Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Power of Overcoming "The Power Of The HolySpirit"
We are are going to talk about one of the most important people to know in order to overcome. The precious Holyspirit. He is the mighty third person of the Godhead. Hes the very power of God and he was there in the beginning hovering over the face of the deep. Jesus said that he would be the comforter that he would send that would lead us into all truth and bring back all his words to our rememberence. Its very important that we have intimacy with him. In the book of Genesis we find a profound phrase Adam KNEW EVE(Gen 4:1) The word knew here comes from the greek word GINOSKO. It is the greek word from where we get the english word intercoarse. Its deep deep intimacy. Now lets not forget that hes the mighty power pieace of the Godhead. Because of that the enemy wants to interupt that intimacy. We were created to have it. However the enemy is the master of conterfeit. Relationships can be one at times. God gives us all things richly to enjoy and the institution of marriage is one of them. However it was meant to be a suppliment not a subsitute. There is a line that got popular in the movie Jerry Macguire You complete me" There has never been a more untrue statement uttered! We are already complete in HIM who is the head of all principalities and powers(Col 2:10) Now we can see the urgency in the words of Jesus saying IT IS EXPIDIENT(neccessary) that I GO AWAY(John 16:7) The disciples at that time did not understand that. Jesus was the best thing that ever happened to them and they could'nt percieve or concieve life without him. Jesus told them where Iam going you cannot go. Jesus knew that the intimacy by the sending of the HolyGhost was going to be better and more deep than anything that they had ever expierenced. Now in closing this blog lets begin talking about the Omnipresence of God and the Abiding presence of God. The Lord said in and through the mouth of David Where I can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to the higest depth or make my bed in Hell your there(Psalm 139) This is talking about the fact that Gods everywhere. Hes in the forest, and at the supermarket. We have all heard people say that they are like the closest to god while hunting or fishing. Why? Its because they do sense him because Hes everywhere all at one time. However theres also is his ABIDING presence. This is his presence indwelling on the inside of us. In the book of John Jesus said that comforter that He would send in his namke would abide in us forever(John 14:16) The Lord said through the mouth of Paul that we are the temple and tabernacle of God! I like especially in the book of second Corinthians I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK IN THEM and I WILL be their God and they shall be my people(2 Cor 6:16) When we enter into a place we are litterally taking his presence with us because its in us.EVERY born again believer has his abiding presence on the inside. Nonethingelse will fulfill or satisfy. Jesus said that a mans life does not consist in the abundance of things they posses(Luke 12:15) Notice he did'nt say not to posses its just that are lives dont consist of it. In other words stuff without the presence of God is stale. This is the reasons that many with millions become suicidal. The bible declares that God hath set eternity in our hearts(Ecc 3:11) This means that there is a God shape hole on the inside of us that only he can fill. Attempting to fill it with anythingelse is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. The creation can never have satisfaction apart from its creator. We get this abiding presence when we recieve Jesus as lord. Jesus said WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN(John 3:3) This happens when we believe in our hearts and with mouths confess Jesus as savior and Lord. Jesus talks about it in the book of Revelations. Behold I stand at the door and knock(Rev 3:20) This is he through the spirit prompting and propeling you to himself so that this presence can be on the inside! How can it cause us to overcome? Lets see what God says in and through the mouth of John We are of God little children and HAVE OVERCOME THEM, because GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4) This overcoming power is on the inside when its abiding within us. Its through that power that we run through a troop and leap over a wall, its in that power that we press through the crowds of attempted opposition. In the next blog we'll talk about the imershing presence. Its achievede by recieving tthe mighty subsequent expierence to salvation called the baptisim of the HolyGhost!!! We;ll talk about why its important and how to recieve it.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Power Of The Overcomer "The Tool Of A Tame Tounge"
The book of James says that are life is like a ship that althrough maybe being driven by fiearce wind is able to be turned around by the rudder which represents our tounge. We found out that we are the governor and its our responsibility to apply and appropriate pressure to that little member causing it to be bridled just like bits in the mouth of a hoarse. I've told people that the Lord said to me one time Brian "The best answer to pressure IS PRESSURE! The greatest way that we do that is the words of our mouth. We sqaw at the end of the last blog the few of many references found in the book of Proverbs that are words are like carriers and containers of the blessing or the curse. God said through the mouth of Moses Everyday the choice of blessing and cursing is set before us(Deut 30:19) The deciding vote is most often cast by the little member that boasts of great things. Today we need to get into taming the tounge. God said in and througth the mouth of James The tounge is a fire a world of iniquity so the tounge among are members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire the COARSE OF NATURE(turns wheels on an axil sets things in motion) and is set on fires of Hell. Every beast of the field hath and has been TAMED BY MANKIND, BUT THE TOUNGE NO MAN CAN TAME(Jms 3:5-8) The Lord says through James that lions tigers and bears can be tamed easier than the tounge! The only thing that can do it is surrender to the written word and submission the the HolyGhost. Remember if we can control of our tounge we can our WHOLE LIFE! the bible gives us a number ways to do it. Nummer one PRAYER. We seen in an earlier blog that David prayed that the Lord would keep the door of his mouth, we must do the same thing. When we pray and ask we are placing a demand on his ability upon any inability in us. Number two, PURPOSE. We have to on purpose everyday desire our words to be good for the use of edifying. We are the ones that are in control of what we are saying. It dont matter how much the windmaybe trying to drive you in a direction. Your the sailor your like the pilot and its up to us to turn it! Notice James uses the phrase twice in just a few verses. TURN ABOUT!!! Things can be turned about, but we have to use our words and confessions the right way. However before we do that we have to purpose that only his words will come up out of our mouths. The centurian who understood authority came to Jesus asking him to heal his servant. Hes like im not worthy that you enter under my roof BUT SPEAK THE WORD ONLY and my servant shall be healed for IM A MAN UNDER AUTHORITY(Matt 8:8,9) whats he saying here? He understood the authority behind te words of Jesus! We have to keep them in our mouths as well! The bible declars that not one word of God falls to the ground VOID OF POWER! Isiah said that the word does not return umto him VOID but prospers to the place thats its been sent(Isiah 55:11) We are the senders. Is it prospering where we are sending. The Lord goes onto say in and through James that blessing and cursing cannot come from the same mouth just like sweet and bitter water cannot flow from the same spring. We must just asthe centurian understand the authority of what bwere saying. There is a spiritual substance released behind every word. Jesus told the the fellas who wanted to call down fire like Elijah consuming them by saying YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT SPIRIT YE ARE OF(Luke 9:55) Our words can be just as Micah by the spirit prophesied by the SPIRIT OF THE BREAKER(Micah 2:13) Number three, POWER. How many y'all know that you are going to be different with power saw than a hand saw! Theres is going to be a whole lot more of caustiousness!!!!!!!!!!!!! They heal or hurt, they build or break, they encourage or discourage, they strengthen or weaken, they puify or pollute!!! So lets understand the power of them and think before we speak instead of speak and than think about what we said! The bible declares the righteous man STUDIES TO ANSWER(Prov 15:28) Prov 15:1 a SOFT answer TURNS AWAY WRATH, SWEETNESS OF THE LIPS INCREASE LEARNING(Prov 16:21) If we really want someone to hear us start with a positive and recognize the power behind what you are saying! God SAID let there be light and it came faster than 186,000 miles per second. We have that same creative power on the inside of us thats being released through words!!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Power Of The Overcomer "The Power Of Confession pt 2"
In the last blog we began talking about the power of being an overcomer. Jesus said in this world we will have tribulation, BUT be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Notice the word but is like right in the middle of his statement. The word but cancels out everything that was said before it and the only thing thats important is what comes after. we are overcomers in him. This is the reason we see Jesus repeat the phrase over and over in the book of Revelation to HIM THAT OVERCOMES! In the last blog we saw that the power of confession is very important and intrical element of us overcoming. Jesus confessed the word in the wilderness, the shunamite woman said it is well, Danial perservered through twenty one days of warfare and the angel said that it was his words that they had need of. At the end of the blog we began talking about the spirit of faith. We having the same spirit of faith believe and therefore SPEAK! The Lord said out of the mouth of John we overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony(Rev 12:11) Is confession important? You bet! Remember young David a shepherd boy in the field. Hes like mending the sheep and begins to hear goliath mocking the men of God. He than rose up and SAID who is this uncircumcised philistine? Already we see the carriers of faith called words spring into action. His older brother began to mock and pester saying Who mending te sheep? He didnt care about the sheep. He was upset that his little brother had the boldness that he and the rest of the forty thousand caustious cowards did'nt. Lets look at first Samual sevenenteen and see the many times where it declares and DAVID SAID. David SAID(1 Sam 17:29) David SAID(1 Sam 17:32) Daid SAID(1 Sam 17:34) David SAID(1 Sam 17:37) Than David SAID(1 Sam 17:45) look at the amount of times the word mentioned David Said! Speaking it out is no small thing! Faith comes by hearing but its released through saying. However as seen earlier must flow from a heart of abundance of the word. Why was it that he had so much confidence going against goliath? Its because he had the bear and lion. In other words the confession into becomes the confession unto. We see clearly that his words were intrical and we also see the opposition that attempted to come up against them. God calling Abram Abraham was important in the fulfilling of our destiny. Moses REFUSED TO BE CALLED the son of pharoahs daughter(Heb 11:24) Does it matter what we allow ourselves to be called? YES! We will never rise above the conssions we make over our lives and situations. The book of Proverbs gives us one verse after another dealing with how they will bless or curse build or break. Lets look at a few. There is that cuts like the piearcing of a sword but the tounge of the wise is health(Prov 12:18) A righteous man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth(Prov 12:14) He that keeps his mouth shall keep their lives(Prov 13:3) The lips of the wise shall preserve them(Prov 14:3) A wholesome tounge is a tree of life(Prov 15:4) Pleaseant words are sweeter than honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones(Prov 16:24) Death and life are in the power of the tounge and those that love it shall eat the fruit thereof(Prov 18:21) He that keeps their tounge keepeth their soul from troubles(Prov 21:23) In the book of James were given an awesome and amazing analogy of the power words and the way their guide and govern our lives especially in the midst of conditions and circumstances. It descibes a ship being driven by fiearce winds. The ship represents our lives. It says that it'll go in the direction of the governor. You and I through his authority is that governor! Our lives can be bridled by our tounge just a wild hoarse can be with the bit in its mouth. In the next blog we'll continue on in James and talk about ways to tame the tounge.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Power Of The Overcomer "The Power Of Confession"
