Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Greater Glory
The above was a phrase that bthe Lord burned nin and through his conduent and container Bro Hagin Jr. The glory of God is his precious presence and we've been made partakers of it. Its already in greater manifestation and its going to continue to increase and intensify! Jesus said that we bwould do greater works than he did because he went to the Father(John 14:12) The glory of God is going to be the enabling factor in our participation of the greater works. The bible declares that one of the greatest requests ever placed before the master was from Moses. He said in the book of Exodus Lord show me your GLORY. He later said Where can we go without your mpresence? When Moses went down from the mountain, his face shined as bright as the noonday sun! There had to be a veil placed oveer his head so that the brightness thereof would not hurt the people. God said through the mouth of Isiah Arise shine for thy light hath come and the GLORY OF THE LORD HAS RISEN UPON THEE and it SHALL BE SEEN of men and the gentiles(those that be outside the covenant) shall RUNINTO IT! In the midst of this outpouring of glory there shall be evangelisim on a worldwide scale. The Lord said in and through mouth of Haggai The GLORY of THE LATTER HOUSE shall BGE GREATER than the FORMER(Haggai 2:8) We are the house that hes talking about. God said in and through the mouth of Peter that bwe are living stones built up unto a spiritual house(1 Peter 2:5) Now lets look at some instances of glory from below sending glory from above. First is like "the ultimate" JESUS! In the book of Matthew we find him being baptised in the Jordan river. The bible says he WENT UP FROM THE WATER, than the HEAVENS OPENED(Matt 3:16) Glory from beneath, glory from above! Second, Soloman WHEN MADE AN ENDING TO HIS PRAYING, The FIRE CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN(2 Chron 7:1) The third, Elijah after poouring the twelve barrels full of water on the sacrifice cried out to the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob, AND THE FIRE FELL CONSUMING THE SACRIFICE(1 Kings 18:38) The final illustration is in the book of Acts. The bible declares These all continued in one accord IN PRAYER SUPPLICATION(Acts 1:14) and when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord in one place and SUDDENLY there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind that FILLED the HOUSE where they were sitting and and there appeared unto them cloven tounges of fire and it SAT ON EACH OF THEM(Acts 2:1-3) Now I want to share with you a word the Lord birthed and breeded in and through Bro. Copeland. Well what about 09 shall it be a time of darkness? Or shall it be a place where the glory shines? The glory has come and things in 09 that you thought were never ever coming to pass are going to happen so smoothly and easily your going to say my my my I dont see why I was ever disturbed about that. Why glory to God. and its going to increase increase and increase and before the end of 09 you wont be able to recognize yourself of your nation because the spirit of the living God will moving in ways that you've only dreamed about up till now. and you'll be on your way to more wonderful and greater things. Thats the word of the Lord that came to me. Let me give you a verse that tells us the importance of recieving such words given by unction of the HolySpirit. The book of second Chronicles tells us Believe the word of God and we shall be established, BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS and we SHALL PROSPER(2 Chron 20:20) We must get our eyes ears and mouths goin on this rhema word daily! In closing God is calling each of us not only to be a participant of the glory but also a adminster of it. the book of second Corinthians declares Do we again commend ourselves? or need we as some others epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you? ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye manifestly declared to bethe epistle of Christ MINISTERED by us WRITTEN NOT WITH INK, but WITH THE SPIRITOF THE LIVING GOD NOT IN TABLES OF STONE, BUT IN FLESHLY TABLES OF THE HEART. and such trust have we through Christ to GOD ward not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency IS OF GOD WHO HATH MADE US ABLE MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTEMENT NOT OF THE LETTER BUT OF THE SPIRIT: FOR THE LETTER KILLITH, BUT THE SPIRIT GIVETH LIFE But if the MINISTRATION of death written and engraven in stones was glorious so that the children of israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses......(2 Cor 3:1-7) In other words the glory that was on Moses that was so potent that it had to be cloaked and covered pails in comparison to the glory thats on us!!! Notice the word MINISTRATIOn throughout this portion. Hes calling us to be distribution centers of HIS GLORY! This goes along with the prior blog because He has bto be able to trust as with his glory. This comes through growth. In the next blog we'll talk about how to prepare ourselves to be that sancturary of glory in JESUS name
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