Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Determing The will Of God pt 4 Fighting For The Family Pt 3 "The Three Manifestions Of Fear"
In the last blog we talked about the four Kings that attacked Abrahams family. each one represents a principality and power. Will the enemy attempt to attack our families? YES! However just as Abraham used a sword to defeat these kings, likewise we have a sword, the word of the living God! Now we left off talking about the final king representing fear. Lets begin in this blog talking about Job. As the book opens we find him making sacrifices. Each one of them was on behalf of his family. The thing was that not one of them was made in FAITH. Job said himself that The thing he GREATLY FEARED CAME UPON HIM(Job 3:25) Fear is not just an emotion, its A SPIRITUAL FORCE! It operates just like faith only in the opposite direction. Think about the amount of parents that sit and fear about their children. Is that fear creating an inroad where the devil can gain access to them?? The answer is absolutely! Now remember theres a difference between temptation and sin. I did'nt say that we would not be tempted to fear or worry, but just because were tempted dont mean that we need to yield to it thus giving it a place. i mean there are parents that wont let their kids do anything because of it. Look you can keep them behind closed walls guarded by men with guns and IT WILL NOT KEEP THE DEVIL OUT if fear is there! satan is the spirit of fear! God said through the mouth of paul that We as believers have NOT BEEN GIVEN THE SPIRIT OF FEAR(2 Tim 1:7) Lets start talking about how and where fear manifests. Number one, THE MIND. There was a story of a hobo that slipped into a banana car to steal a ride into the next city. Well, he fell asleep and when he had awoken there was a crawling that began to occurr on his hands and face. He struck a match and found that there was a massive taransala all over him! The match went out and he was consumed with PANIC. The next morning after he was released he was a complete maniac. It wasent because he was hurt or harmed, its because the spirit of fear got into his mind causing him to become MAD! our mind is like the bullseye of satans target. In the last blog we talked about the fact that TORMENT is always attatched to fear. We need to use torment as a dashboard confessional on our souls. Anywhere it exists treat it as a "check engine light" Its like woe, woe, that AINT RIGHT! Immediately we must go into resistence mode. When we allow that thought of fear to stay, more suggestions will come until it develops an imagination. The process is decribed in the book of second Corinthians. Casting down EVERY IMAGINATION bringing EVERY THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY(2 Cor 10:5) Now thoughts turn into imagination. what is an imagination? its a word picture. If I say the word DOG, the letters dont flash on your mind the IMAGE of a dog appears. you see as long as we let certain thoughts dominate our thinking they turn into an imagination and the picture gets more and more into descriptive detail. Can wrong(or vain imaginations) impact and influence? YES! In the book of Genesis were given a port folio of Noahs generation. It declares that every imagination of their hearts were evil continually(Gen 6:5) and than it goes onto say that the WHOLE EARTH WAS FILLED WITH VIOLENCE(Gen 6:11) In other words thoughts turned into actions and the people BECAME whet they imagined! Jesus said out of the heart PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS...(Matt 15:19) Than he dives into a list of other things, but the point is that they all began with a thought. When we think a thought were like well on our way toward doing it! Theres a saying that goes "We cant keep the birds from flying around our heads, but we can keep them from building a nest in our hair!" When thiughts of fear come, dont dwell on them and give it the potential to turn into an imagination. God said through the mouth of Paul Whatever is honest just pure lovewly and of a good report, THINK ON THESE THINGS(Phil 4:8) Well thoights of fear is certainly not thinking on the good report! I so love this because God like litterally gives us a checklist, just like a pilot is given for the plane that hes about to fly. We need to judge each of our thoughts according to the list! Number two, ASSOCIATIONS. fear is transferable!!! A pround illustration of this is found in the book of Numbers. God gave that first generation of believers the land. Moses sent twelve spies into it to get a feel for the terrain. Ten of the twelve brought back and "evil report" now think about what we just saw in the book of Phillipians. What report are we to be thinking upon? The "GOOD REPORT" This was a report of fear! Are there alot of reports of fear going on? Absolutely! We must understand that its our choice which report we'll believe. God said through the mouth of the prophet Isiah Who hath believed the REPORT of the LORD(Isiah 53:1) Does God dig us believing his report? YES YES YES! Because without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE GOD(Heb 11:6) Now as a result of the evil report given by the ten spies, two million died in the wilderness from the ages of twenty and up. was fear transferable? Yes! The lord said to me one time, Brian "GUARD THE GATES" the two biggest our are eyes and ears! its where ALL DATA is prcessed! were Josua and Caleb looking and listening to something different? YES! They looked at god not the giants and they listened to the promise not the pessimism of the ten spies! We must be caustious and careful to get away from fear and the reports that bring them. Dont be fooled into thinking that a little leaven cant leaveneth the WHOLE LUMP! I dont care how strong we think we are, staying away from it is what keeps us strong! Finally, number three-Self fulfilling prophecy. Job said the thing he greatly feared came upon him. We can feel fear withouyt expressing fear! How do we often express? Our words! The bible says in the book of Proverbs thou art snared by the WORDS OF OUR OWN MOUTHS(Prov 6:2) The bible declares in the book of Psalms about people saying Our lips are our own, Who can Lord over us?(Psalm 12:4) Is Jesus the Lord over our lips? The bible says in the book of Hebrews that Christ is the HIGHPRIEST of OUR CONFESSION(Heb 3:1) does are words give him something to work with? YES! Jesus said that by our OWN WORDS we'll be justified and by OUR OWN WORDS, we'll be condemned(Matt 12:37) Its all up to us! The Lord said through the mouth of James that we are the governor of our own words(Jms 3:2,3) Remember what Jesus said in the book of Matthew? Until now, there hasent arisen any greater than John The Baptist, He that is LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OG GOD IS GREATER THAN HE(Matt 11:11) Jesus is saying something simple but SUPER! We are the prophets of our own lives!!!!!!!!!! What are you prophesying? Good or bad, light or darkness? Faith of Fear? Its ALL up to us! Lets learn from Job and understand that fear is a self fulfilling prophecy.
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