Jesus said in the book of John In this world we will have tribulation but be of good cheer for I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD(John 16:33) We are on enemy territory and for that reason there are things that we will have to be overcome. In the book of Revelation Jesus tells us the great blessing and benefit of being one. We get the right to be made a pillar in the house of God, we are given a white stone with a name only known by him given to us personally from him, were granted the right to sit on the throne with HIM! Glory to God! So lets talk about a few of the ways the Lord enables us to overcome. Number one, The power of CONFESSION. Jesus said whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain and shall not doubt in their heart but shall believe whatever he SAITH shall come to pass, he shall have whatever he SAITH(Mark 11:23) Notice that Jesus is emphasising what we say when it comes to mountains. A mountain can represent something that needs to be overcome. Jesus only uses the word believe once and the word say THREE TIMES! The point is saying is just as or even more inportant than the believing. Another thing when it comes to confession is that people most often focus on the negative side. They will confess their sins which God said in and through the mouth of John that we are to do. If we confess our sins hes faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness(1 John 1:9) However there is alot more to the importance of confession than just confessing our sins to God. In the book of Romans we find that we are believe in our hearts and CONFESS WITH OUR MOUTHS the LORD JESUS(Rom 10:9) This is not a confession of sin, its one of the LordSHIP of Jesus in our lives. One verse prior to that we find that Paul by the spirit says The word is nigh thee even in OUR MOUTHS and in our hearts. We see here that the word must be in our mouths and than in our hearts. When we begin to confess the reality of the truth of the word the more its being written down on the table of our hearts. For instance if you are growing in faith attempting to become fully persuaded as far as healing in concerned. We must find the healing verses and begin to confess them out verbally to him at least three times a day. Why? Because the word is quick and powerful and creates images that are being placed in the heart. David said by the spirit that the tounge is the like the pen of a ready writer(Psalm 45:1) After that the word declares with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with THE MOUTH CONFESSION IS MADE UNTO(Rom 10:10) Notice the CONFESSION INTO BECOMES THE CONFESSION UNTO! Because the more we confess the word its getting in us and pretty soon it'll be being spoken out of an abundance of the heart as Jesus said and its than that our words are carrying great weight. Its misunderstanding of this that causes people to be like well I confessed it like once and nonething happened. It takes some persistent repitition to get into us so that it can come out of us like rapid fire. Lets define confession. First, its affirming something that we believe, Second its testifying to something that we know, and Third its witnessing to a truth that we have embraced. In the book of Hebrews Christ is called the apostle and highpriest of our confession(Heb 3:1) Our words give him something to work with. The bible also says in Hebrews Seeing that we have a great highpriest thats passed into the Heavens Jesus the son of God LET US HOLDFAST TO OUR CONFESSION(Heb 4:14), and CONFESS without wavering in CONFESSION for He is faithful who promised(Heb 10:23) Jesus used words to defeat the enemy in the wilderness and if he did it and he was the word made flesh, HOW MUCH MORE MUST WE? The book of Ephesians says we are to be followers of Christ as dear children the amplified says imitaters. This means that we are to be doing the same thing that he does. We are to be the very reflection of him everyway everyday! Finally three things that help empowr our confession. Prayer. David prayed Lord set a watch over my mouth and keep the door of my lips(Psalm 141:3) he also prayed Lord let the WORDS and meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight(Psalm 19:14) Number two, Persuasion. We have to become convinced in the word of God thats coming out of our mouths. Jesus said that we are to believe what we say shall come to pass. This is after he tells us have faith in God. Its not just having faith in God but also faith in the word of God thats coming out of our mouth. Did you know that you will believe your own words more than anybody elses? This is one supreme reason that the enemy ever endeavors to get our words and use them against us. Remember Elijah had by the power of God called down fire from Heaven consuming the 450 prophets of Baal? It was like right after that Jezebel SENT A MESSAGER(1 Kings 19) How do things come? They come by hearing! This is why Jezebel did'nt just show up herself. These words so discouraged and depressed him that He asked the Lord to take his life. In the book of Danial we find Danial in the midst of warfare. He perserveared through prayer for twenty one days. It was day number twenty one that the angel was like from the first day that you chastened your heart toward God he heard you and answered BUT THE PRINCE OF PERSIA WITHSTOOD YOU, and get this next phrase I HAD NEED OF YOUR WORDS(Dan 10:12) Words are like intrical in warfare! The best defense is a good offense and words of God coming from our mouth out of the abundance of our heart is a tremendous tool over the tormentor or trouble. Our words will fix landmarks in our lives. In the book of Numbers. They were given the promised land of milk and honey. Moses sent twelve spies into the land to search and like get a feel for the terrain. Ten of them brought back an evil REPORT, and they SAID WE ARE LIKE GRSSHOPPERS IN THEIR SIGHT and SO WE WERE IN THEIR SIGHT(Num 13:33) In the book of second Kings we find the account of the shunamite woman. She wanted a son but she kept it within herself and she served the man of God elisha. She did to the point that she had an addition built on for him to stay. Is God unrighteous to forget the work and labor of love to the saints?(Heb 6:10) Not a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was than hes like you will have a son which he knew by word of wisdom and she was like basically dont play with me. Well sure enough it happened and when he was little older he fell out in the field on his head and died. The shunamite woman went after the man of God elisha and as she went said these words that were the link that hooked IT IS WELL(2 Kings 4:23) Now some miight have attempted to say that would be denial. Listen faith dont deny, ITS RELIES! She was looking by the eyes of faith and it impacted and influenced the words of her mouth! We have to become persuaded in our mouth but that comes by being persuaded in our hearts which is the spirit of faith in action! We having the same spirit of faith we BELIEVE AND THEREFORE SPEAK(2 Cor 4:13) Is believing just enough? we'll talk about ot more in the next blog.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Power Of Desire "Focused Like Flint"
In the last blog we began talking about the power of desire. It is a penetrating and powerful force that will push and propel us forward especially in the midst of seemingly impossible condition and circumstance. We talked about the woman with the issue of blood, blind Bartimaus, and the paralytic man whose four friends brought him down through the tiling of the ceiling. What was the momentum that caused a channel of Gods enduing and enabling power to surge into each of those situations? DESIRE! We finished with talking about deligence, determination and discipline. Today we are going to talk about being focused like flint. Desire will be something that will help us to do it. We live in a world that is full of distraction and will attempt to captivate and capture. However He wants us zeroed in on the very word that hes spoken to us and continue to be nutured on the words of faith peertaining to it. Loss of focus can come very easily when not careful and caustious. Consider Peter, hes like walking on the water toward Jesus and when the waves began to boistfully blow it got his attention. He sank like a brick! Ahab a king who had everything that ones mind could possibly phatom. One day he sees nabods vineyard and was immediately distracted. It lead to deep depression because it consumed his thoughts night and day. The thing is that it should have never been a blimp on the radar screen! Martha and Mary are getting the house ready for Jesus visitation. Martha gets encumbered and troubled, while Mary is like chillin in the corner sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to his word. The point is there was a loss of focus. In the book of Hebrews we find how important focus was in the completion of the desire of the son of God. For the joy THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM, HE ENDURED THE CROSS(Heb 12:2) In the book of Phillipians Paul by the spirit makes an awesome and amazing statement THIS ONE THING I DO(Phil 3:13) That phrase totally sums up focus! The Lord in and through the mouth of James warns us of being divided and double in our hearts and minds(Jms 4:8) What can we do to stay focused like flint? Number one, Time. There is no substitute when it comes to time with him. Its there that he breathes his breathe of life upon the desires that hes placed and put in us. Remember that hes called a consuming fire!!!(Heb 12:29) He knows how to kindle a flame. All it takes is one blow of his ressurrection life to come into it getting it back to focus. Lets go back to what Jesus said about Mary, She has CHOSEN THE BEST PART(Luke 10:42). Notice it was her CHOICE. How much time we're willing to invest is always up to us. The word is quick and powerful and gives birth to images within our spirit man. Jesus said that his words are spirit and life(John 6:63) We are a spirit we have a soul and we live in a body. The desires of our hearts our sustained in our spirits. Thats a big reason that time in the word perrtaining to it is imperative. Number two, Talking. We need to be confessing them to the Lord on a daily basis. Theres a two fold thing that happens. As we do it, our words are like arron boys released into the very atmosphere. When Danial was praying twernty one days, remember what the angel said to him? From the first day that you chasten yourself before him God he heard you. WE HAD NEED OF YOUR WORDS(Dan 10:12-14) Does God have need of our words? Absolutely. Christ is called the HighPriest of our confession(Heb 3:1) Jesus said we shall have what we say(Mark 11:23) the other purpose of talking is that our tounge litterally becomes like a pen thats writing that desire deep within our spirit where the springs of life are. In the book of Psalms God calls our tounge the PEN OF A READY WRITER(Psalm 45:1) Its not important that we do this talking before other people. They are for our BENEFIT and BLESSING! Number three, Thanksgiving. It will keep us focused! Thanksgiving ius like the lid on the jar of our faith. Its the highest form of faith, cause we are thanking him for something that has yet to manifest and materialize. The bible declares in the book of Phillipians Be careful for nonething, but by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING(Phil 4:6) The bible says that when we refuse to stay in a state of thanksgiving our understanding will become darkened(Rom 1:21) This is what happened to Ahab. He became unthankful over all the other vineyards he owned. It will stunt and possibly stop ous desires before him from being fulfilled. The children of Israel get into it. They stayed in the wilderness for for forty years when it should have been an eleven day journey into the land of promise. The book of Corinthians tells us that it was written for our admonition to be like FORGET THAT! Im not going to have an attitude of INGRATITUDE and forfeit my desires. What were they focused on? Not Gods goodness and glory. Mary and Martha at the tomb of Lazarus. Were they thankful when Jesus arrived? NO. Martha was like If you had come earlier, he would'nt have died(John 11:21) what did Jesus say If you BELIEVE shouldest thou not see the GLORY OF GOD(John 11:39) Believing is a big part in the fulfillment of our desires. What is like proof that we are believing? We find it in the book of Romans The God of hope fill you JOY and PEACE IN BELIEVING(Rom 15:13) We said some time ago that enthusiasim and excitement are the byproducts of expectation. Show me expectency, I'll show exilerated and exzuberant THANKS! Keep FOCUSED LIKE FLINT!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Power Of Desire
In this blog the lord has quickened to me to talk about desire. It is a powerful force that will propel and push through any attempted opposition. Often when the word has been used its been in a negative light. Its been talked about pertaining to the flesh. However desire is a fire that is birthed by the giving of the promise from the word of God. Jesus said Whatever we DESIRE when we pray believe ye recieve and you shall have them(Mark 11:24). It according to the master is an important and intrical element in prayer. When we chasten ourselves before him this great fire ought to be beaming from our very bosom. Think about the desire of the woman with the issue of blood. It was when she had heard of Jesus that she began to press into the crowd surrounding her. What was the motivating momentum? DESIRE! Blind Bartimaus a beggar along the side of the road. He hears that Jesus is passing by, and began to cry out saying JESUS thou son of David have mercy upon me. The people began telling him to hold his peace but HE CRIED OUT EVEN MORE! What caused him to do so? DESIRE! The woman had the issue of blood for twelve years. Maybe you've been in the midst of a condition and circumstance for a long time. I want you to understand by the spirit of God it CAN CHANGE in a short period of time. In such situations it can be tempting to say well its been so long and accept it as a lot. Remember back to our recent series on the abundant life? One of our messages was the cost of it being PATIENCE. Whats the fuel between amen and here it is? DESIRE! Glory To God!!! In the book of Luke there was a paralytic man that was taken by his four friends through the tiling of the roof to get to Jesus. Desire never stops until it gets to the completion and culmination! In the book of Psalms the bible says that God gives us the DESIRES of our hearts as we delight ourselves in Him(Psalms 37:4) I believe that God is into DEEP DESIRE! Hes like deep calleth unto deep and he puts TRUTH in our inward parts!!!! He knows our deepest desires that the word birthed. Hes well pleased when we like a bulldog bite bown on the bone of it!!!!!!!! Winston churchill "once said that a nose of a bulldog is slanted back so that it can bite and breathe without turning loose!" So how can we keep the fuel of sdesire fanned? Number one, Deligence. We have to aggresively go after those things that we are desiring. Whether its a closer relationship God, Healing in our bodies, restoration in our relationships, or financial freedom. In order to be deligent