Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Power Of Desire "Focused Like Flint"
In the last blog we began talking about the power of desire. It is a penetrating and powerful force that will push and propel us forward especially in the midst of seemingly impossible condition and circumstance. We talked about the woman with the issue of blood, blind Bartimaus, and the paralytic man whose four friends brought him down through the tiling of the ceiling. What was the momentum that caused a channel of Gods enduing and enabling power to surge into each of those situations? DESIRE! We finished with talking about deligence, determination and discipline. Today we are going to talk about being focused like flint. Desire will be something that will help us to do it. We live in a world that is full of distraction and will attempt to captivate and capture. However He wants us zeroed in on the very word that hes spoken to us and continue to be nutured on the words of faith peertaining to it. Loss of focus can come very easily when not careful and caustious. Consider Peter, hes like walking on the water toward Jesus and when the waves began to boistfully blow it got his attention. He sank like a brick! Ahab a king who had everything that ones mind could possibly phatom. One day he sees nabods vineyard and was immediately distracted. It lead to deep depression because it consumed his thoughts night and day. The thing is that it should have never been a blimp on the radar screen! Martha and Mary are getting the house ready for Jesus visitation. Martha gets encumbered and troubled, while Mary is like chillin in the corner sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to his word. The point is there was a loss of focus. In the book of Hebrews we find how important focus was in the completion of the desire of the son of God. For the joy THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM, HE ENDURED THE CROSS(Heb 12:2) In the book of Phillipians Paul by the spirit makes an awesome and amazing statement THIS ONE THING I DO(Phil 3:13) That phrase totally sums up focus! The Lord in and through the mouth of James warns us of being divided and double in our hearts and minds(Jms 4:8) What can we do to stay focused like flint? Number one, Time. There is no substitute when it comes to time with him. Its there that he breathes his breathe of life upon the desires that hes placed and put in us. Remember that hes called a consuming fire!!!(Heb 12:29) He knows how to kindle a flame. All it takes is one blow of his ressurrection life to come into it getting it back to focus. Lets go back to what Jesus said about Mary, She has CHOSEN THE BEST PART(Luke 10:42). Notice it was her CHOICE. How much time we're willing to invest is always up to us. The word is quick and powerful and gives birth to images within our spirit man. Jesus said that his words are spirit and life(John 6:63) We are a spirit we have a soul and we live in a body. The desires of our hearts our sustained in our spirits. Thats a big reason that time in the word perrtaining to it is imperative. Number two, Talking. We need to be confessing them to the Lord on a daily basis. Theres a two fold thing that happens. As we do it, our words are like arron boys released into the very atmosphere. When Danial was praying twernty one days, remember what the angel said to him? From the first day that you chasten yourself before him God he heard you. WE HAD NEED OF YOUR WORDS(Dan 10:12-14) Does God have need of our words? Absolutely. Christ is called the HighPriest of our confession(Heb 3:1) Jesus said we shall have what we say(Mark 11:23) the other purpose of talking is that our tounge litterally becomes like a pen thats writing that desire deep within our spirit where the springs of life are. In the book of Psalms God calls our tounge the PEN OF A READY WRITER(Psalm 45:1) Its not important that we do this talking before other people. They are for our BENEFIT and BLESSING! Number three, Thanksgiving. It will keep us focused! Thanksgiving ius like the lid on the jar of our faith. Its the highest form of faith, cause we are thanking him for something that has yet to manifest and materialize. The bible declares in the book of Phillipians Be careful for nonething, but by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING(Phil 4:6) The bible says that when we refuse to stay in a state of thanksgiving our understanding will become darkened(Rom 1:21) This is what happened to Ahab. He became unthankful over all the other vineyards he owned. It will stunt and possibly stop ous desires before him from being fulfilled. The children of Israel get into it. They stayed in the wilderness for for forty years when it should have been an eleven day journey into the land of promise. The book of Corinthians tells us that it was written for our admonition to be like FORGET THAT! Im not going to have an attitude of INGRATITUDE and forfeit my desires. What were they focused on? Not Gods goodness and glory. Mary and Martha at the tomb of Lazarus. Were they thankful when Jesus arrived? NO. Martha was like If you had come earlier, he would'nt have died(John 11:21) what did Jesus say If you BELIEVE shouldest thou not see the GLORY OF GOD(John 11:39) Believing is a big part in the fulfillment of our desires. What is like proof that we are believing? We find it in the book of Romans The God of hope fill you JOY and PEACE IN BELIEVING(Rom 15:13) We said some time ago that enthusiasim and excitement are the byproducts of expectation. Show me expectency, I'll show exilerated and exzuberant THANKS! Keep FOCUSED LIKE FLINT!
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