two types of increase in the word of God. Most of us have had our times of operating in the system birthed at Babel. Gods way of doing things is completely different and it can take majior mind renewal. The bible declares to be carnally minded is death and to be spritually minded is life and peace(Rom 8:6) It takes a brand new way of thinking and in this our lives will be transformed. It will not happen overnight. If we have been in the other system day and night for years than its gonna take some e for effort to get the ship on the other side. remember the tounge is like a rudder on a ship and through it be driven by fiearce winds, it'll go the direction of the governor(Jms 3:3) Begin to confess to yourself that this day things are going to be different by the power of decision. The worlds system is about hoarding, Jesus system is all about giving. Jesus said Give and it shall be given good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto our bosom(Luke 6:38) We have to renew our minds when it comes to the power of partnership. One reason Iam living in the blessing is because of the lord directing me to hook with annointings that destroy yokes and remove burdens. In the book of Luke theres a profound illustration. The disciples were at the lake fishing, after TOILING all night there was no catch. Jesus said to them LAUCNH OUT INTO THE DEEP(Luke 5:4) In other words he was offering a whole new way of doing things. We must remember these were commercial and professional fishermen. Here comes a carpender telling them this way. It certainly was going to take mind renewal! How bout it? Peter says a powerful response, NEVERTHELESS AT THY WORD, I'll lower the net(Luke 5:5) Faith always says nevertheless. You might be like this is the only way Iam used to doing things BUT NEVERTHELESS! Who knows better the world or the word? Jesus is the word and that very word tells us how to profit and prosper. Will we obey and say nevertheless even in the event it contradicts all human reasoning? Were told in Proverbs NOT TO LEAN to our OWN UNDERSTANDING(Prov 3:5) In First Corinthians the Lord in and through the apostle paul says that the natural man recieves not things that are from the spirit of God for they are foolishness to him(1 Cor 2:14) All we have to do to miss God is to be natural and in that mindset. it says after they obeyed and lowered the net BOOM! There was an awesome netbreaking catch and than THEY BECKENED THEIR PARTNERS(Luke 5:7) In other words partnership is powerful! The Phillipian church understood this thus becoming a partaker of pauls grace(Phil 1:7) Another word for grace is annointing. The phillipian church prospered and was positioned to help the Corinthians when they were in a great trial of affliction. None of us can give away what we dont have. Right? There are awesome ministries that the Lord is speaking to all of us to partner with. You know in your knower. however you have at that point one of two choices. Will you be like ahhh that could'nt be God, He knows that I only have enough for my four and no more. Or will we be like the boys were that day on the lake NEVERTHELESS at thy word? In John There was a little boy that had a sack lunch. When that boy offered what was in his hand into the hands of Jesus the miracle of multiplication began to explode! How do we get our mindset changed? Number one, CONFRONTATION. This is what occurred with the boys at the lake, they had to be willing to humble themselves and listen to one that had way more wisdom than they did. We live in a generation that think that they are so smart. In that scenario we close ourselves off instead of opening ourselves and being teachable. We need to challenge everything that we have been taught and think we believe by the annointed words of the Christ. God said in and through the mouth of Paul If any man think that he knoweth anything, He knoweth NONETHING YET AS HE OUGHT TO KNOW(1 Cor 8:2) listen this can happen more easily than any of us realize. You might have heard things from people and preachers that you respected, but once you really meditated and studied to show yourself approved you found out that even through perhaps sincere they were sincerely wrong. Change is impossible without confrontation. Iam not talking about people here but our own way of thinking when it comes to what the word says to increase. Number two, CORRECTION. All of us must be willing to take correction. God said in proverbs that when we despise correction than were left to our own way and will eat the fruit of our own devices and God will laugh at our calamity(Prov 1:26-31) The cool thing is that its often a small adjustment. Its like turning the knob on the radio to get a station to come in clearer. If were WILLING and obedient, we'll eat from the good of the land(Isiah 1:19) Number three, Casting care. This is like so viatal! God said in and through the mouth of Peter Cast all our cares upon him for he careth for us(1 Peter 5:7) If we are full of care about our provision were litterally choking the power of the word to bring increase. Jesus makes this crystal clear in the book of Mark. He said cares entering in CHOKE THE WORD CAUSING IT TO BECOME UNFRUITFUL(Mark 4:19) Number four, Consider his Ways. The book of Hagaei talks about the situation God says to them Ye have sown much, and bring in little, ye eat and have not enough, ye drink yet you are not filled with drink, ye clothe you, but thee is none warm and HE THAT EARNETH WAGES EARNETH