we must be careful and caustious what we allow into our hearts. God said that out of our hearts shall flow the forces of life(Prov 4:23). What are the channels that travel into it? Eyes ears and mouth. We must be deligent to stay away from whatever could possibly could snuff out that desire like a smoltering flax. We have to be deligent to be in the word daily, specifically the areas and arenas your believing him for. The word is to our spirit as food is to our body. its the reason Jesus uses a physical term to convey a spiritual thought. Men shall not live by BREAD alone, but BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD. Jesus also said Give us this DAY our DAILY BREAD(Matt 6:11) If your only in the word on Sundays, it will not feed that desire on the inside of yourself. Now when the word is pouring out it could potentially seem mononous. I want you to know althrough it goes in like water, it'll come forth like WINE!. When Jesus had the people fill the waterpots at the wedding of Canan, it was water but it BECAME WINE! Keep on a daily basis feeding that desire and althrough it seems like water it'll be turned to wine! The bible says the word is QUICK AND POWERFUL(Heb 4:12) Its placing power of the inside of you every time you meditate and speak it out of your mouth. Number two, Determination. The enemy will attempt to cause the desire to dwindle and eventually disappear. So its going to take determination to cling to the desire no matter what devilsh scheme or strategy is planned to put it out. The Lord said through John greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4) How many you know the Holyspirit is in you and puts desires on the inside of you. when that desire becomes developed enough it'll be so big that no matter whats going on in the outside you'll not be moved by it. Abraham clinged with determination to the promise, Noah with determination clinged to the desire even in the midst of a whole generation mocking. Nehemiah with great determination passed out swords to half the hands of the people and bricks to the other half in building the walls of Jerusalem. Number three Disipline. God said in and through the mouth of Paul that this Christian walk of ours is like a race and only one recieves the prize and its the one thats NOT AIMLESSLY BEATING THE AIR(1 Cor 9:24-26) In other words we are to be running with desire like an advanced athlete thats not moved by pressure or potential problem. its because we have an expected end, a goal that he himself has placed and put into our heart. Keep the fire of DESIRE burning bright and the blessing will come upon you with all its MIGHT!
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Abundant Life "Outlook For Offenses"
We are continuing on in our series with "Outlook For Offenses" In these days we must be on guard from offenses. Its one the enemies most deceptive traps and strategies in preventing us from the promised land known as the abundant life. In the book of Luke Jesus tells us that its impossible to live this life without having the opportuniuty to be offended(Luke 17:1) Its not a matter of if the offenses will come, its a matter of how we'll respond and react when they do. The word OFFENSE comes from the greek word SCANDALON. It refers to and signifies the laying of a trap. Its often hidden deep kindof like a landmind. Jesus said that it would be one of the chief signs of the final times. In the twenty fourth chapter of the book of Matthew theres laid out the spinal column of prophecy. Nation will rise against nations, there would be famines earthquakes and pesilences. However we see the mackdaddy and motherload of then all beginning at verse ten. MANY WOULD OFFEND BETRAY AND HATE ONE ANOTHER. Notice that this chain all begins with the link called offense. Many times the offenses that come will be from the most seemingly unlikely of sources. In other words it'll be from places that we thought were sound stable and secure. We must have our foundation built on NONETHING LESS THAN JESUS CHRST AND HIS FAITHFULLNESS!!!! David found this out when he laments Its not an enemy that reproaches me than my soul could bear but its my friend an equal we took sweet fellowship together in the throng(Psalm 55:12) In other words the offense came from a source in whom he had a close relationship. The closer an association the greater potential for offense. If we get our eyes on people than it can quickly lead down this slippery slope toward a harden heart whch brings us into sin and ultimately death. How can we by the power of the word of God protect our lives from this most deadly and dangerours of satans schemes? Number one. LOVE THE WORD. When we are in love with the word we will not be our feelings. Often when someone is offended, you'll notice that much of their speech is dominated and dictated by how they feel. God said in and through the mouth of John LOVE NOT the world neither things that are in the world(1 John 2:15). The word world here is decribing the worlds system. We are in the world but we are NOT OF IT and the way we react and respond is to be absolutely completely and TOTALLY different from the world! However the only way to do that is to love the word more than ANYTHING OR ANYONE! Joeseph didnt get into offense even through he was sold into slavery by his own family. When it was all said and done He had the power to authorize having his brothers killed. We see at the end of the book of Geneseis instead of having them killed he fell upon them kissing them in radical reconcilliation. What caused Joeseph to react and respond in this manner? He LOVED THE WORD, in other words he LOVED GOD! In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and THE WORD WAS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God says in the book of the Psalms Great peace TO THOSE THAT LOVE THY LAW, AND NONETHING SHALL OFFEND THEM(Psalm 119:165) God tells us here with crystal clarity to the very degree that we love his word is the direct proportion of protection we have from offense. Number Two. LONGSUFFERING The bible declares LOVE SUFFERS LONG and is kind(1 Cor 13:5) The NLT says LOVE IS NOT IRRITABLE. We will not get easily irritable when we are no longer offended. in verse seven it goes onto say that LOVE ENDURES THROUGH EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE! When we are operating in ENDURING LOVE we WILL NOT BECOME OFFENDED! This is the agape love of God thats been shed abroad in our hearts by the HolyGhost(Rom 5:5) This is the enabling and endueing force enabling us to endure when offenses come. The bible says that JESUS ENDURED THE CROSS(Heb 12:2) What caused him to endure the cross? He so LOVED THE WORD(John 3:16) This was the propelling power that pressed through the wipping scourjing and the cross itself. We see in the book of John that Jesus ABIDED in the Fathers Love and it was made manifest in and through him. The thirteenth chapter of John says that its to be radiating in and through us which causes the world to know that we are his disciples. People will take notice of love that suffers long. Jesus said in the book of Luke If we love those that love us what thanks do we have?(Luke 6:32) When we are able to rise up in this enduring love that stays free from offense it causes our lives to be like a shining spotlight in the face of individuals. Lets be the witness that we have been created for and called to be! Number three, LEANING NOT TO OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. When we are in the midst of a situation where offense has come we must not allow ourselves to be in the arena of reason. Back to the account of Joeseph not only was he dominated by the Love for God and the word but also by the power of FORGETFULNESS. In Gen 41 we find where one of his sons was named Mannasah. The name meant GOD CAUSED ME TO FORGET! He was able to be protected from offense by not letting thoughts to develop pertaining to what he had been through. God has done this very thing toward us. Hes like their sins and iniquities I'll remember NO MORE(Jer 31:34) He puts our sins in the SEA OF FORGETFULNESS(Micah 7:19) The bible says Love BELIEVES THE BEST IN EVERY PERSON(1 Cor 13:7) Love is able to look through the fog of offense and see the good things and thats what we are to be completely focused on. Finally, LIVE TO GIVE. When we live to give, our minds will not be on me. When we talk to people that are offended notice what they are talking about ME ME ME. If our minds were like screen and we were able to change the channels. You know what we would find on every station? It would be something about me! The bible says LOVE SEEKS NOT THEIR OWN(1 Cor 13:4,5) Theres a poen that goes If theres a song to sing sing it, a bell ring, ring it, love was not placed in our heart to stay, love is not love until its GIVEN AWAY. The point is someone thats trapped in offense will no longer give away. They become trapped in a prison of SELF preservation and protection. God describes this in the book of Proverbs. A brother OFFENDED, is HARDER to be won over than a strong city: and thir contensions are like BARS...,(Prov. 18:19) These people will not venture out or let anyone in. Jesus said its when we LOSE OUR LIFE IS WHEN WE FIND IT! There are two bodies of waters in the middle east. The sea of Galilee and the dead sea. The first one takes waters in and gives them out. As a result theres plant life and fish. Its alive with LIFE! However the dead sea takes waters in but never gives it out. There is no plants fish or anything living at ALL. When we are seed conscience and NOT SELF CONSCIENCE its than that we are positioned to recieve the abundant life and live in the full until IT OVERFLOWS in JESUS NAME! Jesus said Give and it SHALL BE GIVEN(Luke 6:38), Paul said SOW BOUNTIFULLY and WE"LL REAP BOUNTIFULLY(2 Cor 9:6) Giving is what will produce our living. We are talking about this very thing THE ABUNDANT LIFE! Lets all be on the OUT LOOK FOR OFFENSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Abundant Life "Counting The Cost"
There is going to be a price to pay when it comes to having this abundanlt life promised to us be the Lord Jesus. In the book of Luke Jesus gives us a powerful warning. Which of you intending to build a towre sittith not down FIRST and COUNTETH THE COSTwhether he hath sufficient to finish(Luke 14:28) We want the abundant life the salvation healing prosperity. However with there will come the cost. In this blog were going to talk about some of the things that its going to cost. Number one, PERSECUTION. God said through trhe mouth of Paul All that live Godly in CHRIST JESUS SHALL SUFFER PERSECUTION(2 Tim 3:12) Now this was a dude that knew something about it. He was shipwrecked slandered and stoned. However he had an annointing that so thick that when hankerchiefs that were on his body were placed on others they were healed! He had such abundanlt revelation being poured out to him that the devil sent a messager to buffet him like a thorn in the flesh. The bible declares that the disciples were used to turn the world upside down(Acts 17:6) They were continually and constantly attacked and assualted by the clergy of the day. These people were religious and lost! This religious spirit is still in full effect Today. It will attempt to accuse and assisinate our character. However we got to be just like our Lord Jesus and BE OF NO REPUTATION! Jesus said if the world hated him they will hate us ALSO(John 15:18) in the book of Acts we'll notice a theme threaded throughout. POWER AND PERSECUTION! Oh but lets be REMINDED of the words of the APOSTLE PAUL The sufferings of this present times are not WORTHY TO BE COMPARED TO THE GLORY THAT'll BE REVEALED(Rom 8:18) Number Two. PATIENCE. We are going to have to pay the price of patience in order to recieve Gods best. We live in a society that screams HURRY UP to their microwaves! The children of Israel became impatient and it kept them in the wilderness for forty years when it should've took eleven days. Esau gave up his birthright for a bowl of pottage. God said in and through the mouth of Paul GROWING NOT WEARY IN WELL DOING, WE SHALL REAP IF WE FAINT NOT(Gal 6:9) Hes the LORD OF THE HARVEST, but WE ARE THE SOWER OF THE SEEDS!!! The only thing that hinder or even halt our harvest is US! Lets let GOD BE GOD and LET JESUS BE THE LORD OF THE HARVEST! It will not be late! Hes like through it tarry WAIT FOR IT, FOR IT SHALL SURELY COME TO PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Number three, PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS. The bible declares that we dont wrestle against flesh and blood BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS(Eph 6:12) Satans host will attempt to prevent our possessing of the promised lands. We have to be like Danial and perserveare until theres BREAKTHROUGH! Stick to your guns and be steadfast in standing fast! Number four. PEOPLE. The bible declares that the FEAR OF PEOPLE BRINGS A SNARE(Prov 29:25) There are people if you let them will talk you up out of your blessing. The bible declares that the companion of FOOLS SHALL BE DESTROYED(Prov 13:20) God said through the mouth of Paul Bad COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD MANNERS(1 Cor 15:33) Josua and Calen were Two out of TWO MILLION that entered into the land flowing with milk and honey! Why?Because they had a FAITH FRIENDSHIP that was FERVENT AND FAITHFUL! You need someone there in your corner that says YOU can not that you CANT, some that says ITS POSSIBLE instead of ITS IMPOSSIBLE! its been said thsat Mahumad Ali paid some to be in his corner to be his encourager! Thats what haging with the right folk will do! Maybe your like Brian "I dont have anyone" Well you have JESUS and you + HIM = MAJORITY! The good news he'll connect people with you as your faithful to him. He did this with Joeseph with the baker and butler. Number five, Problems. the lord said through Bro Hagin that "None of us are going to float to Heaven on flowery beds of ease" Things can arise by us just being a card carrying member of the human race. However the solution to every problem is the WORD! Its the reason Jesus decreees and declares himself to be THE WAY(John 14:6) Hes not just the way to the Father and Heaven but hes they way out of any problem and into the promise!
