Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Power Of Desire
In this blog the lord has quickened to me to talk about desire. It is a powerful force that will propel and push through any attempted opposition. Often when the word has been used its been in a negative light. Its been talked about pertaining to the flesh. However desire is a fire that is birthed by the giving of the promise from the word of God. Jesus said Whatever we DESIRE when we pray believe ye recieve and you shall have them(Mark 11:24). It according to the master is an important and intrical element in prayer. When we chasten ourselves before him this great fire ought to be beaming from our very bosom. Think about the desire of the woman with the issue of blood. It was when she had heard of Jesus that she began to press into the crowd surrounding her. What was the motivating momentum? DESIRE! Blind Bartimaus a beggar along the side of the road. He hears that Jesus is passing by, and began to cry out saying JESUS thou son of David have mercy upon me. The people began telling him to hold his peace but HE CRIED OUT EVEN MORE! What caused him to do so? DESIRE! The woman had the issue of blood for twelve years. Maybe you've been in the midst of a condition and circumstance for a long time. I want you to understand by the spirit of God it CAN CHANGE in a short period of time. In such situations it can be tempting to say well its been so long and accept it as a lot. Remember back to our recent series on the abundant life? One of our messages was the cost of it being PATIENCE. Whats the fuel between amen and here it is? DESIRE! Glory To God!!! In the book of Luke there was a paralytic man that was taken by his four friends through the tiling of the roof to get to Jesus. Desire never stops until it gets to the completion and culmination! In the book of Psalms the bible says that God gives us the DESIRES of our hearts as we delight ourselves in Him(Psalms 37:4) I believe that God is into DEEP DESIRE! Hes like deep calleth unto deep and he puts TRUTH in our inward parts!!!! He knows our deepest desires that the word birthed. Hes well pleased when we like a bulldog bite bown on the bone of it!!!!!!!! Winston churchill "once said that a nose of a bulldog is slanted back so that it can bite and breathe without turning loose!" So how can we keep the fuel of sdesire fanned? Number one, Deligence. We have to aggresively go after those things that we are desiring. Whether its a closer relationship God, Healing in our bodies, restoration in our relationships, or financial freedom. In order to be deligent we must be careful and caustious what we allow into our hearts. God said that out of our hearts shall flow the forces of life(Prov 4:23). What are the channels that travel into it? Eyes ears and mouth. We must be deligent to stay away from whatever could possibly could snuff out that desire like a smoltering flax. We have to be deligent to be in the word daily, specifically the areas and arenas your believing him for. The word is to our spirit as food is to our body. its the reason Jesus uses a physical term to convey a spiritual thought. Men shall not live by BREAD alone, but BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD. Jesus also said Give us this DAY our DAILY BREAD(Matt 6:11) If your only in the word on Sundays, it will not feed that desire on the inside of yourself. Now when the word is pouring out it could potentially seem mononous. I want you to know althrough it goes in like water, it'll come forth like WINE!. When Jesus had the people fill the waterpots at the wedding of Canan, it was water but it BECAME WINE! Keep on a daily basis feeding that desire and althrough it seems like water it'll be turned to wine! The bible says the word is QUICK AND POWERFUL(Heb 4:12) Its placing power of the inside of you every time you meditate and speak it out of your mouth. Number two, Determination. The enemy will attempt to cause the desire to dwindle and eventually disappear. So its going to take determination to cling to the desire no matter what devilsh scheme or strategy is planned to put it out. The Lord said through John greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4) How many you know the Holyspirit is in you and puts desires on the inside of you. when that desire becomes developed enough it'll be so big that no matter whats going on in the outside you'll not be moved by it. Abraham clinged with determination to the promise, Noah with determination clinged to the desire even in the midst of a whole generation mocking. Nehemiah with great determination passed out swords to half the hands of the people and bricks to the other half in building the walls of Jerusalem. Number three Disipline. God said in and through the mouth of Paul that this Christian walk of ours is like a race and only one recieves the prize and its the one thats NOT AIMLESSLY BEATING THE AIR(1 Cor 9:24-26) In other words we are to be running with desire like an advanced athlete thats not moved by pressure or potential problem. its because we have an expected end, a goal that he himself has placed and put into our heart. Keep the fire of DESIRE burning bright and the blessing will come upon you with all its MIGHT!
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