WAGES TO PUT IT INTO BAGS WITH HOLES, THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS CONSIDER YOUR WAYS(Haggai 1:6,7) Has scenario describe your situation? Has your mail just been read? hes simply saying lets consider something. God never misses it, lets humble ourselves and admit somewhere we got off, but the good news is we CAN GET BACK ON! The gospel is the GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Number five, Consecration. We need to commit this way to the Lord. The bible declares Commit thy ways unto the Lord, andf HE SHALL BRING THEM TO PASS(Psalm 37:5) We are talking in all these points from the prince of peace and pleaseant provider how to destroy the wrong carnal and natural mindsets! Finally number six, CHECK in with the big BOSS. In the book of First Samual, David was always INQUIRING of the Lord. Walking by faith goes hand in hand with being leaed by the spirit. This is especially important regarding finances. When God quickens a word, check yourself God WILL LET YOU KNOW!!!! 2 Corinthians declares about the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS(2 Cor 10:4) Allow these principles and precepts do it in the name of JESUS!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Great Wealth Tranfer Pt 2 "The Position"
In the prior blog we talked about the great wealth transfer that is coming and already here. We discussed the reason for the world system failing also the four majior wealth transfers in the word of God. We must understand that He hasent changed. Hes the Lord that changes not and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever! At the end of the blog we began mentioning ways to position ourselves to recieve. Positioning is like crucial. Think about the game of Football, if the reciever doesent run the correct pattern thus postioning themselves to recieve the pass they wont catch it. Think about the game of chess, the pieaces positioned on the board make all the difference in the world. Think about listening to your radio driving down the road.. Havent you ever hit a certain spot it went all static city? There was noneting wrong with the signal sending it was all in the recieving. Jesus said Believe ye recieve and ye shall have(Mark 11:24) Notice the believing and recieving come before the having and knowing. Many people want to believe to the standpoint of it coming to pass first. This is what Thomas attempted to do right? what did jesus say? you believe now that you see, but BLESSED is the man that believes even when He does not see(John 20:29) Lets pick up where we left off. Believe Bountiful eye and Behave. Number four Boldness. we have to come boldly to the throne of grace and excercise authority over the enemy in the name of Jesus. He doesent have any right to take your possesions. Malachaei talks about the fruit of our ground not being destroyed(Mal 3:10) This is all dependant upon whether of not were guarding that ground. Remember our relationship with god is to be ten percent talking and ninety percent listening! God will guide and govern us to the wealthy place and teach us how to profit. However if were not stepping out in boldness, it simply will not work. Number five, Berean readiness. In the book of Acts God gives us a group of people that were willing with a readiness to search the scripture to see whether things be so(Acts 17:11) In other words we must search the scripture to see what belongs to us financially. Many times we get our advice from every other source than the very manual in print that brings consultation with confidence. Number six, Bowel cleansing. Now I realize that may sound a little strange and maybe even sick lol. However the word of God talks about spiritual bowels. God commands us in the book of First John not to shut up our bowels(1 John 3:17) The Lord instructeed Paul to warn the Corithians not to be straightended in their bowels(2 Cor 6:12), but to ENLARGE their hearts! Spiritual constipation is much worse than physical. We have to have our bowels loose to recieve the enlargement. We prosper even as our soul prospers(3 John 2) How it goes on the inside is how it goes on the outside! Our inside is formed by the three gates (eyes ears mouth) In the last blog we touched on the seeing. What about the hearing? Jesus said take heed WHAT YOU HEAR(Mark 4:24, Luke 8:18) What are we listening to? The bible declares in the world there are many voices, Jesus said my sheep hear mY VOICE and a strangers voice they will not follow. Which voice will we give heed too? The savior or a stranger? How bout our mouth? Proverbs declares that we are snared and taken captive by our own lips(Prov 6:2) Whqat are you declaring and decreeing about increase in your life? I have heard people joke about lack. Its not funny he was made poor that through his poverty we would be made rich(2 Cor 8:9) Did he pay an awesome price for savation healing and provision? Asolutely. Words are not harmless and they write images on our hearts. You might wonder doI have a verse for that? Our tounge is the PEN OF A READY WRITER(Psalm 45:1) So the question is what are you writing? Our tounge is like paintbrush and our hearts are the canvus. Out of the abundance of whats been placed there are hearts WILL SPEAK! Are you saying things like Oh its gonna be hard hard hard hard. We might to go back to little house on the prarie days. If you are, you'll have what you say because what you believe has spitual substance and its released once spoken. God said through the mouth of Paul We having the same SPIRIT of faith, BELIEVE and therefore hath SPOKEN(2 Cor 4:13) We can locate a heart by a mouth! They are totally connected. Finally Back to basics. God is a good God and he wants to prosper us, He said very clearly that its his wish above ALL THINGS! Trust and be a doer in Jesus name! You'll be blessed in your deed