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Abundant Life "Girting Up the Loins Of Our Minds"
We are going to continue our series on the abundant life. We have seen that there is life that overflows that Jesus has purchased and paid fordr us to walk in. Its going to take getting rid of our excuses and knowing our righteousness with him. In the last blog we talked about the robbers of righteousness. In this blog we are going about another biggie in recieving this abundant life. Girting up the loins of our mind(1 Peter 1:13) Notice here that The Lord says out of the mouth of Peter the words mind and loins in the same sentence. Why? Its because the loins are the reproductive areas of the body. Thoughts will produce other thoughts. The bible declares that two million of the first generation of belivers died in the wilderness as result of their thinking. The bible declares As a man THINKITH so shall he be(Prov 23:7) There is a saying that goes "The greatest battles have not been fought on the ground air or sea but between our ears"! This is indeed the bullseye of the enemies target! I have heard this illustration given from the Lord nin and through bro Dickow The enemy is like a hobo riding on top the train of our thoughts. All he needs is one to gain access. We get forfeit our inheriance to the abundant life by small minded thinking. The bible says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing every thought into captivity under the obedience of Christ(2 Cor 10:5) Now notice the pattern THOUGHTS IMAGINATIONS STRONGHOLDS. When we fail to quickly take thoughts into captivity they will turn into an imagination. What is an imagination? Its like a word picture that begins to play out into descriptive detail. Noahs generation was impacted and influenced by them! Jesus said as the days of Noah so shall the return of the son of man be(Matt 24:37) We have a society dealing with strongholds attempting to label them as disorders. We have to win the battle of the mind and that will not happen by popping a pill! The bible says in the book of Genesis that whole earth in that day became full of violence. Why? Every imagination was evil continually(Gen 6:5) God provides us a tremendous list in order to examine our thoughts. This list is much like a pilot recieving the checklist for the plane. Its found in the book of Phillipians. Whatsoever things are honest lovely pure and of a good report think on these things(Phil 4:8) Back to the earky generation of believers. God gave them the land but it was already inhabited by giants. When they saw them they made the statement WE WERE LIKE GRASSHOPPERS IN THEIR SIGHT(Num 13:33) It was their thinking that defeated them. We read in the book of Josua that the ginants in reality were more afraid of them! The good news is we CAN BE TRANWSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF OUR MINDS(Rom 12:2) The word cast in 2 Corinthians comes from the greek word EKBALO which means to hurl down. How do we take a thought captive? We do it using something greater than a thought. WORDS! Words have more authority than thoughts. Its us speaking them oit that gives them life. The Lord said in and through Bro Hagin 'Thoughts not put in word or action will be still born" We must absolutely refuse to speak out thoughts that attempt to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God!!! However to do that we must have the knowledge of god. Its found in the word of God. Its one reason that he says gis life is LIFE TO THOSE THAT FIND THEM(Prov 4:22) Jesus said SEARCH the scriptures(John 5:39) THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE! In order to posses this abundant life we have to think like God thinks! Have this SAME MIND IN YOU THAT WAS ALSO IN CHRIST JESUS(Phil 2:5) We have the MIND OF CHRIST(1 Cor 2:16) Finally the THREE R'S Recognize. We have to be instantly alert to when one comes that is not the word. this is the enemy attemoting to infiltrate our thoughts so he can into our lives. Next REJECT. Third and finally REPLACE. We find God giving Josua a command after he took over after the death of Moses. Let not this book of the law depart from your mouth MEDITATE on it day and night and you'll make your way prosperous and will have good success(Josua 1:8) Than in the book of Psalms We delight in thy law we meditate day and night and we'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters our leaf will not wither and whatever we out our hands to shall prosper(
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Abundant Life "Robbers Of Righteousness"
We are going to contune our series on the abundant lidfe with this blog the robbers of roghteousness. We saw in the book of John that Jesus promised us ABUNDANT LIFE. However we must notice something else that he says at the beginning of the verse. The thief comes to STEAK KILL and DESTROY(John 10:10) Already so far we have discussed the fact that we must elimate all excuses to why we cant walk in this abundant life. In the last one we saw the importance of understanding our righteousness. Another thing we must always beware of is the fact that the enemy will seek for opportunities to rob us this very nthing. the reason is because its where are authority and confidence resides. The epistles approximately 134x decrees and declares the phrases In CHRIST In HIM and IN WHOM. Jesus tells us HOLFAST let no man STEAL ypur crown(Rev 3:11) This is telling us very clearly with crystal clarity from the madster himself that bwe must be sober and vigilant. The first robber is SIN. Sin is a cancer that we get or it will eventually get us. All temptation is to sin. If it werent than it was cease in being a temptation. Sin will harden our hearts and cause us to be less sensitive to the promptings of the spirot. The Lord said through the mouth of Paul Having our conscience seared with a hot iron(1 Tim 4:2) Sin will take us furthur than we want to go, keep us longer than we want to stay and make us pay a price higher than we want to pay! The wages of SIN IS DEATH! The lie of the enemy in whom is the Father of them will say that we can do it without the death. Many get decieved by by it. The bible warns Beware lest you be hardened by the DECIETFULLNESS of SIN(Heb 3:13) One of the big decievers is the pleasure thats attatched to sin. The bible declares that there is pleasure in season for A SEASON(Heb 11:25) This has been an area where the church has often come up short. In times past people and preachers sometimes have left the impression that there was no pleasure in sin. However if that was the case, than why do millions do it? NO the truth is there IS! Its just that its a very short season and it leads to death ten times out of ten. The bible talks about the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH(Rom 8:2) When we break this law there will be the price of death. This doesent mean one just drops over dead physically. In the book of Genesis we find death all over Adam & Eve after they ate of tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They began to fear and hid. What is sin? Sin is VIOLATION OF LIGHT. Many times people dont want to admit what they see and know. However God KNOWS what we see and know and Hes not MOCKED(Gal 6:7) We live in a society that doesent want to use the word. Its often replaced with words like problem or issue. We must CALL SIN SIN! Because its the first step tp being FREE FROM IT! There are people that think that by sinning they have their independence. Jesus said DIFFERENT He says when we sin we become a SLAVE TO SIN(John 8:34) The worst consequence of continued unconfessed sin in our lives is that it robs us of our righteousness which brings birth to condemnation and a host of other complications. "There are two pains in life discipline and regret. The pain of discipline weighs ounces, the pain of regret weighs TONS"! Lets not have to have the same thing happen to us that did to King David. The sword never departed from his house(2 Sam 12:10) and we find that God would've given him anything that he was thinking he was missing out on. Of he would have just went about things Gods way! Remember Jesus declared and decreed himself to be THE WAY(John 14:6) We can trust red letters they trump EVERYTHINGE ELSE! The secomd robber. SESESATIONLISIM. We live in a sociey that are dictated and dominated is the sense realm. This gives the ememy great access because Hes the God of this world(2 cor 4:4) Its here that we are incontact with our five physical senses. Jesus said that we are in the world, BUT NOT OF IT! In other words just because we have senses we dont need to be lead by them matterofact were commanded not too! When Lucifer had his orgin he was an annointed cherub created in ALL BEAUTY AND WISDOM(Ez 28) However there was inquity found in him as he begun to lift up his heart saying thqat he would be like the most high God. It was than and there that the great expulson happened in Heaven and satan fell like lightening from the sky. Now the enemy did'nt have any authority in the earth until adam and eve aint of the tree. adams was especially the straw that broke the camals back because the bible says that eve was decieved but adam was not(1Tim 2:14) When satan fell from Heaven he lost ability to operate in the annointing and now can only in the sense realm. This how he attacked Jesus tempting with what he could see If you be the son Of God turnj the stone into bread. Thomas was operating by his senses when he said less I see the nail print in his hands and side I wont believe(20:25) This was something seeing that he was an eye witness to all that Jesus did the cleansing of the lepers, the feeding of the five thousand and the raising of the dead. How can we prevent being directed by the senses? FAITH! The bible says we walk by FAITH and not by sight(2 Cor 5:7) We must let the word be first and final and it will cause us to make decisions that will determine the right destinies. The bible says that the word will be like a light to our path and lamp to our feet(Psalm 119:105) The reason that senses are such a robber of righteousness is that it often leads to doubt and unbelief. John the Baptist was the one that sid Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world and his shoes Im not worthy to lace. However we see in the book of Matthew him thrown into a prison and he sends two of his workers to ask Jesus if he was the Christ of if they should be looking for another(Matt 11) Our senses will and can be the same way they were to John the Baptist. The bible says that faith is the EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN(Heb 11:1) God says in and through Paul While WE LOOK NOT AT THE THINGS THAT ARE SEEN BUT THINGS THAT ARE NOT SEEN(2 Cor 4:18) This is that sixth sense called FAITH at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things were made by things that DONT APPEAR! Lets be on the lookout for these two robbers of RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Abundant Life "Understanding Our Righteousness"
In the last blog we began a new series entitled the abundanlt life. We saw where we absoultely must get rid of alol our excuses in oder to walk in it. In this blog we are going to talk about another most important element our RIGHTEOUSNESS. If you are reading this and our in Christ Jesus you are not trying to be the righteousness of God you are already MADE the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Its not what we do its what HE DID that makes us righteous. To be righteous simply means to have right standing with God. Its so important that we know WHO WE ARE in HIM and WHO HE IS IN US!!! Christ IN US the hope of glory(Col 1:27) In the epistles especially the phrases In Christ In Him and In Whom are used approximately 134x. I believe we see from that the importance of knowing who we ARE! When we dont know who we are it can have devestating effects. In the book of Acts there was a group of people that attempted to use authority that they did'nt even know. They said do a demon possesed man we adjure you in the name of who Paul preaches. The demon answered back saying Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you? It says that that they were overcome and were beaten and rqan away naked and defeated. When we dont know who we are in Him and who He is in us the very same thing can happen. We'll be overtaken with sickness scarcity depression and all other stuff. It says in the book of Revelation over and over To HIM THAT OVERCOMES! Were the ones that are called and chosen to do the overcoming not to be overcome! This happens from us knowing our righteousness in him. The bible gives a powerful & profound account of a man that did'nt know what belonged to him. I want to pause to interject a powerful quote that the lord desires to get down into the depths of your spirit. "The devils success IS DEPENDANT UPON OUR IGNORANCE" He will certainly take advantage of what we dont know. He said in and through the mouth of the prophet Hosea My people are destroyed FOR A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE(Hosea 4:6) There was a man in a place calleed lodabar named mephibhasepth. I know this is grossly mis spelled but the story is in second Samual chapter nine. He was a crippled and it seemed to be his lot to live in this lonesome damp dark and depressing land. However all the while david was looking for someone that wass in the household of Jonathan to show kindness for his sake. David and Jonathan had a covenant relationship. This meant that if one of them happen to go off the earth, the other person had the sole responsibility of taking care of any family. Well he had no idea that the dude in lodabar existed. Now notice the wording KINDNESS FOR JONATHAN SAKE. This represents the covenant that we have WITH THE LIVING GOD! God wants to show us KINDNESS for CHRISTS SAKE!!! Heres the thing about this man in lodabar listen to his statement when Davids servant came to him telling him what belonged to him. How could this be for such a DEAD DOG AS I(2 Sam 9:8) He thought he was unworthy and all the while he had a right to sit at the table of the KING! When we undeerstand our righteousness , its than and there we will be BOLD AS A LION and come into the throne room with confidence realizing and recognizing that we are heirs with God and JOINT HEIRS WITH JESUS CHRIST! Finally lets look at the book of Galations. A child DIFFERS NONETHING FROM A SERVANT THROUGH HE BE LORD OF ALL(Gal 4:1) We are the Lords that hes the LORD OF! The enemy so attempts to come against this in our lives. In the next blog we are going to talk about the Robbers of Righteousness.
The Abundant Life "No Excuse"
Jesus said that he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly(John 10:10) We are beginning na new blog series entitled "The abundant life" He completely with crystal clarity made his purpose known to us. Its for each of us to live a life to the full until it overflows. However its not going to just come upon us like ripe cherries falling from the trees. We must understand that there is a Godpart and manpart to everything we recieve from God! Hes already done his part. When Jesus was on the cross he said "IT IS FINISHED!" Its NOW totally up to us whether we are with boldness and bravery going to enter into the fullness of whats been purchased and paid for by his precious blood. There is a big difference between the abundant life and eternal life. We recieve eternal life by beliving in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with our mouths. When we by faith do that we are made new creatures in Christ Jesus and pass from death to life. However we can be on our way to Heaven and live in Hell until we get there! This is not the will of God in anyway shape form or fashion! In this blog we are going to focus on a very important element of causing us to walk in this abundanlt life NO EXCUSE! In order for us to obtain it, were going have to give up any excuse in our lives. There will always be one that can stand in the way and attempt to hinder and halt. Some say they are to old other say their to young. Others say that they were born on the wrong side of the tracks. In other words there will be an attempted reason why we cant have what God said we can have and BE what he said that we can be. There was such a man in the fift chapter of the book of John. This man was in a condition for thirty eight years. Jesus asked him a question. Do you want to be WHOLE? Another way of saying that could be do you want to live in the abundant life which includes wellness completely and absolutely. The man responded by saying I have no man to put me in the pool(John 5:7) He was using an excuse for staying in the situation. We must understand that its all up to us whether or not were going to have whats been paid for. Proverbs puts it this way Theres a lion in the street and I'll be slain(Prov 22:13) In other words there'll always be a million and one reasons why we could say I could never have healing or I could never have prosperity or restoration. However thats not the word of the LIVING GOD!!! His word is greater than any circumstance or condition. We must get our eyes on Jesus and off of them. We get our eyes on Jesus by getting them on the WORD! Years ago they had a bracelet that said wwjd? I would've liked it if one said WDWS(What Does Word Say?) Jesus would do exactly what he DID! He never changes and is the SAME yesterday today and forever! Lets get rid of excuses because they can be the very baracade and barrier alienating us from the awesome abundant life that belongs to us by inheritence. In the next blog were going to talk about UNDERSTANDING OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Greater Glory "The Power Of Personal Preperation"
In the last blog we began a series entitled "The Greater Glory" This was a statement birthed and breeded in and through Bro Hagin Jr. In it we talked about a number of things. We discussed how the glory is the very manifested presence of the Lord himself and that its going to be upon us in a an unprecendented fashion in these final moments of time. The Lord spoke in and through the mouth of Isiah that the glory would be SEEN on US(Isiah 60:3) We seen also that he said through Paul that we are to be ministers and administers of this GREAT GLORY. In this blog were going to talk about the ways that we can prepare ourselves for this glory within us COMING UPON US. Number one, EXPECTATION. If we expect nothing, we shall recieve nonething. In the book of Acts there was a lame man that was at the gate called beautiful. He had been a crippled from the day he was born. One day Peter and John were in the temple and his EYES were FASTENED UPON THEM, EXPECTING TO RECIEVE SOMETHING(Acts 3:5) I want to pause to pound this point. We cannot just do anything at whim. We must have seen and heard from the Father. Think about it. Peter and John had been there day after day and so had that lame man. However it WASENT UNTIL THIS DAY THAT there was a great occurance in the spirit and THE WORKING OF MIRACLES was manifested and materialized. Remember when the Lord Jesus came to the five porches that was interpreted in the hebrew tounge BETHESDA? There was a dude at one of them for thirty eight years. Now notice there were five porches. Why did Jesus come to this one and not just clean them all out everyone getting healed? We find the answer earlier in the fifth chapter of the book of John. I of my ownself CAN DO NONETHING!!! There is tradition and theres the bible! When Jesus ministered on the earth he did as a man that had stripped himself of his godly from and this is the reason that he could'nt just bust up into a place and bring healing or a miracle. Its the same reason that we cant just go into a hospital and clean it out even through the glory is upon us. We'll talk about this sometime in futhur detail. This man in the temple EXPECTED and we see that he RECIEVED! "Expectation is the breeding ground of miracles" We must expect that glory in us shall come upon us and it shall be seen and with it will come mighty miraculous manifestations done by and for the glory of God! Remember in the book of John, Jesus is with Mary and Martha at the gravesite of Lazarus. Hes like IF YOU BELIEVE YOU SHOULDEST SEE THE GLORY OF GOD(John 11:40) Where theres excitement and enthusiasim! This is a good gage to check. In other words in the event you havent been enthused and excited, maybe a good question to ask is whats happened to my expectency and begin to fill that blue print of hope with faith filled words that come from God pertaining to his word. So expect to be used to lay hands on and to pray the prayer of faith raising individuals up. Expect to be used in the operations and demonstrations of the gifts of the spirit. Expect to recieve the restoration of the sevenfold, Expect to say the right things at the right times that will be like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Expect that your going over and not under being the head and not the tail! Number two, ERATICATION. To premise this point there was a great epidemic of disease that was rampant in a remote area of Africa. For days and months they searched for clues to what was going on. They had an inkling that it had to do with the water supply. However on the surface things were like crystal clear. They finally had divers go down deep into the waters. They found that the water had become contaminated by three pigs that fell into it. As soon as these pigs were eraticated and extracted, the waters became pure once again. We are the temple in which the glory abides and will be poured through. However if there are any areas where there is contamination it will stunt and even possibly stop the glory from manifesting. We got to be quick to eraticate anything that can be in the way. This leads us to number three, EXAMINATION. We cannot eraticate until we examine because we wont know what doesent belong there until its shown to us by him. Its as simple as taking inventory. However pride can and often will hide the true condition of our hearts from us. God said something awesome in and through the mouth of Obediah. The PRIDE of thy heart has DECIEVED THEE(Obediah 3) We will never confess what were unwilling to confront. So be willing because the GLORY DEPENDS UPON IT! The Lord said in and through Isiah IF were WILLING and obedient we'll eat from the good of the land! number four, ENDURANCE. We have to be in this for the long hall. We shall see the manifestation of the glory IF WE BELIEVE! Mary and Martha thought it was TOO LATE. They thought that Jesus had tarried to long and had not arrived on time. Listen HES ALWAYS ON TIME! but it matters what were DOING IN THE MEANTIME! The book of Habbakuk and Hebrews repeat the same thing in a little bit of a different way. THROUGH IT TARRY WAIT FOR IT, IT SHALL SURELY COME TO PASS, WE ARE NOT AS ONE OIF THEM THAT SHRINK BACK! we will not shink back as we continue to endure in expectency! number five, Excellence. The bible says that Danial had an EXCELLANT spirit(Dan 6:3) and Abel offered up a more EXCELLANT sacrifice(Heb 11:4) How we live day to day will be a determining factor in the manifestation of glory in our lives. How do we react and respond? How do we treat others? Are we self conscience or OTHER conscience? IT ALL MATTERS! The final one one, EXCERCISING ESSENTIALS. There things that are essentials in the glory. Be carful and caustious not get into debate. Isiah said Come let us reason together(Isiah 1:18) Im not saying that its bad to talk about things but it can quickly turn into debate. These debates can turn into small fires that while being out out the real focus is lost. Instead of standing against something, lets stand for something! Lets lock onto what is agreed upon thats completely essential and get the word theology up out of our vocab!! The Corinthian church was a people that should have been seeing great great manifestationms of his glory. they of coarse did, but it could've been even greater with everything that had been invested in them. However they got into contention and division through label and titles. The Lord said in and through Paul Now I BESEECH you brethern by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all SPEAK THE SAME THING, and THAT THERE BE NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU but that ye be PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHERIN THE SAME MIND AND IN THE SAME JUDGEMENT. For it hath been declared unto me of you my brethernby them which are of the house of Chloe THAT THERE ARE CONTENTIONS among you. NOW this I say that every one of yousaith I am of Paul, and I of Apollos and I of Cephas and I of Christ. IS CHRIST DIVIDED? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptised in the name of Paul?(1 Cor 1:10-13) God is about us declaring his glory and goodness fitly joined together!!! in the next blog we'll talk about good and bad joinings. Because they are another important and intrical element in the manifestation of GLORY!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Greater Glory