"The Great Wealth Transfer"
The book of James declares that in the last days men will heap to themselves treasures that will consume their flesh. The bible declares that the prosperity of the fool shall destroy them(Prov 1:32) The word talks about two types of increase. Theres the world and the word. The worlds based upon the baylonian system introduced in the building of Nimrods tower in Babel. It was mans attempt to prosper and increase absent of God. Satan we well know is the God of this world and of this worlds system(2 Cor 4:4) This increse is not only temporary but comes also with great sorrow. The Words system is introduced as the blessing that was upon Abraham. according to the third chapter of the book of Galations we are the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise! The blessing upon us as believers belongs to us and WILL come upon us! God said this clearly with crystal clarity in the book of Deuteronomy The blessing will COME UPON AND OVERTAKE US(Deut 28:1,2) Now all the problem and peril in the econmy had to happen. Its actually a set up from the spy thats in the sky himself. Why? Lets refer to a verse that many of heard and may even can quote, but never really understood. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just(Prov 13:22) How did we think that this tangible transfer was going to transpire? The word talks about in descriptive detail four wealth tranfers and the fifth is in high gear right now. In the remainder of this blog and by the grace and direction of God, were going talk about them and than what the word says how to paticipate thus positioning ourselves to be a partaker of the fifth in Jesus name! Now right off the bat, we must settle once and for all that the word is first and final. Not the ideads philosphies preaching and teaching of men. If we dont than we'll waver and God said through nthe mouth of James That we'll not be able to recieve anything of the Lord(Jms 1:6-8) Tranfer number one, Abraham. In Genesis twelve He was in a famine. His wife was fair to look upon. She was so good looking that she was given the privledge of entering the Kings chamber and Abraham increased! Transfer number two, Issac. God told him in the time of famine NOT TO GO DOWN INTO EGYPT. Egypt represents the words system and way of doing things. He commandeed him to SOUJORN and sow a seed into the very land and he recieved a hundredfold return in the very same year(Gen 26:12) He waxed so great that the philistines envied him. Will everyone rejoice and shout over our increase? Unfortunately no. Let me interject this what we condemn or judge we CAN NEVER HAVE and when were green with envy were ripe for TROUBLE. Transfer number three, Jacob. He had worked twently long years for a bigger tricker than he himself, Laban. One day He finally cut a deal with him, taking all the sheep with spots. The thimg was there were no sheep with spots lol Laban thought he had just entered into the deal of a lifetime! However Issac placed bthe sheep in front of rods with spots. Let me pause to pound the point, there is power in PERCEPTION! Does it matter what were looking at? Oh MY oh MY! In an earlier blog we talk about it. The spots appeared on the sheep supernatually and he incresed to the point that labans sons said He hath taken away all of what was our Fathers, and what was our Fathers hath he gotten ALL THIS GLORY(Gen 31:1) This is what Gods doing in this present hour. Transfer number four. The children of Israel. They recieved the wealth of egypt ine one day after four hundred and thirty two years of captivity(Ex 12:36) Imagine going from less than enough to far more than enough in one day! Glory to God! Ok Positioning ourselves. Number one, Believe. None of this can come less we believe. Its an excercise of the heart and not the head. Mental assent dont cut the cheese! Joh wesley once said "The church has been given a substitute for faith that sounds so much like faith few can tell the difference, its called mental assent" Jesus said If we believe all things are possible to him that believeith(Mark 9:23) God said through the mouth of Paul let him that does not eats judge not him that does(Rom 14:3) In other words if you want to look at this and say bogne thats your choice every man must be persuaded in their own mind. We have two choices recievce or reject and both will have results. Number two, Bountiful eye. The bible declares in the bok of Proverbs He that hath a BOUNTIFUL eye shall be blessed(Prov 22:9) Jesus said that ,light in the body is the eye(Matt 6:22, Luke 11:34) It matters what we look at! God said in the book of Proverbs let not the word depart from our eyes(Prov 4:21) We have just talked about the tranfers are you gonna look for it? Number three, Behave. We cannot recieve this into our life if we are in sin. We said earlier egypt represents the world system and way of doing thins. Its also a typology of sin. it cuts us off from the blessing and connects to the curse. Were going to unhook here and we'll continue in a future blog. Believe, Bountiful and BEHAVE!
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