The above was a phrase that bthe Lord burned nin and through his conduent and container Bro Hagin Jr. The glory of God is his precious presence and we've been made partakers of it. Its already in greater manifestation and its going to continue to increase and intensify! Jesus said that we bwould do greater works than he did because he went to the Father(John 14:12) The glory of God is going to be the enabling factor in our participation of the greater works. The bible declares that one of the greatest requests ever placed before the master was from Moses. He said in the book of Exodus Lord show me your GLORY. He later said Where can we go without your mpresence? When Moses went down from the mountain, his face shined as bright as the noonday sun! There had to be a veil placed oveer his head so that the brightness thereof would not hurt the people. God said through the mouth of Isiah Arise shine for thy light hath come and the GLORY OF THE LORD HAS RISEN UPON THEE and it SHALL BE SEEN of men and the gentiles(those that be outside the covenant) shall RUNINTO IT! In the midst of this outpouring of glory there shall be evangelisim on a worldwide scale. The Lord said in and through mouth of Haggai The GLORY of THE LATTER HOUSE shall BGE GREATER than the FORMER(Haggai 2:8) We are the house that hes talking about. God said in and through the mouth of Peter that bwe are living stones built up unto a spiritual house(1 Peter 2:5) Now lets look at some instances of glory from below sending glory from above. First is like "the ultimate" JESUS! In the book of Matthew we find him being baptised in the Jordan river. The bible says he WENT UP FROM THE WATER, than the HEAVENS OPENED(Matt 3:16) Glory from beneath, glory from above! Second, Soloman WHEN MADE AN ENDING TO HIS PRAYING, The FIRE CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN(2 Chron 7:1) The third, Elijah after poouring the twelve barrels full of water on the sacrifice cried out to the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob, AND THE FIRE FELL CONSUMING THE SACRIFICE(1 Kings 18:38) The final illustration is in the book of Acts. The bible declares These all continued in one accord IN PRAYER SUPPLICATION(Acts 1:14) and when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord in one place and SUDDENLY there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind that FILLED the HOUSE where they were sitting and and there appeared unto them cloven tounges of fire and it SAT ON EACH OF THEM(Acts 2:1-3) Now I want to share with you a word the Lord birthed and breeded in and through Bro. Copeland. Well what about 09 shall it be a time of darkness? Or shall it be a place where the glory shines? The glory has come and things in 09 that you thought were never ever coming to pass are going to happen so smoothly and easily your going to say my my my I dont see why I was ever disturbed about that. Why glory to God. and its going to increase increase and increase and before the end of 09 you wont be able to recognize yourself of your nation because the spirit of the living God will moving in ways that you've only dreamed about up till now. and you'll be on your way to more wonderful and greater things. Thats the word of the Lord that came to me. Let me give you a verse that tells us the importance of recieving such words given by unction of the HolySpirit. The book of second Chronicles tells us Believe the word of God and we shall be established, BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS and we SHALL PROSPER(2 Chron 20:20) We must get our eyes ears and mouths goin on this rhema word daily! In closing God is calling each of us not only to be a participant of the glory but also a adminster of it. the book of second Corinthians declares Do we again commend ourselves? or need we as some others epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you? ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye manifestly declared to bethe epistle of Christ MINISTERED by us WRITTEN NOT WITH INK, but WITH THE SPIRITOF THE LIVING GOD NOT IN TABLES OF STONE, BUT IN FLESHLY TABLES OF THE HEART. and such trust have we through Christ to GOD ward not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency IS OF GOD WHO HATH MADE US ABLE MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTEMENT NOT OF THE LETTER BUT OF THE SPIRIT: FOR THE LETTER KILLITH, BUT THE SPIRIT GIVETH LIFE But if the MINISTRATION of death written and engraven in stones was glorious so that the children of israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses......(2 Cor 3:1-7) In other words the glory that was on Moses that was so potent that it had to be cloaked and covered pails in comparison to the glory thats on us!!! Notice the word MINISTRATIOn throughout this portion. Hes calling us to be distribution centers of HIS GLORY! This goes along with the prior blog because He has bto be able to trust as with his glory. This comes through growth. In the next blog we'll talk about how to prepare ourselves to be that sancturary of glory in JESUS name
Friday, July 17, 2009
Importance Of Growth
The things of the spirit are much like the things in the natural. When we come to Christ we become a brand new creature with a brand new name. Its than and there that the process of growth begins. None of us were born an adult! We had to go through the various stages of development. Its much the same in the spirit, the only difference is the growth in the physical is automatic as where the growth in the spirit is conditional based upon choice. God said through the mouth of Peter as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that we may GROW THEREBY(1 Peter 2:2). When a baby is born they cannot be fed a solid steak! Its the same when we are born again. We must begin taking the milk of the word usually in building the foundation of Gods great love toward us which brings the blocks of trust and confidence. Many times people attempt to advance to the meat by passing the milk. However its something that when skipped causes cracks in the foundation to be produced. God said through the mouth of paul No other foundation can be laid but that which has been laid JESUS CHRIST(1 Cor 3:10) Its in the milk stage that essentials are laid. Jesus is the only way to the Father and Heaven. None of us can go to be with him and spend eternity in Heaven by good works or acts of charity. Another essential in the milk stage is accepting the absolute authority of the word of God(aka bible) It was given by inspiration of God and is alive and active in our lives. Jesus was and is the very word made flesh! the bible is different from other books as the oceans are to a drop of water from the faucet of a sink. The bible is different from other books as the moutains are to a single grain of sand! It must be first foremost and final in our lives. The next essential is the virgin birth. Jesus was born of a virgin and its imperative that we accept it! Why is it imperative that these foundations be built in the milk stage? Its because we cannot go on to build anythingelse until those things are strongly settled. We live in a society that has attempted to assault those very foundations. God said in the book of Psalms If the foundations be destroyed what will the righteous do?(Psalms 11:3) its not ok if someone has been a christian for years and are still batting those things around. Why? Because God wants us to graduate from milk thus entering meat. Its in the meat stage that we begin to be taught how to obey the commandment of love, and to walk by faith. Say that theres someone reading thinking to themselves whether Jesus was really the son of God or if he is the only way. Jesus said it himself He is THE WAY not A WAY! Theres a big difference. No other religion has ever sent someone to die for them. You may have heard me say before Religion is mans attempt to reach God, Relationship is Gods attempt to reach man by sending his only son because he so LOVED THE WORLD. Jesus is the only one that ever was ressurrected! The empty tomb is the only tourist attraction on the face of the people planet where people line up to see NONETHING! God said through the mouth of Paul if there wasd no ressurrection are faith and preaching would be in vain(1 Cor 15) There are people that might be like I just cant believe" No thats a lie! Believing is a CHOICE! Its that you WONT BELIEVE! He that hath believed has life he that BELIEVETH not the WRATH OF GOD ABIDES UPON HIM(John 3:36) we are going to unhook here but in the next by Gods grace and direction we'll dive into more deeper detail about the transition between milk and meat
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Fear Of Failure
The Lord just will not let me get away from this miniseries on fear lol We have discussed that it represented one of the four kings that came against abrahams family. We talked about the fact that its manifested typically in three different areas. We have seen that it will contaminate our faith, and worry is the signal of fear. In the last blog we talked about the most dominant fears. The Lord has placed and out upon my heart a fear that causes many believers to be stopped or at the very least stunted. paul said one time to the church at Thesslonians Satan HINDERED US(1 Thess 2:18) If satan cannot stop, he'll attempt to stunt! The bible declares the JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH, if any man draws back, my soul shall have NO PLEASURE(Heb 10:38) What is one of the biggest things that causes people to draw back? FEAR OF FAILURE! In this blog were going to talk about two people that were nearly stopped from completing the mission and mandate of the lord for their lives by it and also how to overcome it! The first person that dealt with nthe fear of failure was Moses. He was the man that called was calling to go into pharoahs court telling him LET MMY PEOPLE GO! When called spoke to him from the burning bush, he began to say Im a studderer. What was really going on? Moses was being riddled with the fear of failure. remember what the lord said? Tell him, IAM SENT YA! Well he finally stepped out in faith and it mentions that very fact in the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews! The second man was Gideon. He was a man that God himself called great valor and FEARLESS courage! He was chosen to overcome a vicious pegan group of individuals. lets examine Gideons response and reply to God saying that he was a mighty man of valor. Iam the least in my Fathers house and come from the poorest in all families in Mannasah(Judges 6:14) He had a fear of failure based upon where he was and where he had come from. Gods words frame things dontf they? God completely turned it around by the power of his declaration and it produced a powerful image in Gideon and it was the cataylst that empowered and endued him defeating the enemies of God. Now overcoming the fear of failure. Number one, Revelation. We must recieve revelation that Gods for us and his power is in us and in that might we can do all things! Revelation speaks to having our eyes opened to a thing. This happened to Elijahs servant when there was this famine in the land. There was no cloud in the sky, yet the man of god told his servant get the chariots ready its going to rain for three and a half years! the servant did;nt believe, he had looked and there was not a cloud in the sky. Elijah simply said TAKE ANOTHER LOOK and it was on the seventh time that he saw the cloud the size of a mans hand. Elisha and his men were outnumbered in the natual by the assyrian army. The servant began to freak out and Elisha simply prayed lord open his eyes that he may see that those that be fore us are MORE than those vthat be against us. It was than that the servants eyes were open and he SAW the angels with flaming swords and the chariots of fire. The pont behind this is revelation will overcome the fear of failure. Its when our eyes are opened to the fact that Hes for us and his power will produce the annointing that will break every yoke and remove every burden. We must step out in that revelation. Theres a saying that "When God sends us fishing for moby dick BRING THE TARDER SAUCE!" In other words we will not fail!!!! Number two, Realizing rights. We have been given privledges in Christ Jesus that belong to us right here and NOW. The Lord said it this way in and through the mouth of David Bless the lord all my soul, FORGET NOT ALL THINE BENEFITS(Psalm 103:2) It overcomes the fear of failure when we realize what belongs to us. Many reasons why people have that fear is because they dont KNOW that they have. Jesus said We SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH and the truth shall make us free(John 8:32) Notice its not the truth that makes us free, its KNOWING THE TRUTH that makes us FREE! God said through the mouth of Hosea My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) God said through the mouth of Peter grace and peace be multiplied to you through the KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ that HATH GIVEN US ALL THINGS that pertain to life and Godliness(2 Peter 1:3,4) Blessings and benefits cannot be partaken of until the're known and understood! Faith exists where the wwill of god is known! What does faith do to fear? It completely destroys and decimates it! When fear knocks and we send faith to answer, NOBODY WILL BE THERE! Finally number three, Recieving ID. This sociey is really suffering from and an Crisis. people simply dont know who they are and as a result fear failure because of that uncertainty. The enemy wants people identified with their past, expierences, peers, words that were negatively spoken, some actor or muscician. the only place to find our id comes from the very source of our creation GOD! Were created in his own image and likeness. The book of Hebrews declares that Jesus was tempted in all points as a man to identify with every single thing that we would ever be in the midst of. satan will attempt to infiltrate our identity. He did it to Adam and Eve when he said You'll be like God, they already WERE! and than he did it to Jesus in the wilderness If you be the son of God? He had already known the he was the son of God, there wascvthe thundering voice of the Father saying this is my son in whom im well pleased! Jesus answered with the WORD! god said and through the mouth of James that when we look away from the word, we'll FORGET WHAT MANNER OF PERSON WE ARE(Jms 1:23) In other words, when we quit looking into the word of God for our ID, we'll begin to take on the id of other things! This will produce the fear of failure because it cannot and will never bring forth confidence and courage. God states a profound and powerful phrase predominately throughout the Epistles IN HIM, IN CHRISt and IN WHOM. This is where we are to find ourselves! WE ARE IN CHRIST! Recieve it in Jesus name it will crucify and image of failure and will grant the boldness to do whatever hes requiring
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Overcoming Dominate Fears
We have embarked on a miniseries on fear. In this one as promised were going to talk about the most dominant fears. In review we have seen where it manifest usually in three areas. The mind, our associations and our words through self fulfilling prophecy. We have seen that worry is "fears signal' Anytime time that its happening we must realize and recognize that fear is at work and its objective is that we act on it thus becoming the very substance of things NOT hoped for! I mean think about it faith is the substance of things hoped for right? Well fear is faith in reverse. It operates the same way only in the opposite direction!!! When acted upon it gives satan who is the "spirit of fear" a legal right to come in to steal kill and destroy. This is exactly what Job did. Examine his statemenht closely. The thing I GREATLY FEARED has come upon me(Job 3:25) Now overcoming dominant fears. The bible declares that God has delivered us from EVERY FEAR(Psalm 34:4) This is saying very clearly that there is to be zero fear in our lives as believers! Dominant fear number one, Unknown. There are contless people that attempt to find the future in a crystal or card. Many search for answers and guidance through the stars without consulting the shepherd of the stars. Jesus said that the spirit of truth shall guide and govern us in all truth and WILL SHOW US THE THINGS TO COME(John 16:13) We can be confident that he will reveal the future to us and most of it it has already been brought forth in the word and its a majior reason why we must be in it daily not just sundays! Dominant fear number two, Death. In the event the lord tarries a half day his time(500 yrs) We are all going to go by way of the ground./ Glory to God theres a whole generation that will go by way of the AIR! We could be numbered among that posse. However Jesus said that no man knows the hour of his return(Matt 24:36) So in the event the rapture does not occur while were on earth, we'll die. God said through the mouth of Paul Its appointed unto man once to die and than the judgement(Heb 9:27) The bible declares that the fear of death has many subject to bondage(Heb 2:14,15) It is the motherload and mackdaddy of all other fears. Think about all the phobias people struggle with today. The fear of heights is actually the fear of falling and dying. The fear of flying is actually the fear of crashing burning and dying. The fear of being in a tight place is actually the fear of smothering and than dying. You see what Im saying? In order for us to really recieve the healing power of God into us freely and forcefully, we must remove the fear of death far away from us. God said through the mouth of Paul Oh death where is thine sting, Oh grave where is your victory(1 Cor 15:55) Jesus took the sting out of death by the death burial and ressurrection of Jesus Christ! This is why the Lord says through the mouth of Paul If there wasent any ressurrection than our faith is in vain and were like men most miserable. God said through the mouth of David that its a harmless shadow! Through I walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil(Psalm 23:4) Death here is referred as "the valley of a shadow" Have you ever heard of it kicking anyones butt? I dont think so! Our last blink here is our first blink there! Jesus said in his Fathers house are MANY MANSIONS if it were not so he would have told us and he goes to prepare a place for us and will come and RECIEVE US TO HIMSELF(John 14:2,3) Dominant fear number three, People. So many are hindered and halted because of people. Whet they may think or feel ect.... We briefly discussed this with David. God put in him the desire to defeat Goliath. However on his way toward doing it, he confronted intimidation straight through people. The bible declares in the book of Proverbs The FEAR OF MAN brings a snare(Prov 29:25) The greatest wepon to intimidation is BOLDNESS! Its refusing to be moved by the opinions of others. You may feel as if peoole all around you are against you and your attempted to fear. Remember the words of God through the mouth of david Through a host be encamped around about in this shall you be confident that he'll elevate you over the heads of your enemies and hide you in the secret place of his tabernacle and pavillion(Psalm 27:3-5) God said through the mouth of Paul He will never leave us or forsake us, that WE MAY BOLDLY SAY THE LORD IS MY HELPER WHAT CAN MEN DO UNTO ME(Heb 13:5,6) Number four, Rejection. There are many that refuse to step out because it. God said through the mouth of Paul that we are ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED(Eph 1:6) In other words we overcome rejection through acceptance. Its not neccessarily from people. however bthe more our confidence grows in the fact that we've been accepted from God, it cause acceptance with others. Because we wont be withdrawn and suck our thumbs like a lone ranging pitty pot sitter singing the song nobody loves me everybody hates me i guess I'll go eat warms! If you have expierenced it, you are IN GOOD COMPANY! Jesus did! The bible declares in the gospel of John He came into his own and his own RECIEVED HIM NOT(John 1:11) What was his reponse? He continued doing exactly what the Father said and was not moved by it! We see this clearly in the sixth chapter of John when He began teaching unless you eat my fleah and drink my blood you have no life in you. the bible declares that many were offended and followed NO MORE(John 6:66) Jesus oly replied to Peter Will you go away also? In other words Jesus was not shaken by the sand of rejection. Neither can we be. David was rejected by Asoloam, Paul was rejected by Demas. There are children that have had this happen because of their parents. Remember the words of God through the mouth of David Even when your mother and Father forsake thee, THE LORD WILL TAKE YOU UP(Psalm 27:10) allow the Heavenly Father turn rejection into rejoicing knowing that he sings over us and recognizes each hair on our head! Dominant fear number five, Lack. Especially with the reports happenning in this nation over the economy, people are tempted to fear lack and shortage. We talked about this earlier what we give heed to is very important, we must not allow ourselves to be divided by two opinions. We have the word and we have the world. Jesus said were in the world... so that means that we cant always be isolated from every report, however he does onto say were not OF IT(John 17:16) Believing IS A CHOICE! God said through the mouth of David I have never seen the righteous forsaken, neither seed begging for bread(Psalm 37:25) God than says through the mouth of Paul If he that spared not his own son, would he not freely give us ALL OTHER THINGS?(Rom 8:32) When God gave us Jesus, He gave us EVERYTHING! The BEST of THE BEST! Anything else is totally secondary. Our God ius supernatural! Hes the one that rained mannd for forty years on the COI, Hes the one that sent ravens to feed Elijah, Hes the one that multiplied a little boys sack lunch. God has abundant supply and surpluss and its his very pleasure that his servants prosper!(Psalm 35:27) If your on a job and your fearing being layed off STOP IT!!!!!!!!! Our fears will come upon us. Or in the event you have been, Gods Johovah Jireh not JOB jireh Amen! In the days weeks months and perhaps years to come say to yourself NO FEAR HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Jesus name!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Worry "Fears Signal"
We talked again abour fear in the last blog. Its the enemy of faith and when tolerated will contaminate faith. they cannot coexist. Where fear is there is an absence of faith. The good news is God has placed in our hands the means whereby faith is produced THE WORD OF GOD! Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God(Rom 10:17) In this blog were going to discuss one of fears greatest and most evident signals. WORRY "Worry is like a rocking chair it keeps us busy getting us nowhere" "Worry is interest paid on trouble" "Worry is belief in despair" "Worry is the certainty that disaster is going to happen" "Worry is a polluted stream that drowns all forms of faith" Usually anxiety is connected to it. God says through the mouth of Paul Be careful for nonething(Phil 4:6) The amplified translation says have no fret or anxiety about anything. Now get this phrase WORRY IS MEDITATION. The bible instructs us to meditate on the word day and night(Josua 1:8, Psalm 1:3) Now there have been people that have been like How is that even possible? Just thinking about the word all day and night? Well this is what were doing when were worrying. Remember awhile back the Lord brought forth the fact that mediation = DIGESTION. Worry and fear are hooked, worrying is meditating on a possible outcome being negative. Well that is the spirit of fear at work and we seen earlier that it can and will become a self fulfilling prophecy and come upon us. Three things about worry. Number one, Its sin. God said through the mouth of paul Whatsoever is not of faith is SIN(Rom 14:23) He than again said through the mouth of James Whosoever knows to do good and doeth not to him it is sin(Jms 4:17) We as believers are called to be believers not worriers! You see we know better and the more we know the more accountability we have. Jesus said to much is given, much shall be required(Luke 12:48) So with the knowing factor comes responsibility. The wages of sin is death and it happens ten times out of ten. The litteral definition there of death is loss of life. Jesus said that he came that we might have life and life more abundantly, the amplified says life to the full until it OVERFLOWS! This life will be lost through the sin of worry. It severs joy and sacrifices peace on the alter of idle thoughts that are attempting to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Number two, Worry is a killer. Jesus said the thief comes not but to steak KILL and destroy(John 10:10) Medical science is now determing what the SCRIPTURES have been declaring and decreeing for thousands of years. Worry releases chemicals in the body that shut down its ability to defend against disease. God has placed in us an awesome immune systen with cells called the "THE KILLER TS. They are like natural antibodies. Havent you like ever heard someone say "Your worrying yourself SICK" There is like a ton of truth in that! Jesus said the thief doesent just want to bother us, he wants to KILL US! Can we believe and trust in red letters? Oh yeah they are the words of the one that cannot lie! God said through the mouth of Paul Neither give place to the devil(Eph 4:27) Is worrying giving the devil a place to kill? ABSOLUTELY! Matterofact one of the negative chemicals released in such a state it chortesol. Its objective is to breakdown the system causing and creating suseptability to heart disease diabeties cancer ect... Number three, Worry is utterly useless. Jesus asks a question How can we by TAKING THOUGHT(aka WORRYING) add a cubit to our stature?(Matt 6:27) the answer, ABSOLUTELY NONETHING! worry has never dried a tear, answered a question, solved a problem lifted a burden or moved a mountain. How to be put an end to worry? Number one, Change. change is a choice. Choose this day, I have set before you life and death CHOOSE LIFE(Deut 30:19) We have to change our way of thinking. Its just like using the remote to change the television channels. Number two, Correct. Be quick to make the neccessary corrections. Consider the areas that you've worried about the most and have correction through instruction by the word of God. Number three, Creed. In other words make a creed before the Lord that you from this day forth will refuse to worry by quickly taking every thought into captivity. Get some commnion elements and take them before the Lord sealingthe deal. We dont have to wait until were in church, were already a royal priesthood unto God(1 Peter 2:9) Now dont misinterpret or misunderstand what Im saying. Its good to take communion to take communion cooperately. its just that we dont have to wait to take it. We are priest unto God(Rev 1:6) Number four Concern. The reason I mention this final one is because there many that cloak worry under the label of concern. We all have to be caustious and careful about that. Its easy to do! Concern is like natural, however it can be quickly turned into worry in a nanosecond. So lets conclude by saying Worry is fears signal. We mustrealize that when were doing it, fear is AT WORK. Its objective is to create substance of the negative we dont hope for to happen.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
"Fear Tolerated, Is Faith Contaminated"
The above is a powerful quote regarding fear. In a prior blog we talked a little about the dangers of it. Fear was the open door of attack in the life of Job. We must be caustious and careful to resist it at every corner! Satan is the "spirit of fear" and God tells us in and through the mouth of James RESIST the devil and HE SHALL FLEE FROM YOU(Jms 4:7) Notice the word YOU! This word is the very understood subject of the whole verse. We must all understand that no one can resist fear for anyonelse except ourselves. We can pray and exort with the word, however ultimately the choice is ours whether we dig in our spiritual kleets and pull up are spiritual bootstraps and DO IT! Fear has the capability to contaminate our faith. The book of Mark gives us a powerful illustration. Jarius was a ruler in the synogogue. His daughter was very near death, ane he heard of Jesus and bid him to go to his house and heal her. At that time the woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowd touching the hem of his garment. Jesus turned around and said WHO TOUCHED ME? now let me pause to ask a question and make a statement. Are delays denials? Could've Jarius been bothered by getting into fear? The answer is ASOLUTELY! However Jesus tells Jarius a most profound word in season FEAR NOT, BUT BELIEVE ONLY(Mark 5:36) Just because theres a delay doesent mean theres a denial. Danial found this out in praying for twenty one days in a row resisting the prince of persia withstanding him. Will there be attempted obstacles that come to try to twart the answer? YES! We have to be bold and brave and fling the sword of the spirit under the unction of annointed prayer until theres breakthrough. The angel came to Danial telling him for the first day you chastened your heart before God He heard and answered, but the prince of persia was withstanding(Dan 10:12-14) Even through Danial was dealyed, HE WAS NOT DENIED! When jesus told Jarius this it became a steadfast anchor of hope to his soul. Would this word from Jesus be a walkway that Jarius needed to stay free from the contamination of faith? Yes! We see it as the story unfolds. Two of his helpers come saying Trouble not the master, thy daughter is not sleeping but DEAD. Than they get into his house and people were there and Jesus says that the girl is not dead, but sleeping. The people there began to mock and JESUS PUT THEM OUT(Mark 5:40) We stated earlier that fear is TRANSFERABLE. We must resist and be willing to seperate ourselves from that atmosphere ASAP! Gurad the gates and dont allow reports of fear to come into your ears. The Lord said to me one time Brian "Theres one thing better than resisting and thats never having to resist."! Isint it true that we so can make things harder on ourselves. Jesus said that his yoke is easy and burden light(Matt 11:30), however its what we allow ourselves to be subject to that makes things hard. Why did Jesus act in these two circumstances in that way to protect Jarius faith? Its because it was dependant upon his faith whether the miracles was going to happen. This girl had not yet gotten to the place where faith was developed enough to recieve on her own. While children are at that level, parents can use their faith for them. However the season in which that can be done varies. It depends on how much word that child gets taught and understands. Once light comes, were responsible to walk in it. So Jarius faith had to be preserved against the assualt of fear. Fear is not just outright panic. There are different shades and when its operative will be dangerous. "Torment is the dashboard confessional of fear" when theres something knawing and crawling with ya, like some sort of fear, ITS AT WORK! The enemies obejective at that point is to get us to ACT ON IT! We can feel fear without yielding to it! Well Jarius resisted and RECIEVED! We will too! in closing lets the answr the question is A little fear ok? There are many that think the answer is a resounding YES! The bible provides a list in the book of Revelation The fearful and unbelieving and the abominable, murderers, whoremongerers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire(Rev 21:8) Notice what tops the list. FEAR. So saying that a little fear is ok is like saying that a little whoremongering is ok. now were talking here about the spirit of fear here,not the fear of the Lord. They are completely different. This is so important because you'll here people say that everyone gets afraid NOT TRUE! feelings of fear dont equal actions of fear! we can feel alot of things and refuse to act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the next blog by Gods grace and direction, we'll discuss some of the biggest deadly fears.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Determing The Will Of God Pt. 5 Fighting For The Family Pt 4 "The Channel Called Communication"
In this final blog pertaining to determing the will of God concerning family were going to discuss the channel of communication. Our families are precious and important in the plan of God. He began it with adam and eve and continued it through Abraham and through him all familes of the earth would be blessed. However we seen through the mouth of Nehemiah that we were going to have to put on the whole armor of God and FIGHT FOR THE FAMILY(Neh 4:14) The other blogs in the series we dived into detail on why we have too and how to do that. In one of them we touched on communication. We are going to pick up and piggy back off that point. Listen to this statement "communication begins where there is understanding" When it doesent exist, communication has not yet begun. The Lord said to me one time Brian, its not about communication, its all about how you communicate" He went onto say "always communicate affectionally and effectively" There are two majior types of communication VERBAL & NON VERRBAL. We are going to talk about both. First Verbal. There are four things that the bible instructs us about words. Before we touch on that, we must answer the question.. Why are words so powerful? The reason is because we've been made in the image and likeness of God, and when he created the heaven and earth HE SAID and HE SAW WHAT HE SAID! We are also creating things with our words too. Words build or break, heal or hurt, purify or pollute, and edify or crucify. There is creative supernatual substance behind them. Its one of the reasons Jesus tells us that we will give an account on the day of judgement for every IDLE word(Matt 12:36) What is an idle word? Its a word that we did'nt have control of. God said through the mouth of James that we are able to bridle and steer our words just like a horse or ship(Jms 3:2-4) God talks about this in and through the mouth of Paul in the book of Ephesians Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth except that which is good for the use of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearer(Eph 4:29) Its one of the biggest things that seperates us from all species, WE ARE SPEAKING SPIRITS!!! We must ask ourselves the question What kind of substance am I releasing through my words? Ok four things about our words in communication. Number one, "What we say". The bible talks about the perfect word FITLY spoken being like apples of gold in pictures of silver(Prov 25:11) We live in a world that people are swift to speak instead of being SLOW to SPEAK as were admonished by the Lord in and through the mouth of James. We let our words get way ahead of our hearts in a hurry. The bible declares in the book of Proverbs In the multitude of words, theres sin(Prov 10:19) The bible declares in the book of Ecclestiasties A fool is known by the multitude of words(Ecc 5:3) The bible goes onto say in the Proverbs Even a fool that HOLDETH HIS PEACE IS CONSIDERED WISE(Prov 17:28) What we say can be the difference in converting a potential mountain into a pleasent moehill that just needs breathed onto to be cast into the depths of the sea! Number two, "If you say". In order to find this out, its gonna take some time LISTENING! Remember when we touched on this, one thing that the lord brought out was our relationship with him needs to be ninety percent listening and ten percent talking. the Lord said to me Brian "Theres SACREDNESS IN SILENCE." God said Be STILL and KNOW that Iam God(Psalm 46:10) Will we find some things out in the secret place? YES! God says that HE LEADS US BESIDE THE STILL WATERS(Psalm 23:2) Number Three, "When we say" When it comes to the time that we have what the Lord wants us to say, its than all about the RELEASE. God in the book of Psalms correlates words with the likeness of an arrow. A arrow once shot cannot be brought back! Our words function exactly the same. Its the reason God says in and througth the book of James our tounge is the littlest member that boasts of great things and is set on fires of Hell Behold how great a little fire KINDLETH(Jms 3:5) Another translation says "a little spark burns down the whole forrest" We must be caustious and careful that we DO NOT get forceful with our words. You know what Im talking about? YOU ARE GOING TO ANSWER ME! LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU! The bible gives us two powerful and profound exaples and illustration about this in the book of Proverbs.Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood, SO THE FORCING OF WRATH BRINGETH FORTH STRIFE(Prov 30:33) The Lord has in prior blogs brought out the fact that Strife IS the very MANIFEST PRESENCE OF THE DEVIL" The enemy will bring suggestions to stir up and notice the phrase three times in this one verse BRINGETH FORTH! When we force & demand this is strife and it will be attatched to EVERY EVIL WORK(Jms 3:16) The second illustration and example in the book of Proverbs He that meddleth with strife not belonging to them, is like grabbing a dog by the ears(Prov 16:27) Now get the picture.. We aint talking to a sweet cuddily puppy, were rferring to a throthing foaming of the mouth PITBULL! Finally, "How we say" The bible declares Sweetness of the LIPS INCREASETH LEARNING(Prov 16:21) Now think about this, the more sweeter our lips the more of a greater opportunity there is that what we said SHALL BE RECIEVED! The bible declares A SOFT ANSWER TURNS AWAY WRATH(Prov 15:1) Now, NON-VERBAL. Our body as a language! Its sending signals everyday to everyone. God said through the mouth of Paul that we are his written epistles and ambassadors(2 Cor 3:2, 2 Cor 5:20) our body language is like a mirror reflecting an image. What image are we made in? The IMAGE OF GOD! Lets REFLECT it in the name of JESUS!!!!!!!!!!! Lets continue thank God for the victory that comes by FIGHTING FOR THE FAMILY!
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